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No one really knows the origins of the human race. Many say that humans are the result of breeding between the Four Families. Others say that humans are the base stock from which the Four Clans evolved. No one really knows and only the philosophers care. Humans can be part of any of the Four Families and they are the common racial thread that runs through all three political parties.

Cardonia Humans do not possess their own racial clan.  Instead they are scattered among all four clans. It is the nature of the human race that they can be born into any other humanoid race and can also give birth to any other humanoid.  
In the Heart Clan, a human birth is considered a burden.  A pure blood elf or even half-elf is much prefered. The short lived human has a hard time bonding with elven siblings which develop more slowly, but ordinarily live hundreds of years longer.  Humans are often scorned or pitied and forced into humble occupations.  The one exception to this is the armed forces in which a human born to a heart family can aquire great glory and status in his or her clan.
In the Diamond Clan, the oversized human child has trouble fitting into halfling and gnome communities.  He or she is prized for their greater strength and speed, but have trouble in the classic tumbling and spell casting games of their fellows. Human children often become bullies and beasts of burden in Diamond society, but they often leave their families to join the larger world.
In the Club Clan, a human is weaker but more intelligent than his siblings.  Humans are often pick on in a society that prizes neither intellectuals or weaklings.  Human born to the Club Clan often become the most jingoistic in an effort to prove their worth, or become sneaks and schemers that avoid direct conflict.
In the Spade Clan, a human struggles to thrive in the dour dwarf community.  A human child often rebels against his dwarven parents repressive domination by acting out.  Many humans of the Spade Clan are drawn to music, art, and dance to express his feelings.  Rarely will a full sized adult human find comfort and acceptance within dwarven communities. 
The isolation and dissaproval many humans feel in Cardonia leads many into rebelion.  By far humans are the most common race in the "Wild" political party. 

Human Heritage Feats

Not all mixed heritage characters have a dramatic expression of their ancestry (such as the Half-Elf and Half-Orc). Racial Heritage Feats are only available as the “initial” feats (1 or 2) of the character at creation. Each provides a minor ability of an ancestor or a unique improvement through genetic blending. Additionally, any person with one of these feats is likely to have physical traits that correspond with it. Pointed ears, sharpened canines, oddly colored eyes, heavy facial hair, or odd skin color would all be indications of a mixed heritage. A character with one of these feats is still considered to be "human" in regards to race and magic effects.
Requirements: 1st level of exp.                                                              Benefits: +2 to save versus any fear effect

Requirements: 1st level of exp., WIS: 12+
Benefits: Choose any three cantrips.   Each is cast once per day as a Sorcerer (1st Level).

Large Stature
Requirements: 1st level of exp. 
Benefits: Size level increase by one category (all size based benefits and penalties apply)

Night Runner
Requirements: 1st level of exp.
Benefits: Gains low light vision or his racial night vision is triple instead of double range.

Pitch Black
Requirements: 1st level of exp. 
Benefits: Gains Dark Vision (60ft) or adds sixty feet to his normal range.

Sharp Ears:
Requirements: 1st level of exp.
Benefit: +2 to all Listening Checks and can hear high pitch sounds like a dog whistle.

Sharp Eyes:
Requirement: 1st level of exp.
Benefit: +2 to Search Checks and can notice secret passages if he passes within 5ft.

Sharp Nose:
Requirements: 1st level of exp.
Benefit: +2 to Alchemy Checks and can purchase the Scent Feat if is WIS is 13+.

Silent Feet:
Requirements: 1st level of exp. 
Benefit: +2 racial bonus to Move Silently.

Small Stature:
Requirements: 1st level of exp. 
Benefits: Reduce size level by one step (All size based bonuses and penalties apply).

Steel Soul
Requirements: 1st level of exp. 
Benefits: +2 to save versus any Enchantment spell

Stone Heart
Requirements: 1st level of exp. 
Benefits: Character gains the stone-cunning ability or increases the bonuses he possesses to +3.

Madness Feats:
Insanity is extremely common in Wonderland. The cause is unknown, but many find strength and refuge in madness in a world they have little influence over or protection from. Insanity provides a release from unbearable wounds of the spirit and body. Of course, some illnesses are self-inflicted from guilt or narcotic additions.

It is said that the Patron watches over mad men and fools.
Requirements: None
Benefits: The character gains a +1 luck bonus to all her saving throws.
Penalties: Suffers from an extreme phobia. Every time the character confronts her fear she must attempt Will save versus a DC of 10 plus the CR of the creature(s) or be panicked for 1d4 rounds. Roll 1d20 to determine her phobia type.
1. Dysmorphophobia: Fear of Aberrations
2. Zoophobia: Fear of Animals
3. Automatonophobia: Fear of Constructs
4. Dracophobia: Fear of Dragons
5. Elementophobia: Fear of Elementals
6. Caligynephobia: Fear of Fey
7. Megalophobia: Fear of Giants
8. Androphobia: Fear of male humans
9. Gynophobia: Fear of female humans
10. Microphobia: Fear of “small” Humanoids (Halflings, Gnomes, etc.)
11. Geronotophobia: Fear of old Humanoids (Elves, Dwarves, etc.)
12. Bogyphobia: Fear of Bogeymen (Goblinoids, Orcs, Gnolls, etc.)
13. Mythophobia: Fear of Magical Beasts
14. Cacophobia: Fear of Monstrous Humanoids and ugly Humanoids
15. Blennophobia: Fear of Oozes
16. Xenophobia: Fear of Outsiders
17. Botanophobia: Fear of Plants
18. Morphophobia: Fear of Shapechangers and changing shape.
19. Necrophobia: Fear of the Undead
20. Arachnophobia: Fear of Vermin (specifically spiders)

The character is always fidgeting and impatient. She has greater agility at the expense of patience. The feat is in constant effect
Requirements: Dementia Feat, Tumble: 6, Balance: 6.
Benefit: +4 to all Tumble and Balance Checks.
Penalty: -2 to all Listen and Search checks.

The character is capable of great feats of strength and agility at the cost of wisdom for a limited time by indulging in utter panic and desperation.
Requirements: Dementia Feat
Effect: Once per day, the character can add +2 to STR and +2 to DEX at the expense of -4 to WIS for her CON modifier plus one round (minimum of one round). After this the character is fatigued for 1d6 rounds. While fatigued the WIS penalty remains but no bonus is given to STR and DEX.

Manic Focus:
The character blocks everything else out of her mind, to increase the chance of successfully completing a spell or skill.
Requirements: Dementia Feat, Combat Casting
Benefit: The caster can ignore the effects of death from massive damage and having less the zero hit points until her spell is completed. This effect only applies to attacks used to disrupt a
spell casting and does not prevent death from having -10 hit points or more. If the caster is struck by massive damage while casting her spell, after the spell is cast she still must make a Fortitude save or die as normal.

Flawed Soul:
The character has lost touch with reality, but her magical power has grown exponentially. 
Requirements: Dementia Feat, cast spells
Effect: The character takes a -2 penalty on all Will saves, but casts all her spells as if she her experience level was two levels higher.

Time for tea? 


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