Flora Sapiens
are living organisms, lacking voluntary motion, usually rooted to the soil. Flora
sapiens are the exception to this rule. They are sentient humanoid plants with
intellect and bipedal locomotion. Some believe that they are a natural evolution
of plant life. Others think they were created by arcane experimentation. Flora sapiens are most commonly found in areas of natural wilderness, but some live
within suburban greenhouses and city parks. Flora sapiens exist everywhere that
plant life can flourish.
Physical Description
sapiens are roughly humanoid and resemble the plants from which they evolved. They
are not as tall as full grown treants and most stand at 3ft to 9ft tall. Their
exact appearance is determined by the species of origin. Most flora sapiens have
two eyes, five fingered hands, at least one pair of arms, and a single pair of legs.
Instead of hair the creature has leaves or needles of green, red, orange, or yellow.
Instead of fingers or toes the creature has roots and fronds. The skin
can very from a waxy green to a crusty brown. If the creature sprouts flowers
they will be scattered about its body. Its eyes are usually yellow but can be
any shade of the rainbow.
Social Relations
sapiens vary in temperament and morality as much as any humanoid race. Most plant
people highly value natural purity of water and air. Many are part of druidic
circles and tribal societies. Evil druids resent the influence of mankind and
wish to hoard natural resources for themselves. Good druids seek to protect what
exists and educate mankind to respect nature. Flora sapiens often establish a
fixed territory that they defend from all comers.
Flora Sapient Creation
Creature Type
The creature
type of flora sapiens is Fey (Flora Sapient) and has the following qualities.
(Flora Sapient) Traits: As a fey creature, it is invulnerable to effects that specifically
target humanoids such as daze, charm person, enlarge person, reduce person, or hold person. A flora sapient
is immune to sleep effects and has low light vision. It also possesses
a +2 racial saving throw bonus against poison, polymorph, paralysis, and stunning attacks.
Flora sapiens are also vulnerable to any damaging effect that specifically targets plants such as blight as
well as “fey” specific effects. Unlike other plants the complex
nervous system of a flora sapient renders it vulnerable to critical hits, stunning, and paralysis.
Photosynthesis: Like all plants this creature relies on photosynthesis rather than food for sustenance. It still requires a normal ration of water every day and will begin to starve if denied direct daylight.
Rooted: The plant creature must stay inactive and rooted in soil for 4 hours per day to gain the nutrients
it requires to survive. This replaces the need for sleep.
Logic: Flora sapiens suffer a -2 penalty to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal,
and Sense Motive checks when dealing with animals rather than plants.
Acclimated: The flora sapien performs best in one specific temperature range. Every step away from its native climate the creature suffers a -1 penalty to all saving throw checks.
- Hot Climate: Blazing Temperatures (110* Fahrenheit or higher)
- Warm Climate: Summer Temperatures (80* to 110* Fahrenheit)
- Temperate Climate: Alternating Warm and Cool seasons.
- Cool Climate: Winter Temperatures (60* to 30* Fahrenheit)
- Cold Climate: Freezing Temperatures (30* Fahrenheit and below)
Native Camouflage: This species has a skin coloring which is so
suited to a particular terrain that they gain substantial Hide bonus when they are on their home turf. When within the confines
of a set type of terrain, a race with Native Camouflage gains a +8 Hide Bonus.
Terrain Types
Plains or Prairie
Armor Defoliation: Flora sapiens are naturally uncomfortable in
armor. When you wear any type of armor, decrease the armor’s maximum Dexterity
bonus by 2 and increase its armor penalty by 4. The plant fey can only wear body armor for a maximum of CON modifier hours
before it must make a Fortitude Save (DC = 10 + number of hours the armor is worn) each hour or the creature suffers -1 CON
Hit Dice
The hit
dice of the plant creature is determined by the character’s class. All flora sapiens are considered +0 ECL creatures.
Choose Your Attribute Modifiers
sapiens display a wide range of physical and mental attribute scores. When designing
your specific race, you can choose a single +2 bonus for one of your attributes, other than Strength, in exchange for a penalty
of -2 to another attribute. If you choose a +2 bonus for Strength attribute then
you must take a -2 penalty to two other attributes. The choice of attribute modifiers
should reflect the characteristics of the plant.
Choose Size
The size
of the flora sapiens is related to the size of the plant of origin. Potted plants,
flowers, and small tufts of vegetation become “Small” sized characters.
Bushes, hedges, and shrubs become “Medium” sized characters. Trees,
palms, and giant ferns become “Powerful Build” creatures.
Size: The plant fey stands 3ft +2d4in tall
and weighs 40 +2d4lbs. Its base land speed is 20ft. As a small creature the flora sapien must either take a -2 STR penalty or sacrifice its minor ability.
Size: This plant fey is the same height and weight as a standard human. Its base land speed is 30ft.
Powerful Build: You become as large as your size category allows
(8 feet tall for Medium Creatures). However, you function in many ways as if you were one size category larger. Whenever you
are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts,
and trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger when it is advantageous to you. You are also considered to be one size
larger when determining whether special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. You
can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty (for example, a Medium-size character with this mutation
can wield a Large weapon one-handed). This plant fey is pushing the envelope
for a medium creature, but it does not change in face or reach. It must wear
“large” sized armor and punches as a “large” creature. In exchange for a powerful build the creature
must sacrifice either 2 DEX points or lose its minor ability and all powerful build must wear “large” sized armor. The basic dimensions of a powerful build creature is 7ft +2d12in tall and weighs 200lbs
plus 3d6 x5lbs.
Choose Major Ability
The major
ability of the flora sapien is based on the species of origin of the creature. When
generating the plant race, pick one of the categories below.
Algoids are Aquatic subtype creatures formed from single cell organisms that feed by photosynthesis. This group includes algae, plankton, and diatoms.
Algoids live in either fresh or salt water and can be red, green, yellow, or blue in color. Algoids are Amphibious. They gain a Swim Speed equal to their
land speed, but creatures with this ability are only able to survive out of the water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution,
which they suffer the effects of drowning.
are created from deciduous trees which loose their leaves during the winter time. Autumnans
have expansive canopies that extend the reach of the character by five feet. Unfortunately,
Autumnans are slower than ordinary flora sapiens and suffer a -10ft penalty to all speed scores.
plants are the origin of Cactoids. Body spikes cover the creature and inflict
1d4 piercing damage on any creature that attempts to grapple or bull rush the cactoid.
come from ferns. Fearns are midway between fungi and plants. They reproduce by spores, but perform photosynthesis. These
ancient plants are the source of crude oil. The antiquity and beauty of ferns
grants them a +2 Leadership bonus if they acquire the Leadership feat.
are birthed from mushrooms, molds, and fungi. These are not plants and do not
perform photosynthesis. Instead they digest organic matter. Unlike other flora sapiens they don’t need sunlight and gain darkvision to 60ft, but have Light Sensitivity
(-1 AB in daylight conditions).
are the evolved form of grasses. Grass grows very quickly to recover from grazing
and fires. Bamboo, flowers, grains, and weeds are genetic variations of grass. Garideans have the “Stamina” talent and heal 2 hit points for each evening
of rest, 2 points of temporary ability damage per evening of rest, and awaken in half the normal time after being knocked
unconscious. In exchange for this rapid healing, the creature has a voracious
appetite and requires twice as much food and water as any other humanoid.
A palmyst
is an evolved palm. The shape of the palm trunk and leaves allow it to survive
tropical winds and sand storms. A palm tends to bend rather than break. Any palmyst can use its Escape Artist skill instead of Balance or Concentration skill
checks, but the maximum weight they can carry is reduced by 25%.
grow large bulbs or tubers. This group includes tulips, potatoes, peanuts, carrots,
and turnips to name a few. The deep extensive roots of this plant increase its
stability. An utuberan can take root to resist tripping attacks and bull rushing
(+10 bonus). Taking root is a swift action, but while rooted the character can’t
move and loses any Dodge bonus to its AC score. It takes the creature 1d4 rounds
to uproot itself.
are man-eating hybrids bred from carnivorous plants. Plant species of origin
include Venus fly traps, pitcher plants, and sun dews. Venusians gain the “Constrict”
special ability. A medium sized constrictor automatically inflicts 1d6+STR bonus
bludgeoning damage to any target it successfully grapples. Venusians must have
one pound of fresh, uncooked, humanoid flesh every two days or suffer -1d4 points of physical attribute damage that will not
heal until the creature is fed.
are a mass of vines, moss, or lichens. Vines cling to boulders, brick walls,
and other plants. Any flora sapiens derived from vines gains a climb speed equal
to one half its land speed.
Minor Abilities
Pick one
minor ability for the character that best represents the species of origin for your flora sapien.
Vines: The hybrid gains a +1 racial bonus when resisting disarming attacks.
Plant: This plant hybrid has no need of drinking water.
It gains all the water it needs while rooted in the soil.
Flowering: +1 DC bonus on any “Charm” spells you cast.
Blade: +2 racial bonus on “Combat Feint” skill rolls.
Hardwood: Increase your maximum carrying capacity by 25%
Herbal: +2 racial save bonus versus Necromancy spells cast on you.
Parasitic: +1 DC bonus on any “Death” spells you cast.
+2 on all Fortitude Saves from Massive damage.
Gains the “Use Poison” class ability (see Assassin).
+1 racial bonus on Bluff skill.
Mass: +2 stability bonus to resist bull rush and tripping attacks
Tolerant: The plant creature can drink both salt and fresh water without penalty.
Softwood: +1 racial bonus on Tumbling checks
Bark: A race with the Thick Bark trait has a dense bark or heavy waxy coating which
protects them from Hot and Cold seasonal temperatures. The thick skin prevents a race from being effected by material plane
environments of extreme heat or cold, negating any constitution damage which would be incurred from hostile temperature conditions.
Strange planar environments, such as the plane of fire or ice, are not resisted in any way by a heavy coating of this creature. The heavy coating interferes with the creature’s ability to react quickly and
inflicts a -2 penalty to initiative and Reflex saves.
Thorny: The thorns are a natural weapon that inflicts 1d3 slashing damage for medium creatures (1d2 for small
creatures and 1d4 for powerful build creatures).
+1 racial bonus on Tumble skill checks
Choose a Favored Class
Sapiens must choose a favored class which best embodies the qualities of the species of origin. Druid is a common choice as well as rogue, sorcerer, barbarian, and ranger; but any core class is available.
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