Mystics-At-Arms (Part 1) I recently acquired a book called Masters-of-Arms by - In it they describe various weapons specialists. The ones I found most intriguing were the fighters
who specialized in magic items; Cloak Fighter, Immovable Rod Master, Blinking Master (blinking ring), Rod of Lordly Might
Master, Telekinesis Master, and Testile Mercury Master. This inspired me to make my own Magic Object Masters.
Magic Object Masters The Weapon Master Prestige Class is very good for your martial weapon specialist, but it
doesn’t cover all types of “weapon” specialists. Some men at arms have stumbled across innocuous magic items
that can be used for deadly effect on the battlefield. Many ply their special skills as cat burglars, spies, and mercenaries. Below are a number of these special Prestige Classes.
Wand Duelist This weapon duelist has specialized in wielding wands. Unfortunately, many duelists
acquire the arrogance and ruthlessness of gunslingers and commonly engage in pointless duels and daredevilry. Many mages see
this class as a quick path to power, but it is also common to rogue magicians and bards who use the "Use Magic Device" skill
to widen their wand arsenal.
Requirements: Feats: Quick Draw, Lightning Reflexes, Craft Wand Skills: Concentration:
8 ranks, Sense Motive:8 ranks, Bluff: 8 ranks
Hit Dice: 1d6
Class Skills: Bluff (WIS), Concentration (CON), Craft (INT), Knowledge: Any (INT), Perform (CHA), Sense Motive (WIS), Spot (WIS), Use
Magic Device (CHA). Class Skill Points: 2 plus INT modifier per level
CLASS FEATURES: BAB: Same as Bard Saving
Throws: Same as Bard Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: No new proficiencies.
Class Level.....Special Abilities
to 10……......Gain one “Wand Ranged Weapon Feat” per Prestige Class level.
The character continues gains spell casting levels at half normal rate. Every two levels gained as a Wand Duelist count as
one spell-casting level in their main magic caster class, but gains no other abilities of that class.
ABILITIES: Wand Ranged Weapon Feats: At each level of Wand Mastery the character can choose one ranged weapon feat
that only applies to wands. Basic Choices Include: Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on
the Run, Mounted Archery, Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, and Zen Archery (S&F).
Additional Wand Feat Choices
Wand Focus (Special): +2 DC for all wand attacks
Evade Wand Blast (Special): Requirements: Dodge, Wand
Focus. Benefit: +2 saving throw bonus on any wand attacks from the target of your Dodge feat.
Counter Shot (Special):
Requirments: Precise Shot, Wand Focus, Lightning Reflexes, DEX: 15+. Benefit: The character can attempt to block an
opponents wand blast with their own wand blast. This requires a reflex check {DC= 10 plus opponents effective class level
(ECL)}. This can only affect a single attack in any single round and it can not be a suprise attack.
Piercing Wand
Blast (Special): +2 to penetrate spell resistance with ward attacks
Recharge Wand (Special): Requirements: Craft Wand,
Benefit: Instead of remaking a wand the character can simply spend the XP to create a wand and recharge a depleted
Detonate Wand (Special): Requirements: Knowledge (Arcane): 10, Benefit: The character sets the wand to
overload so that he can use it as a grenade (Range Increment: 10ft). The wand inflicts (# of Remaining Charges)d(Spell level)
force damage to a 5ft x 5ft area.
Paired Wands (Special): Requirements: Ambidexterity. Benefit: Fire from two
different wands for -2 to AB for each. (Same as TWF with two light weapons)
Ioun Stone Miser The Ioun Stone Miser is very conspicuous with his orbiting halo of Ioun
Stones. This fighter uses them not only for their granted powers but also as weapons for assault and defense. Commonly, these
masters represent fighters who value intelligence and wisdom as highly as dexterity and strength.
Requirements: BAB:
+5 Feats: Alertness, Expertise, Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Ioun Stones. Special: Must have access to Ioun
Stones, WIS: 13+, INT: 13+
Hit Dice: 1d10 Class Skills: Craft (INT), Concentration (CON), Knowledge: The Planes
(INT), Intimidate (CHA), Intuit Direction (WIS), Profession: Soldier (WIS), Listen (WIS), Spot (WIS), Search (WIS), Use Magical
Devices (CHA) Class Skill Points: 2 plus INT modifier
Class Features: BAB: Same as fighter Saves: Same as
wizard Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: No new armor or weapon proficiencies except for Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Ioun
Weapon: Ioun Stone
1d3 (All types), CRIT: x2
AC: 24, Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 10. Combat
Properties: The flight path of a ioun stone is not controlled by the body but by the mind. Instead of STR and DEX, WIS and INT modifiers are applied respectively to Damage and AB. For example: A
master with an INT: 14 and a WIS: 9 is -1 to damage but has +2 to AB.
Class Level......Special
Abilities 1 to 10... .........Gain one Ioun Stone Orbital Feat
Ioun Stone Orbital Feats Alter Orbital
Path (Special): Req: INT: 13+ The master can control the orbital path of an orbital so that he can use it to strike a target
and still remain in orbit around the master. While the master has an orbital circling him he is considered armed with a melee
weapon, and any attacks with an orbital take the place of any hand weapon attacks.
Empower Orbitals (Special): Req:
WIS: 13+ The orbitals gyrate around the master faster and
therefore strike harder. Subtract up to 5 from BAB and add it to the damage bonus.
Enlarge Orbital Path (Special):
Req: Alter Orbital Path. Benefit: The master can put the orbital in an extreme elliptical path which will stretch the
attack range of the orbital another 5ft to a max of 10ft so that it acts as a reach weapon. While the orbital is acting as
a reach weapon for the round it can not be used to attack closer targets.
Hurl Orbitals (Special): Req: Enlarge Orbital
Path, Empower Orbitals Benefit: The orbitals spin so fast that they break orbit and acts as a missile weapon. The range
increment of the missile is 50ft. Dull gray stones are usually used for this to prevent the loss of valuable stones.
Controlled Orbitals (Special): Req: Alter Orbital Path. Benefit: The number of orbital that can be actively controlled
is equal to the masters CHA modifier. Attacking with multiple orbitals is 6 AB with the primary orbital and 10 with each additional
Multi-orbital Adroitness (Special): Req.: Increased Controlled Orbitals, INT: 15+ The master is adept at
using all its orbitals in combat. Ignore the non-primary orbital penalty (-4) for all additional orbital attacks.
Fighting (Special): Req: Increased Controlled Orbitals, Multi-orbital Adroitness. Benefit: Each stone that is actively
controlled beyond one can make an extra attack in the melee round. Additionally the AB penalty for these additional attacks
is reduced by two. With both Multi-orbital feats the penalty is 4 AB on primary and each extra stone. For Example: A ISM with
an AB of +10 attacks with three orbitals as +6/+6/+6/+1 instead of +4/+0/+0/-1.
Orbital Shield (Special): Req: Alter
Orbital Path Benefit: Each stone that is actively controlled by the master grants a +1 AC armor bonus but risks damage
to the orbital(s). Roll for damage when the strike roll is greater than 10 but less that the masters AC. Every 15 points of
damage will destroy one orbital used in defense. As with hurled orbitals, dull gray stones are generally used for shielding.
Field (Special): Req.: Orbital Shield Benefit: In addition to protecting the master by blocking attacks as per Orbital
Shield, anyone who attempts an unarmed strike on the master suffers an attack of opportunity from one orbital. This attack
of opportunity is in addition to any by the master.
Orbital Whirlwind (Special): Orbital Field Benefit: Just like
a Whirlwind Attack, by sacrificing his usual full attack action the master can give one attack at full base attack bonus all
opponents within 5 feet.
Apt The Grease Apt
is skilled in using magic unguents to enhance grappling attacks and movement abilities. Most make use of oil of slipperiness,
but others make use of “grease” spells and magically “slick” armor. This class is favored by agile
fighters, rogues, and some monks. Sorcerer GSM commonly cast grease on themselves and also on the fighting ground to
maximize their skills. Commonly this PrC uses no weapons since they are hard to hold on to when oiled head to foot. Fighters
that use weapons employ locked gauntlets and spiked gloves and boots (treat as spiked gauntlets for both). Visually the best
example of this class is in the movie Getaway.
Requirements: Base Reflex Save: +3 Feats: Improved Unarmed
Strike, Prone Attack (S&F) (Or replace with Improved Trip) Skills: Escape Artist: 8, Balance: 8
Class Features: Hit
Dice: 1d10 Base Reflex Save: Same as fighter Saves: Same as rogue Skill Points: 2 + INT Modifier Class Skills:
Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Profession, Swim, Tumble Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: No new proficiencies.
Advancement: 1-10: Gains one “grease” feat per class level that only works in conjunction with a “grease”
spell effect Note: At first level the master also gains Uncanny Balance
Uncanny Balance (EX): The
master never has to make a Balance or Reflex check while moving on a surface affected by a “grease” spell or spell-like
Lightning (Special): Benefit: Add
10ft to foot speed Greased Charge (Special): REQ: Grease Feet, Benefit: Increase by half the normal charge distance
of the charter when greased (Generally for humans that would be 90ft) Hit’em Low (Special): REQ: Greased Charge,
Benefit: The character falls on his back just before collision to hit the target in the legs. If the master makes a successful
charge or bulrush, he can attempt a trip attack as a free action. The master ends this attack lying prone. Prone Foot
Sweep (Special): REQ: Prone Attack, Benefit: While lying prone the character can make can spin on his or her back and
make a trip attempt against everyone in his or her threat squares. This is a full round attack and takes the place of all
other attacks Pole Slide (Special): Benefit: By holding on to a pipe, post, pillar, column, rope, chain, or similar
object, the master can rapidly descend from any height without damage (treat as feather fall spell) Roll to Feet
(Special): REQ: Tumble: 5, Benefit: Stand upright as a free action. Reverse Hold (Special): REQ: Improved Grappling,
Benefits: On a successful escape artist check freeing the master from a pin, the master can attempt a pin of his or her own
as an attack of opportunity. Scissors Lock (Special): REQ: Reverse Hold, Benefit: A successful pin by the master
can be held by his or her legs freeing the arms to continue to attack or take other actions. In this hold both of the grapplers
are prone. Slide By (Special): REQ: Greased Charge, Benefit: With a successful tumbling roll (DC: 20), the master
can slide past his or her opponent(s) by sliding prone past them negating attacks of opportunity by them or attacks from the
master. This ability is limited to the range of the greased charge and the character is prone at the end of his action. Sliding
Grapple (Special): REQ: Hitem Low, Benefit: With a successful charge or bulrush and a successful trip attack, the master
on his next attack can attempt to grapple his opponent with a situational bonus of +2 in addition to the attack bonus versus
a prone target (usually +4).
The Cliff
Hanger is skilled in incorporating his or her magical climbing ability in combat techniques. This prestige class is most common
in urban settings and underground where the master can make use of the walls and ceiling. Most fighters rely on potions or
magic items (ie Spider Boots), but scroll using rogues and spell casters can also become proficient in this style. The drow
claim to have invented the technique, but no one knows who was the first master of spider climbing. A good tactic in fighting
the master is to cast "grease" on him. These characters are deadly rivals to the Greased Surface Masters.
Requirements: BAB:
+4 Feats: Run, Improved Bullrush Skills: Climb:8 Special: Must have access to spider climb spell.
Features: Hit Dice: 1d10 Base Attack Bonus: Same as fighter Saves: Same as rogue
Skill Points: 2 +INT Modifier Class
Skills: Balance, Climb, Craft, Jump, Profession, Tumble, Use Rope.
Level Advancement: 1-10: Choose one special spider
climbing feat per level.
Spider Climb Feats: Back to the Wall (special), REQ: Wall to Wall Jump, Benefit:
On a successful Jump check and spending a move equivlant action, the master can attempt to leap over his opponent using an
adjacent wall for leverage. If the character can leap far enough, he catches his opponent flat footed. The master must at
least be able to leap more than 5ft standing still.
Ceiling Drop (special), REQ: Spider Charge, Benefits: On
a successful charge, the master can use gravity to increase the damage of his charge by running down a wall at his opponent.
Add the fall's damage to the damage inflicted by the charge. If the charge fails, the master suffers full damage from the
fall with no saving throw.
Hold Tight (special), Benefit: The master can use his is spider climb ability to
increase his hold. Add a +2 supernatural bonus to resist disarm, disarm, and maintain his pins and grapples.
Your Position (special), Benefit: The master can use his "Climb" skill to resist being knocked prone, moved, or lifted
against his will. The DC of check is equal to his opponents STR score or attack roll(ie Bull Rush).
Spider Charge
(special): REQ: Run Anywhere, Benefit: You can charge in a straigt line even up a wall and across the ceiling.
Fall (special), REQ: Sticky Fingers, Benefit: By brushing against the wall with his hand and/or feet, the master can roll
a "Reflex Check" to negate any falling damage. The DC of the roll is equal to the number of feet fallen.
Fingers (special), Benefit: +4 to any check for Pick Pockets skill.
Stuck on You (special): REQ: Hold Tight,
Benefit: You cling to an opponent at least one size level larger than you on a successfull grapple attack. While clinging
you gain a +4 Cover bonus from all attacks and other opponents risk hitting your victim as well as you (50% chance).
Anywhere (special), REQ: Hold Tight, Benefit: The master can run on any floor, wall, or ceiling. A grease spell
will negate this ability and all other abilities of the master.
Wall to Wall Jump (special): REQ: Run Anywhere,
Benefit: On a successful Tumbling Check, the master can attempt on a successful jump to land on his feet on when traveling
from one horizontal surface to another. This feat is useful when the character has his hands full or weilding a large shield
and sword.
Stick Adept
Shift Stick Adept is trained to use the properties of the size alteration staff in combat. Though arcane study, the master
can manipulate the size of a S.A. Staff without expending staff charges. By quickly altering the size of the staff the master
can inflict surprise attacks and combat combinations. The most famous user of this style is the Monkey King of myth and legend.
This class is commonly taken by magic users and rogues with the Use Magic Device skill. This class is also common to tightrope
walkers and stage magicians for its theatrical aspects.
Additionally, the Enlarge and Reduce spells can be used in
a variety of ways. Cast on a person the spells can increase or reduce STR up to five points. If cast on a suit of armor the
victim is wearing the enlarge spell will increase the armor check of the suit by 50% (round up), and a reduce spell makes
armor more confining and negates any armor proficiency. If these spells are cast on a weapon, the size category as well as
the damage die changes by one rank (i.e. a long sword becomes large or small and is 1d10 or 1d6). Another use of these spells
is to jam or unjam a door by altering its size.
Requirements: BAB: +5 Feats: Weapon Proficiency: Club,
Staff, and War Club, Expertise, TWF. Skills: Knowledge: Arcane: 8 ranks, Use Magic Device: 8 ranks Special: Must have
a staff of size alteration and be capable of using it.
Class Features: Hit Dice: 1d8 BAB: Same as Fighter Saving
Throws: Same as Rogue
Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier per class level Class Skills: Balance (DEX), Bluff (CHA), Climb
(STR), Craft (INT), Escape Artist (DEX), Jump (STR), Knowledge: Arcane (INT), Profession (WIS), Tumbling (DEX), Use Magic
Device (CHA).
Level Advancement: 1st level: Bond With Staff, Rapid Resize, Choose one special feat
to 10th level: Your choice of one special feat per class level.
Special Feats/Techniques:
With Staff (SU): At first level, the master develops a strong spiritual bond with the staff and no longer needs to spend
a charge to alter the size of the staff. Altering any other object still requires expending a staff charge. Rapid Resize
(EX): At first level, you can alter the staff as a free action. Casting a spell with the staff still counts as a standard
action. This effectively makes the staff three different weapons: a club, a quarter staff, and a war club.
Feats: Heavy Blows (Special): Benefits: The master can increase the size and weight of his staff just before impact
to increase the damage of a blow by one die size (1d6 to 1d8).
Pole Vault (Special): Benefits: The master can
expand his staff during a jump to double his jumping distance on a successful tumble check (DC: 20)
Keep Away
(Special): Benefits: The master can protect his staff from sundering or disarming blows by shrinking it in size. The character
must make a Reflex check versus the attack roll of his opponent to do this successfully.
Long Blow (Special):
Benefits: By stretching his staff long and thin, the character can use it as a reach weapon inflicting one die size less damage
(1d6 to 1d4). After the blow the staff is reduced to normal to prevent over balancing. Dexterous Thrust (Special):
REQ: Heavy Blows, Benefit: By aiming the size increase of the staff outward, the staff can be used as a missile weapon and
substitute the DEX modifier for his STR. This attack inflicts damage as a heavy blow.
Magic Feint (Special):
REQ: Bluff: 8, Benefit: By altering the staff in mid-attack, the wielder can make a move equivalent feint followed by a weapon
blow. The altered speed and direction of the attack catches many opponents unaware.
Magic Feint Expertise (Special):
REQ: Magic Feint, Benefit: The master improves upon his technique and can now feint with the staff as a free action.
Balance (Special): REQ: Balance: 8, Benefit: By using the staff as a balancing prop the master can add a +10 circumstance
bonus to all balancing checks.
Two Hits With One Blow (Special): REQ: Dexterous Thrust, Benefit: By placing
the staff in club form between to adjacent targets then expanding it. The master can attempt to strike both with his staff
(A flat 1d6 to each). Roll one strike roll to compare against both AC values to determine if either blow hits.
Staff (Special): REQ: Long Blow, Benefit: By shrinking the staff to club size for the throw and then expanding it to war
club size at release, the master can inflict 1d8 with a range increment of 10ft.
Shield Gyro The flying
shield gyro has mastered the unusual weapon of a throwing returning magic spiked shield. This usual weapon is usually
merged with a magic shield defensive enchantment as well and represents a massive investment of time and money into this unusual
fighting form. This is most commonly a discipline of flashy gladiators and sun worshiping clerics and paladins. This idea is roughly based on an old video game and the movie exploits of a certain British secret agent.
Requirements: BAB: +5 Skills: Climb: 5, Craft (Armor Smith): 5, Jump: 5, Tumbling: 5, Use Rope: 5 Feats:
Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus: Spiked Shield, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot Other: Must possess an enchanted throwing,
returning, spiked shield.
Class Skills (Gain 2 points per class level): Climb, Craft, Profession, Tumbling, Use Rope.
Levels 1-10
Same as Fighter
Same as Fighter
Dice: 1d10
the use of "one" flying shield technique per gain of class level in FSG.
Flying Shield Techniques: Boomerang
Shield: Shield can be used to strike an opponent on its return. The throw is minus two to hit but catches the target flat
footed. Loop: (Req: Boomerang) By attaching a rope or light chain to
the shield, the wielder can snare or climb objects. Against enemies a successful throw inflicts no damage but can be use as
a trip or disarming attack. Shield Discus: (Req: Tumbling: 6) Increase throwing range of the magic shield to 20ft
RI. Swing Charge: (Req: Loop, Improved Bull Rush) By snaring an overhead projection
the wielder can plant both of his feet into an opponent in a Bull Rush. Every 5ft swung increases adds one to the opposed
strength check of the rush. The maximum reach of the charge is half the height of the pivot of the swing. Ricochet:
(Req: Boomerang) With one throw the wielder can attempt to strike two adjacent targets at the cost of a full melee action.
Subtract two from the AB of the throw and roll once for each target. If the first strike misses then the second misses as
well. (Example: +10 AB is +8 AB for both rolls) Ricochet Chain (Req: Ricochet) More powerful than the ricochet technique,
this improved skill can strike up to four adjacent targets except that each one greater than two inflicts an additional negative
two to the attack bonus. (Ex: If 2 targets at +8 AB, then 4 targets at +4 AB). The first miss breaks the chain. Knock
Down Throw (Req: Shield Discus, Loop) This skill is throwing your shield with the intent to
knock down your opponent. Treat the throw as a Bull Rush but dont apply any STR Modifier for a fall. This technique requires
a full melee action for wind up and throw. Buzz Saw (Req: KD Throw) This is a single powerful throw which has the
same effect as a Cleave feat by cutting through one opponent and into the one behind. Mighty Buzz Saw (Req: Buzz
Saw) An improvement over Buzz Saw, this throw has the same effect as a Mighty Cleave and will continue travelling in a straight
line up to the maximum range of the throw. Guillotine (Req: Mighty Buzz Saw) By taking a full melee action with
this throw, the magic shield can be treated as "vorpal". This technique can be combined with any other flying shield technique.
Fan Dancer The fan dancer is a specialist in using magic fans such as Qual's Feather
Token or a Wind Fan to fight. This prestige character is as much a performer as combatant, and tends to dress colorfully
and provocatively. Most fan dancers are prone to melodrama and often toy with their opponents. Many fan dancers incorporate
a war fan into their magic wind fans in order to use the weapon's superior statistics and durability. Fan Dancers who
use a feather token fan can use it up to eight hours before it expires. This character fits well in to an Asian theme campaign.
BAB: +4 Skills: Perform(Dance): 4, Bluff: 4 Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Quick Draw Other: Requires a magic
fan with the ability to affect the wind.
Hit Dice: 1d8
Class Skills (Gain 4 points per class level): Appraise,
Bluff, Climb, Craft, Disguise, Perform, Profession, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Read Lips.
Advancement: (Levels 1
to 10) Gains BAB as a fighter, Saves as a rogue, and 1 Fan Dancer technique per PrC Level
Fan Dancer Techniques: Wield
Fan: Using an enchanted fan as a weapon is difficult. A fragile paper or silk fan inflicts 1d3/x2 slashing damage. A "war
fan" is an exotic weapon that is a paper or silk fan reinforced with sharp steel spines found in the OA book as well as S&F
supplement book.
Throw Fan (Req: Wield Fan): Tapping into the wind magic of the fan the dancer can treat his
fan as possessing both throwing and returning magic weapon features (Making it a +2 magic weapon). Fan Dance (Req:
Wield Fan, Perform: 8): Using a fan in a intricate dance the fan dancer can cast a Hypnotic Pattern spell once per day as
a sorcerer of equal level in PrC. Wind Blast: The fan dancer can unleash a blast of air to knock someone off their
feet. Treat this attack as a Bull Rush with a range of 10 feet and a strength of 10 plus the prestige class level. Glide
(Req: Wind Blast): Using fans the dancer can "feather fall" once per day the same as the spell. Straying Arrows
(Req: Wind Blast): With a blast of wind the dancer can deflect arrows. Treat as the Deflect Arrows feat but requires a magic
fan in hand. Fan Flames (Req: Wind Blast): Once per day the dancer can cause all flames within 20ft of him or her
to shoot up in a jet of flame. This effect can be used as a distraction (Adding a +4 to Bluff, Slight of Hand, Move Silently,
Intimidate, and Perform) or to start fires (30% chance to ignite combustibles) Two Fan Fighting (Req: Wield Fan,
DEX: 15): When using fans as weapons the dancer can wield one in each hand as if he or she possesses two weapon fighting and
ambidexterity. Fan Shield (Req: Two Fan Fighting): The fan dancer can use one fan as a buckler, but not as a weapon
when it is used protectively. Fan Language (Req: Wield Fan): A non-verbal message of 10 words or less can be sent
to any one in Line Of Sight once per day. Additionally all fan dancers can communicate in code to one another through fan
manipulation. This technique is a great way to send instructions without being overheard.
Winged Fighter This class applies to all characters with some sort of flight power either from
winged cloak, magic carpet, broom stick, or other. Requirement: BAB: +5 Skills: Tumble: 4 ranks, Balance: 4 ranks,
Profession (Rug Merchant): 4 ranks Feats: Acrobatic, Agile, Endurance, Dodge, Mobility Other: Flying device
Skills (Gain 2 skill points per PrC Level gained): Balance (DEX), Climb (STR), Craft (any) (INT), Profession (WIS), Tumble
(DEX) Hit Dice: 1d10
Advancement (Levels one to five): BAB as Fighter, Saves as Rogue, Gain one Winged Fighter technique
per prestige level.
Techniques: Flyby Attack: Same as in MM1
Wingover: Same as in MM1
Dive Bomb: Add
a +1 to strength check per five foot drop in altitude on a flying Bull Rush
Dog Tail: As a move equilavent action,
on a successful Tumbling skill roll contest you succeed in flanking your opponent in mid air and can add the flanking bonus
and any sneak attacks. If you fail, your opponent flanks you. It is impossible to dog tail an opponent who is more mobile
in the air than you are.
Mid-Air Jink: Your unpredictable flight path makes you harder to hit with projectile weapons.
Add a +2 dodge bonus versus one of your chosen opponents.
The Ogre
Fist is an unarmed fighter that uses his or her magic gauntlets of ogre power to enhance hand attacks and grappling holds.
This prestige class is most common among wrestlers, bodyguards, and monks.
Requirements: BAB: +4, Skills: Intimidate:
3 ranks, Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grappling, Stunning Fists
Hit Points: 1D10 BAB Advancement: Same
as fighter Save Advancement: Same as fighter
Skill Points: 2 + INT mod. Per prestige class Prestige Class Skills:
Bluff, Climb, Craft (Any), Intimidate, Ride, Swim
Special Feats: (Pick one feat every gain in Ogre Fist PrC level of
1 to 10)
One-Two Jab: (Req.: +6 BAB): This two step attack combination is two rapid punches which attempt to
catch the target off guard. The first attack is minus two to hit and the second attack is +3 to hit giving both attacks the
same bonus to hit.
Rip Off Armor: (Req.: Improved Grappling): On a successful grapple attack, instead of holding
the target the gauntlet master makes a STR check (DC=15 + AC bonus of the armor). On a successful check, the master breaks
the armors buckles and clasps and strips it from his opponent. The armor may be repaired at one-fourth the cost of the armor.
This action provokes an attack of opportunity.
Smashing Blows: The master can use the magic of his or her gauntlets
to overcome an inanimate object’s hardness. Subtract the master’s CHA from any object’s hardness value on
any punch.
Grab Weapon-Tip: (Req.: Improved Grapple): The master can use his gloves to grasp even an edged weapon
without harm. This feat has the same effect as the Improved Disarm Feat.
Fist Shield: (Req.: Buckler Proficiency).
The master can use one of his or her gauntlets as buckler (+1 AC).
Rend Asunder: (Req.: Power Attack). This
two step attack is an attempt to grab your opponent with both hands and rip him in two. Make two grappling attempts on your
target. If both succeed then the master automatically inflicts 2D6 plus any 2-handed damage bonus to your target for this
round and every round the master can maintain his or her hold.
Crushing Grasp: (Req.: Smashing Blows) Add the
PrCs level to any attempt to destroy an object in the grip of the masters gauntlet.
Thunder Clap: (Req.: Crushing
Grasp). As a full melee action the PrC can slam his two hands together and release a wave of force. All within 5ft of the
master must make a DEX check (DC= 10 + PrC level) or will be tripped by the blast.
Punch Hand-Holds: (Req.:
Crushing Grasp): The strong grasp of the ogre gauntlets adds the PrC level to any Climb skill checks on any surface softer
than metal.
Hand Walk: (Req.: 10th level Gauntlet Master): The master developes a spiritual link with his or
her personal gauntlets of ogre power and can cast "animate object" on them once per day as a cleric with a casting level equal
to GOPM level. No other ogre gauntlets are affected
Tree Token Master
(a.k.a. Re-forester)
The Tree Token Master specializes in the use of Qual's Feather Token of a Tree for use in combat.
Most of these masters are also called Re-foresters since they are generally dedicated conservationist and wish to restore
forests ravaged by fire, disease, or man. Many Re-foresters come from the ranks of rangers and druids and are most comfortable
outside where there abilities have full use. Evil Re-forester are terrorists that use there abilities with out regard for
the consequences. These villains destroy urban areas, block roads, and kill lumberjacks to protect there way of life.
Token Combat is expensive since a token can only used once, can't be summoned in areas where there is no room for them, and
are not easily moved. An average tree token costs 100gp so many masters seeks to fight opponent in a prepare area. It is up
to the individual DM whether tree master abilities can be use with any tree or just with summoned trees.
Ranks: Craft (traps): 6, Climb: 6, Balance: 6;
Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Self-Sufficient
Hit Points: 1d8 per PrC level Skill Points: 6 + INT Mod. Per PrC
lvl Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Crafts (Any), Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Profession, Survival, Use Rope
Feats: Choose one per gain in Re-forester PrC level 1 to 10.
Log Bridge: The master can create a log bridge up to 60 ft long with a tree feather token.
Jam: (Req.: Log Bridge) By manipulating the summoning of a tree, the master can
create a living wall of tangled branches that covers a 40ft cube.
Eagles Roost: (Req.: Log Jam): The master
can summon a living platform 40 ft in diameter and 60 ft tall. Many masters build their homes and forts on these platforms.
Fall (Req.: Craft (traps): 8): With a feather token the master can create an instant wooden trap involving a tree. The
CR of the trap is equal to the PrC level of the master. Other traps can be made normally with the Craft (Traps) skill at any
CR but not without additional expense and construction time. In Song and Silence trap construction is described.
Riding (Req.: Balance: 8): After long practice the master can ride logs downhill, down river, and across lakes while standing.
Additionally, add a PrC level competence bonus to any sport involving logs.
Rooted in Place (Req.: Log Jam):
During a successful grapple the master can activate a token to pin his opponent until cut free or the tree is dispelled.
Master (Req. Climb: 8): The master can move at full racial speed and even run in any wooded area. This represents his
or ability to duck, jump, and dodge local flora.
Canopy Master (Req.: Understory Master): While climbing trees
the master can fight without any penalty to hit.
Tree Top Master (Req.: Canopy Master): A Tree Top Master has
mastered ambushing from trees and gains a PrC level bonus to Hide, Spot, and Jump skills while in wooded areas. Additionally,
the master can climb as fast as he can move or run.
The Rot-Iron man or maiden is a specialist in wielding the spell rusting grasp.
Most Rusting Grasp Masters equip themselves with magic items that cast the spell like the gauntlet of rust, but some militant
druids also take this class to better wield their divine gift. Many masters scorn the use of any metal weapons and armor (i.e.
monks) while others cover themselves with it. This Rusting Grasp Master is most dangerous to heavily armed and armored enemies,
but is much more vulnerable to weapons of wood and stone. The most famous group of rusting grasp masters is a tribe of Luddite
Barbarians that live stone age lives and prey upon the godless metal users that travel in their woods.
Base Fort Save: +4; Skill Ranks: Craft (Armorsmith): 8, Craft (Weaponsmith):
8; Feats: Stunning Fists, Iron Will; Spell: Must cast the rusting grasp spell by artifact (wand, scroll, gauntlet,
etc.) or divine prayer.
Hit Points: 1d8 BAB Advancement: Same as Cleric Save Advancement: Same as Cleric Skill
Points: 4 +INT Mod. Per PrC level Class Skills: Climb, Craft(Any), Concentration, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Profession,
Swim, Use Magic Device
Special Feats: Pick one per PrC level 1 to 10
Detect Iron (Req.: Concentration:
6): The master gains a +10 SEARCH circumstance bonus whenever he or she is looking for a iron alloy item. This ability can
be used at will.
Rusting Strike: This feat allows the master to inflict the rusting grasp spell in combination
with any unarmed blow. Additionally, any body part of the master may be used to deliver the spell not just the gauntlet or
wand of rust. Two touch spells can not be delivered with the same strike.
Rusting Fists: (Req.: Rusting Strike):
Instead of a stunning fist blow, the master can exchange it for a rusting grasp spell at PrC casting level. This still
costs the master one of her daily stunning fist attacks. When all are expended the master must rely on a different source
for rust spells.
Stainless Steel: (Req.: Rusting Fists): The master can negate a rusting grasp spell by expend
one of his own spells. This ability wont restore weapon eaten by a rust monster.
Rusting Sunder: (Req.: Rusting
Strike): Using the rusting grasp spell does not incur an AOO from your opponent.
Rusting Riposte (Req.: Rusting
Sunder, +6 BAB): This two step attack first requires a touch attack against your victims iron weapon, and if successful grants
a +5 circumstance bonus to hit to the following attack.
Rusting Smash (Req.: Rusting Strike, +6 BAB): This ability
allows the master to take advantage of rust weakened armor to inflict a final devastating blow. By dedicating your attacks
against one opponent each strike reduces his metal armor AC. If the armor AC drops to zero before the final attack, the master
can add his PrC level as a damage bonus to his final attack by driving the rusty metal fragments into his victim.
Aura (Req.: Concentration: 8): As a full round action, the rust master can radiate a rusting field affects all unprotected
iron-alloys that touch him or her the same as a rusting grasp spell. This ability effectively makes the master invulnerable
to iron alloy weapons and iron restraints. This ability cost one of the masters daily rusting grasp attacks.
Rations (Req.: Rusting Aura): By eating one pound of iron the master recovers 1 hit point. Up to five pounds per PrC level
can be eaten every day. The master can survive entirely on metal if necessary.
Rusting Breath (Req.: Rusting
Aura): The master can breath a 20 ft cone of rusting breath that will affect all target as a rusting grasp spell unless the
victim rolls a reflex save (DC=15+PrC level). Rusting Breath can be used once per day.
The Sphere
Shaper uses beads of force not only as weapons but as tools for protection from harm. Since beads are one use items only the
wealthiest of adventures or magic users can make use of this his or her Prestige Class.
Bead of Force Master (BFM)
Prestige Class
Balance: 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcane): 8 ranks
Quick Draw, Combat Expertise, Lightning Reflexes, Precision Shot
Dice: D8 BAB advancement: As fighter Saves: As rogue
Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Jump, Listen, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble. Class Skill Points: 4 +INT
and Weapon Proficiencies: No new proficiencies.
Class Abilities:
Pick one for every gain in prestige level
Missiles: (Req: Lightning Reflexes): Similar to the Deflect Arrows Feat the master can use the bead to swallow missiles, including
spell missiles and fireballs. Any one within the 10ft radius bubble when it closes will be affected by any area affect spells
or explosions. The master must notice the attack and can only affect one missile per round.
*Bubble Boy: (Req: Combat
Expertise) This ability uses a bead to encapsulate the master in an immobile wall of force for 3d6 min.
*Bubble Boat:
(Req: Vapor Lock): The master can create a floating bubble to cross liquids for 3d6 min.
*Bubble Bounce: (Req: Bubble
Boy): While encased in a bubble, the master can add her PrC level to any Jump checks.
*Bubble Fall: (Req: Bubble Boy):
On a successful reflex save (DC:20), the master can save herself from falling damage.
*Bubble Walk: (Req: Balance:
8): With this ability the master can use a 20ft tall bubble like a giant balance ball to cross harsh terrain and reach high
places. The bubble lasts 3d6 minutes.
*Rolling Power: (Req: Ten Pins): The master can run to roll her encapsulating
bubble to perform a “Ten Pins” Bullrush on distant targets and add his PrC level to his BAB.
*Stun Bubble
(Req: Precise Shot): A thrown bead can inflict nonlethal damage with no BAB penalty.
*Ten Pins: (Req: Bubble Boy) While
encapsulated the master can roll a bullrush against all creatures in a 10ft radius of the master. Resolve each bullrush separately.
Lock (Req: Bubble Boy): The master can use a bead to block all gases, liquids, and survive in any environment for 3d6 minutes.
Glue Master (a.k.a.
Paste Pot Poacher)
The Sovereign Glue Master is a strategic fighter. He uses sovereign glue to prepare himself, lay
traps, and create weapons to use on the battlefield. Generally any fighter that wishes to take this prestige class must also
have one or two levels of bard or rogue. Many glue masters are bounty hunters since their skills are tailored to live captures.
Others specialize as security guards or cat burglars. Each of the masters abilities cost at least one dose of glue per use.
BAB: +5, Craft (Trap-making): 5, Sleight of Hand: 5.
Hit Dice: D8 Saves: As a fighter BAB advancement: As a fighter Skill
Points: 6 +INT Mod. per level Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Listen, Profession, Search,
Spot, Use Rope. Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: No new proficiencies.
Prestige Class Abilities: Pick one ability
every gain in PrC level.
*Conserve Glue (Sleight of Hand: 5): The master knows how to preserve her glue. She can utilize
sovereign glue without retreating the vial with “oil of slipperiness” after each use.
*Fly Paper (Req:
Wall Paste): By applying glue to an object, the master can turn the object into a glue trap that requires a DC 30 escape artist
or STR check to escape. Universal solvent will immediately free the victim.
*Glue Bomb (Req: Trap-making: 12): Similar
to a tangle-foot bag, using her craft (DC: 25) the master can make an artifact that acts as a “web” spell cast
by a sorcerer of PrC level.
*Repair Equipment (Req: Conserve Glue): The master can restore any object destroyed by
the sunder feat.
*Spider Net (Req: Sticky Rope): A dose of glue is used to cover a net used as a weapon or a trap.
The treated net gains a +10 DC on any escape artist check by its next victim.
*Sticky Buns (Req: Trap-making: 8): This
trap is created by applying glue to food. Anyone who eats the food has his mouth sealed shut until treated with universal
solvent or purify food and drink spell.
*Sticky Rope (Req: Sticky String): A treated rope add a +10 bonus to Use Rope
and Climb checks. This treats no more than a 50ft of rope per dose of glue.
*Sticky String (Req: Conserve Glue): Drawing
a line of glue, the master creates a spider-like thread. This thread can be used to fish for objects no heavier than five
pounds or it can be used to make trip wires that add a +10 DC to any disable device check. The thread is no longer than 5
feet per dose.
*Tacky Touch (Req.: Conserve Glue): By applying a thin coat of glue to her hands, the master gains a
PrC level bonus to climb, sleight of hand, grappling, and resist disarm checks. One application lasts for eight hours.
Paste (Req.: Conserve Glue): By applying glue while building a masonry wall, the wall is improved. A five by five foot section
of wall glued together with sovereign glue is treated as reinforced masonry. Also any secret compartment sealed with sovereign
glue is at +10 DC for search checks.
Iron Flask
Master (a.k.a. Bottle Mage)
The Iron Flask Master (or Bottle Mage) advances his own powers through siphoning the powers of outsiders trapped
in his iron flask. Many people consider this abhorrent, and no good aligned character will take this prestige class. In addition,
outsiders generally attack him on sight. The abilities of the Iron Flask Master rely on his captive and without one or his
iron flask he is powerless.
Iron Will, Deceitful
10 ranks, Knowledge (Planes): 10 ranks
Must posses an iron flask with an outsider inside. Alignment Restriction: Any non-good
Hit Dice: D8 BAB Advancement:
As cleric Save Advancement: As cleric Skill Points: 2+INT Mod per level Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (Any),
Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Profession, Spell Craft
and Weapon Proficiencies: No new proficiencies
Class Abilities: Pick one ability every gain in prestige
level. *Bond with Flask (Req: Concentration: 10): Similar to a familiar bonding ceremony, the master links his life to
the essence of his iron flask. As a result, the master can always track down his flask even to different planes, but if the
flask is destroyed he is instantly killed. While a filled flask is on his person the master can use any of his learned class
*Divine Knowledge (Req: Bond with Flask): By drawing on his captive’s memories, the master can add
his PrC level to any knowledge check related to his outsider or its plane.
*Drain Strength (Req: Bond with Flask):
Once per day, the master can acquires his captive’s STR attribute for his PrC level in rounds.
*Drain Dexterity
(Req: Bond with Flask): Once per day, the master can acquire his captive’s DEX attribute for his PrC level in rounds.
Constitution (Req: Bond with Flask): Once per day, the master can acquire his captive’s CON attribute for his PrC level
in rounds.
*Drain Health (Req: All other “Drain” abilities): Once per day, the master can regenerate hit
points by draining a number of hit points from his captive equal to his PrC level plus the number of hit dice of the outsider.
Killing the outsider this way will negate all his class abilities until it is replaced.
*Energy Resistance (Req: Bond
with Flask): A trapped elemental will provide the master with an energy resistance to its element equal to twice his PrC level.
Any other outsider will provide one half PrC level in resistance to all forms of energy.
*Smite Foes (Req: Bond with
Flask, BAB: +8): Like a paladin, the master can smite the opposite alignment of his captive once per day. The damage inflicted
is equal to the PrC level. This ability stacks with any previous smite ability.
*Spell Focus (Req: Bond with Flask,
Spellcraft: 4): Using the entity trapped inside the flask, the master can cast domain spells. These spells are cast as a cleric
of ability equal to his cumulative experience level. Like normal domain spells each spell is only available once per day.
The single spell domain must be one closely associated to the outsider trapped in the iron flask. The only available choices
will be evil, good, law, chaos, fire, water, earth, and air.
*Symbiosis (Req: 10th level Master of the Iron Flask):
While the flask is filled, the master has an "elemental" or “outsider” subtype, and can travel to his captive’s
plane at will. This is a one way trip.
The Blood
Drinker is a prestige class that is bestowed rather than chosen. Most Blood Drinkers are created by the corrupting influence
of the Mace of Blood upon their alignment and spirit. A Mace of Blood acquires its powers from being covered once per day
in blood. A Blood Drinker also acquires his powers by blood soaking his body and worshiping a chaotic evil god.
Requirements: Alignment:
Chaotic Evil BAB: +6 Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)
Class Attributes: Hit Dice: D12 BAB
Advancement: As Barbarian Save Advancement: As Barbarian Skill Points: 4 plus INT modifier Class Skills: Climb, Craft,
Intimidation, Jump, Knowledge (Religion), Profession, Ride, Survival, Swim.
Prestige Class Level Advancement: 1st:
Weapon Specialization {Mace of Blood}, Bloodlust: 1/day 2nd: Blood Sacrament (Su) 3rd: Gory Armor: +1 4th: War Paint 5th:
Bloodlust: 2/day 6th: Gory Armor: +2 7th: Blood Stain 8th: Boiling Blood 9th: Gory Armor: +3 10th: Bloodlust:
Class Abilities: Weapon Specialization {Mace of Blood}: Same effect as the fighter feat
By drinking a pint of blood, the blood drinker can add a +2 to his STR and DEX for one plus his CON modifier rounds (at least
one round). This ability requires a pint of fresh blood no more than 24 hours old and can be combined with the “rage”
ability of the Barbarian. This bonus is available once per day at first level, twice at fifth, and thrice at tenth.
Sacrament: On a successful Knowledge (Religion) check (DC:15), the Blood Drinker can invoke the “Divine Grace”
ability of the Paladin on himself that lasts till the next dawn. This ritual is directed at a god of slaughter or death.
Armor: By soaking his armor with the blood of his last kill, the Blood Drinker can add a magical deflection bonus to his AC
of +1 every three levels of Blood Drinker PrC.
War Paint: The Blood Drinker can paint his face with profane, bloody
symbols and provide a +10 to all Intimidation checks for the day. The ability is negated for the day if the blood is washed
off or “erased”.
Blood Stain: On a successful Knowledge (Religion) check (DC:20), the Blood Drinker can
use the blood of latest victim to create a single vial of unholy water. This ritual take one hour to perform and must take
place at high noon.
Boiling Blood (Sp): The Blood Drinker can heat his own blood to gain a resistance to cold damage.
This has the same effect as an Endure Elements spell cast as a prestige level sorcerer, and can be used once per day.
Band Manager (a.k.a. Bilarro Artist)
The Iron
Band Manager is a specialist in the use of the iron bands of bilarro to create objects and grapple his opponents. Most masters
are rogues or rogue fighters since this style favors the agile and highly skill, but monks also take this prestige class.
Requirements: Feats:
Combat Expertise, Improved Unarmed Combat, Improved Grapple Skills: Disable Devices 8 ranks, Open Locks 8 ranks, Escape
Artist 8 ranks Special: Posses an Iron Bands of Bilarro sphere
Hit Dice: D8 BAB advancement: As monk Save
advancement: As monk Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Disable Devices, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Open Lock,
Pick Pockets/Sleight of Hand, Tumble, Use Rope. Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier per level
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies:
Proficient with heavy armor and all shields, proficient with all simple weapons.
Class Feats: Gain one each
level advanced in IBM prestige class
Iron Band Chain: (Req. Disable Device: 8) You can break down your sphere into
linked bands forming a 10ft long chain. This chain has a hardness of 30, 30 hit points, and 30 DC to burst. If you have the
Spiked Chain weapon proficiency you can use it as a weapon.
Iron Band Strongbox (Req. Open Lock: 8) You can protect
your valuables by sealing them in your sphere. An open lock check of DC 30 is required for any thief to open the sphere.
Band Shield (Req. Escape Artist: 8) You can turn your sphere into any type of shield
Iron Band Spring (Req.: Iron Band
Chain): You can create a metal spring from your sphere which can either force open or hold close any door. The Str is 30 for
either use.
Iron Band Armor (Req.: Iron Band Shield): You can change your sphere into a Banded Mail suit for yourself.
Band Grapple (Req.: IB Armor): While wearing IB armor you have an effective STR 30 for all your grappling attacks.
Choke Hold (Req.: IBG): While wearing IB armor, if you pin your opponent for 1 full round at the end of the round he must
make a Fort. Save (DC: 10+Half your character level+ your WIS Mod.) Or be rendered unconscious for 1D3 rounds.
IB Crushing
Embrace (Req.: IBG): Your critical threat for all grappling attacks is doubled while wearing IB armor. This feat stacks with
the Improved Critical Hit feat.
IB Defensive Grapple (Req.: IBG and Dodge): If your opponent attempts to attack you
and misses while you are using total defense action, you gain a free grapple attempt on him. This feat only works on a opponent
targeted with your Dodge feat.
Multiple Grapple (Req.: 10th level IBM): You can grapple two adjacent opponents at once;
one with each hand. Both opponents must be within your reach.
The Apparatus
of Kwalish is a magical mechanical artifact developed by industrialized magical communities. An Apparatus Adept has specialized
in the operation of these devices in war. By bonding with her apparatus the adept can utilize their own skills, spells, and
feats during combat. All the character’s skills and BAB apply to the Apparatus modified by size (Large: -1 AB &
AC), Dexterity: 10, and Strength: 16 (+ 3 modifier) of the device. Attack damage (2D8 per claw) and movement speed remain
the same. Other “apparatuses” exist but this is the most common.
Most Apparatus Adepts are wizards. But
sorcerers, clerics, and bards also become adepts in order to fight for their people in "mechanized" conflicts.
Adept Prestige Class (ApAd) Requirements: Skills: Knowledge (Engineering): 10, Knowledge (Arcane):10 Feats:
Weapon Focus (Apparatus) Spells: Cast “Identify” spell Special: Must not posses a familiar
Dice: D6 BAB Advancement: As Bard Saving Throw Advancement: As Bard
Class Skill Points:
4 + Int Mod. Prestige Class Skills: Alchemy, Concentration, Craft (Any), Diplomancy, Disable Device, Knowledge (Any),
Listen, Profession (Any), Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Scry, Swim, Use Magical Devices.
Class Abilities: Armor
and Weapon Proficiencies: Light armor and simple weapons.
Spell Casting: The adept gains spells at the half
the rate as a normal magician. Every two levels gained as an Apparatus Adept provides a one level increase in her primary
spell casting ability but no abilities related to that class.
Special Feats: Gain one every level for
every level of Apparatus Adept PRC
Mentus Mekhos: Similar to a bond with a familiar, the apparatus becomes an
extension of the magician’s will. The pilot can use all of her skills, feats, and BAB with the machine as if she were
fighting unarmed. If the apparatus is destroyed the magician loses 4d6 hit points in damage and can’t bond with another
machine for one year.
Alertness (Req: Mentus Mekhos): While inside her apparatus, the adept possesses the Alertness
Share Spells (Req: Mentus Mekhos): While inside her apparatus, any spells the adept casts on her self
effect the apparatus as well. This doesn’t layer extra protection to the magician, only one spell effect applies to
both. Healing spells will not work on metal.
Touch (Req: Share Spells): While inside the apparatus, the adept
can channel “touch” spells through the machine.
Vita Mekhos (Req: Touch): The adept can use his
own life energy to repair her apparatus. The adept can sacrifice up to her Charisma Modifier times her prestige level in hit
points every day. No more than her current total of hit points can be sacrificed.
Hands Off(Sp) (Req: Vita Mekhos):
The adept can cast the spell ‘Alarm’ once per day on her machine.
Spell Resistance (Req: Vita Mekhos):
The bonded apparatus becomes resistant to the spells of others. The machine has a spell resistance of 5 plus the prestige
level of the adept.
Limited Access(Sp) (Req: Hands Off): The adept can cast the spell ‘Arcane Lock’
once per day on her machine.
Sabotage Apparatus (Req: Disable Device: 20): Because the adept becomes so familiar
with the nature mechanical constructs and especially her own machine, the character can ignore the ‘hardness’
of any mechanical construct. This does not include Iron Golems since they are generally solid iron.
Deux Es Machina
(Req: Limited Access): If the adept is killed within one mile of her apparatus, she becomes soul bound to it. Her soul
possesses her apparatus until it is destroyed, and she can’t be resurrected until it is destroyed.
Alternate Apparati
Colossus Of
This wondrous magical item resembles a giant iron statue armed with a large war hammer, but has a secret
catch in its back that grants access to the interior (Search DC: 20 to locate).
The device has the following characteristics: Size:
Large Construct Face/Reach: 5ft x 5ft/ 10ft. Speed: 20ft, Climb: 10ft AC: 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) Hit Points:
200 Attacks: 2 Claw or by weapon, +12 melee Damage: Claw 1d8+5, Large WH: 1d10+5/x3 Special Qualities: Hardness 15 Attributes:
Str 20, Dex 10
Inside the mechanical statue is a series of levers and foot pedals. Lever (1D10) Lever Function 1
Ready/sling large war hammer 2 Uncover/cover front porthole 3 Uncover/cover side portholes 4 Extend/retract arms 5
Open/close hands 6 Move forward/backward 7 Move left/right 8 Open/close “visor” with continual flame
inside 9 Climb up/down 10 Open/close hatch.
Operating a lever is a full round action, and no lever can be
operated mor than once per round. However since two small sized characters can fit inside the device, the colossus can move
and attack in the same round. The device can operate in water up to 300 feet deep and scale rough surfaces. It holds enough
air for a crew of two to survive for 1D4+1 hours. When active the device is obviously mechanical.
Caster Level: 19th,
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, animate objects, 8 ranks in Knowledge (engineering), Market Price: 130,000 gp, Weight:
Gnomish Ornithoper
This magical vehicle resembles a giant dragonfly on which
one "medium" sized creature or two "small" sized creatures can sit. It is able to fly and can carry a maximum of 1000lbs. The
machine provides 1/2 cover to its pilot(s), but does not protect them against area effects or poison gasses. This wonderous
magical item resembles a 10ft steel bench when fully retracted. It requires a Search check (DC:20) to access the controls
for the apparatus.
The device has the following characteristics: Size: Large Construct Face/Reach: 5ft x 10ft/
5ft. Speed: 10ft, Flight: 30ft (perfect) AC: 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) Hit Points: 200 Attacks: Bite or Tail Swat:
+12 melee Damage: Bite: 1d8+5, Tail Swat: 1d10+5 Special Qualities: Hardness 15 Attributes: Str 20, Dex 10
the mechanical statue is a series of levers and foot pedals. Lever (1D10) Lever Function 1 Extend/Fold Wings 2 Move
Forward/Backward 3 Move Up/Down 4 Move Right/Left 5 Open/close mandibles 6 Extend/retract legs 7 Swing tail
left/right. 8 Open/close continual flame “eyes” 9 Activate/Deactivate wing flapping. 10 Open/close
riding harness (STR: 30)
Operating a lever is a full round action, and no lever can be operated mor than once per
round. However since two small sized characters can mount the device, the ornihopter can move and attack in the same round
when operated by two pilots. The device can achieve a maximum altitude of 500ft. When active the device is obviously mechanical
Construction Caster
Level: 19th, Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, animate objects, 8 ranks in Knowledge (engineering), Market Price: 130,000
gp, Weight: 1000lbs.
Mechanical Mole
This item appears to be a large, sealed bronze barrel,
but it has a secret catch (Search DC 20 to locate) that opens a hatch in one end. Anyone who crawls inside finds ten (unlabeled)
levers: The device has the following characteristics: hp 200; hardness 15; Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft.; AC 20 (–1 size,
+11 natural); Atk +12 melee (2d8 drill, ignores the first 10 points of hardness). Lever (1d10) Lever Function 1 Extend/retract
legs and tail 2 Uncover/cover forward porthole 3 Uncover/cover side portholes 4 Extend/retract diamond tipped drill 5
Activate/deactivate drill 6 Move forward/backward 7 Turn left/right 8 Open bulls-eye lamp with continual flame inside/close
lamp 9 Dig/surface from underground 10 Open/close hatch
Operating a lever is a full-round action, and no lever
may be operated more than once per round. However, since two Medium characters can fit inside, the apparatus can move and
attack in the same round. The device can function underground and possesses fire resistance 5. It holds enough air for a crew
of two to survive 1d4+1 hours (twice as long for a single occupant). When activated, the apparatus looks something like a
giant lobster. Strong evocation and transmutation; CL 19th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, endure elements, continual
flame, creator must have 8 ranks in the Knowledge (architecture and engineering) skill; Price 100,000 gp, Weight
600 lb.
A Valveman uses the Decanter of Endless Water as
a weapon and a tool. He specializes in the use of the decanter to damage, flood, and sculpt his enviroment.
Valveman (VvM) Requirements: BAB: +4 Feats: Great Fortitude, Endurance Skills:
Swim: 10 ranks, Knowledge (nature): 4 ranks Special: Possess Decanter of Endless Water.
Dice: d10 BAB Advancement: Same as fighter Save Advancement: Same as fighter Class Skill Points:
2 +INT Modifier per PrC level. Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft (any), Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge
(nature), Profession (any), Swim, Tumble. New Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: No new proficiencies.
Every gain in level as a valveman, the character gains a special feat. Choose any feat for which the
character qualifies.
Hold Breath (Req.: Great Fortitude): The master can hold his breath twice as long as normal
for his race.
Water Jet (Req.: Swim: 10 ranks): The master can swim at x3 his normal swimming speed by using
the decanter for propulsion.
Water Cannon (Req.: STR: 13): Smash targets with a flood of water. This attack
is even stronger that "geyser" and inflicts 1d4 force damage per prestige level to all targets within a 5 ft wide path
for 30ft. Attacking with a water cannon is a full round action.
Water Drill (Req.: Water Cannon): The character
inflicts 1d6 piercing damage per prestige level to a single target within range by focusing the water blast from the
decanter into a tight, high pressure stream. Attacking with a water drill is a standard action. The range increment
of the water drill is 30 feet.
Riot Control (Req.: Water Cannon): Swing the decanter from side to side
the character can attempt to knockdown all victims within a 30ft cone. Anyone in the area effected must make either a STR
check or Reflex check (DC= 15 + PrC level). Using "riot control" is a full round action.
Extinguish Fire
(Req.: Riot Control): The valveman can attempt will extiguish a 10ft by 10ft fire as a full round action. Any fire elemental
creatures must make a Fort Save (DC= 15 +PrC level) or be "stunned" for the duration of the next following round.
(Req.: Knowledge (nature): 4 ranks): The valveman can clean a surface of slime, dirt, mold, or chemical with a blast from
the decanter. As a full round action, the Valveman can clean a 5ft by 5ft surface of all debris including brown mold or green
Mudslide (Req.: Washout): By flooding a hillside, the valveman can cause a mudslide that will engulf
victims standing downhill. This attack affects a 60ft cone downhill of the character and inflicts 2d6 bludgeoning damage unless
they make a Reflex Save (DC= 15 + PrC level). Starting a mudslide takes a full round action.
Floodgate (Req.:
Mudslide): While the character is standing within a enclosed corridor (5ft high x5ft wide), he can knockback every one standing
in the corridor suffers 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is pushed back 10ft per round unless the character makes a STR check (DC:
20 +PrC level) as a full melee round action. The victims must make a STR check every round to avoid damage and again if they
wish to move towards the valveman.
Water Tower (Req.: Balance: 6 ranks) On a successful Balance Check (DC: 20),
the master can launch himself 20ft straight up or across. Forming a "Water Tower" is a full round action.
Ram (Req.: Improved Bullrush, Water Tower) The character can augment his charge attacks with water pressure. With this
feat the character can add 2d6 damage to his charge damage while holding the decanter with both hands. This limits a bipedal
character to unarmed attacks, armor spike attacks, goring, and similar attacks.
Black Rhino
Black Rhinos are the champions of the god Bhapsatu. The Black Rhino
is a warrior that has melded with his suit of Rhino Hide Armor. He or She can no longer remove the armor which has become
a second skin. The bonding ceremony evolves bathing in rhino blood and dedicating their souls to the worship of the Bhapsatu
the Black Rhino. Most Black Rhinos are barbarians, but clerics, fighters, and
rangers also join this society.
New Deity
Bhapsatu the Black Rhino
Bhapsatu is a tribal deity worship
for hunting, fertility, and battle. The rhino is his sacred animal and his symbol is a black rhino head. There is a story
that the great hunter god, Gentopi, once spotted an angry black rhino. This rhino was furious with a mountain that blocked
his way. Repeatedly, the rhino rammed the mountain until it crumbled into dust. Impressed by this feat of strength, Gentopi
sought to make take this animal as his divine mount and they wrestled for seven days for dominance. On the eight day Gentopi
gave up and said to the rhino that it was his equal in strength, endurance, and stubbornness. From that day forward, they
traveled side by side as brothers.
Divine Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Portfolio: Battle, Fertility, Hunting, Rage, and Rhinos Domains: Strength, War, Protection Favorite
Weapon: War Club
Rhino Hide armor Rhino Hide: This +2 hide armor (+5 AC total) is made
from rhinoceros hide. In addition to granting a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, this medium armor has a –1 armor check penalty
and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on any successful charge attack made by the wearer, including a mounted charge. Moderate
transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull’s strength; Price 5,165 gp; Cost 2,665 gp + 200 XP.
Rhino (BRh)
Requirements Alignment Restriction: Any chaotic Base Fortitude Save: +5 Feats:
Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush Special: Must be a worshiper of Bhapstu. Must possess a suit of
Rhino Hide armor
Class Features Hit Dice: d12 BAB Advancement: Same as the
Barbarian Saves Advancement: Same as the Barbarian Weapon Proficiencies: Proficiency with all martial
weapons Armor Proficiencies: Proficient with the use of Light armor.
Class Skill Points: 4
points per level gained as a Black Rhino Prestige Class Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate
(Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int): Nature, Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Second Skin
(Su) (Req.: Mobility): The Rhino Hide armor becomes as supple as the characters natural skin. The armor no longer
inflicts a maximum DEX bonus or armor check penalty but it is still treated as medium armor.
Skinned (Su) (Req.: Second Skin): The Black Rhino gains a natural armor equal to his CON modifier once per day for a number
of rounds equal to his PrC class.
Rushing Rhino (Su) (Req.: Mobility, Improved Bull Rush): A Black Rhino is
treated as one size level larger for all bull rush effects
Sacred Horn (Su) (Req.: Thick Skinned, Rushing Rhino):
A Black Rhino adds his PrC level to any charge damage inflicted. This bonus is considered a “sacred” damage bonus
and does not stack with any holy or unholy damage bonus.
Death Rage (Ex) (Req.: Thick Skinned): A Black Rhino
can fly into a rage a certain number of times per day. This rage has all the same properties as the barbarian’s rage.
Unlike a barbarian’s rage, this rage is automatically triggered when the Black Rhino has ten or fewer hit points.
This rage lasts 3 rounds plus the CON modifier and is only available once per day.
Rallying Call (Ex)
(Req.: Intimidate: 5 ranks): As a standard action, the Black Rhino can make a “rallying call” once per day that
provides a +1 morale bonus to all allies within 10ft plus 5ft per PrC level of the character. The morale bonus applies to
all attacks, skill checks, and saves and lasts for 1 round + CHA modifier of the Black Rhino (at least on 1 round).
Charge (Su) (Req.: Intimidate: 10 ranks, Sacred Horn): The target of the Black Rhino charge must make a Will save
(DC=10 +PrC level +CHA modifier) or be considered flat-footed when receiving the Black Rhino’s charge.
Boiled (Su) (Req.: Thick Skinned): The Black Rhino has a fire resistance equal to his or her CON modifier. This damage
reduction stacks with any non-magical energy resistance the character may possess.
Cloven Hoof Boxer
Cloven Hoof Boxers are martial artists that utilize
the magic properties of a set of Horseshoes of Speed to augment their speed and mobility. Most members of this prestige
class are born with hooves. Centaurs, Satyrs, and Tieflings are the major racial groups in the Cloven Hoof Brotherhood.
Other races join the brotherhood for a variety of reasons. Some tribal peoples are motivated by "Cloven God" religions or
strongly identify with horses. Some monastic groups integrate cloven animal inspired techniques into their teachings. In more
civilized areas, courier, porter, and gladiator guilds are motivated by financial gain create their own Cloven Hoof Boxers.
most common class to pursue this PrC are monks, but fighters and barbarians are also be attrached to it.
Hoof Boxer (CHB)
Requirements Base Fortitude Save: +5 Feats: Improved Unarmed
Strike, Stunning Fist, Run Special: Initiated member the Cloven Hoof Brotherhood.
Class Features Hit
Points: d10 Weapon Proficiencies: Horseshoe Exotic Weapon Proficiency Armor Proficiencies: No new
proficiencies BAB Advancement: Same as a Fighter Saves Advancement: Same as a Fighter
Points: Gains 4 points per level Class Skills; Climb, Craft (any), Jump, Listen, Perform, Profession (any),
Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble.
Level Advancement
With every gain in Cloven Hoof Boxer level, the
character gains one special boxer technique. The boxer can choose any technique for which he qualifies. In addition, as a
part of their initiation the Cloven Hoof Ritual is preformed on the character.
Cloven Hoof Ritual
is a secret magic ritual sacred to the Cloven Hoof Brotherhood which surgically bonds a pair of Horseshoes of Speed
to the hooves of the character. Humanoids born without hooves have their feet permanently polymorphed into a pair of hooves
as part of this ritual. On the negative side, Cloven Hoof Boxers can no longer wear any type of footwear. Since bipeds only
have two hooves, the Horseshoes of Speed are only half as effective (+15ft to speed). Any potential initiate must provide
their own set of horseshoes. An attack with your hooves is considered a unarmed strike for the purposes of all offensive,
defensive, and magical effects.
Hoof Strike: (Req.: Improved Unarmed Strike): Similar
to a monk, the Cloven Hoof Boxer inflicts leathal damage with his kicks. In addition, this damage increases as the boxer grows
in experience. If the character possesses any monk levels, the boxer may add them to his prestige class level to determine
his kick damage. PrC Level.........Kick Damage 1-3..................1d6 4-7..................1d8 8-11................1d10 12-15...............2d6 16-19...............2d8 20+.................2d10
Hoof: (Req,: Stunning Fist, Hoof Strike): By expending one of the characters daily "stunning fist" attacks, the boxer
can reduce the "hardness" of an object by his STR or WIS modifier (whichever is higher)
Kick Back (Req.: Stunning
Fist, Hoof Strike): By expending one of the characters daily "stunning fist" attacks, the boxer can knock an opponent of equal
size one foot backward per PrC level plus the boxer's STR or WIS modifier (whichever is higher). Each size level the target
is smaller than the boxer doubles this distance, and every size level larger than the boxer halves this distance.
For example, if a 8th level CHB female halfling (Small) struck a ogre (Large) with a "Kick Back" attack she would drive it
back two feet. If this attack drives the opponent into a wall, the opponent suffers 1/2 the boxer's kick damage from the impact
as well.
Toe Stomp (Req.: Iron Hoof): As a full round action, the boxer can strike his opponent in the leg to
impare the victim's speed. If this attack is successfull, the target suffers normal kick damage and the victim will move at
half speed for a number of rounds equal to the boxer's STR or WIS modifier (whichever is higher).
Bone Breaker (Req.: Toe Stomp): As a full round
action, the boxer can inflict 1d4-1 DEX damage with a precision kick on his opponent until the wound is treated (Heal Check:
DC= 20 plus the boxer's STR or WIS modifier {whichever is higher}). It is the nature of this power that 25% of the time the
attack is misplaced and no damage is inflicted.
Eight Horse Stomp (Req.: Bone Breaker, Kick Back): As a full
round action, the boxer can make a Force attack against everyone adjacent to the character. The damage inflicted is
equal to 1d6 per prestige level plus any monk levels. A Reflex Save (10+ PrC Level + Any Monk levels + STR or WIS modifier) will halve this damage. The boxer is limited to a maximum of "Eight Horse Stomps" equal to the boxer's
WIS modifier.
Lightning Speed (Req.: Run): For
a limited time, the boxer can run at twice his normal running speed. This ability lasts as long as his CON Modifier rounds
or at least one round. This ability can only be used once per day each time this technique is taken by the Cloven Hoof Boxer.
For example, if the nomal running multiplier of the boxer is x4 then for the duration of this ability the multiplier is x8.
(Req.: Run): While running, the bonus on Jump checks is increased from +4 to +8 by this ability.
Ramming Speed
(Req.: Mobility, Hoof Strike): While charging you deal double damage with your kick attacks.
Stomping Feet (Req.:
Run, Mobility, Hoof Strike): You can overrun your opponent and your target may not choose to avoid you. You may make one hoof
attack against any target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attack rolls against prone targets.
(Req.: Ramming Speed): While charging you can make one attack on any target along the path of your charge. The length of your
charge can not exceed your given Speed limit (usually 45ft for bipeds).
Weapon: Horseshoes
Size: One Handed Light Weapon Damage: 1d3 (Small) or 1d4 (Medium) Critical: x2 Thrown Range
Increment: 10ft Type: Bludgeoning Weight: 1lb (small) or 2lbs (medium)
A horseshoe is not just a game implement
but also a weapon. As a weapon, it is a larger and heavier version of the standard metal horseshoe. This weapon can be used
as a melee weapon or a thrown weapon with equal skill. With a -2 penalty to strike, a horseshoe can be thrown to trip or disarm
an opponent.
Ring Gate Master
The Ring Gate Master uses a pair of ring gates and a "hand of the mage" as weapons and tools. He can surprise
his opponents with a unexpected attack by thrusting a limb or weapon through the entry gate to attack an opponent out of the
exit gate. Ring gates are also useful for spying since the master can leave an exit gate someplace inconspicuous and later
take a look around by ducking his head into the entry gate for a quick peek. Small Rogues can use the gate to teleport into
secured areas, but the 100 lb. weight limit usually restricts this to a single trip per day. A standard set of ring gates
are made of iron and are 14 inches in diameter and each ring weighs one pound. They must be within 100 miles of each other
to function.
The most common ring gate masters are fighter-rogues since they gain the most from the unique attacks
of this class. Some magicians embrace this class for the benefits to their spell casting and spell defense. Occasionally,
halfling monks become intrigued by this class and may specialize in this form of fighting.
New Exotic Weapon:
Iron Ring One Handed Weapon Damage: Small: 1d3, Medium: 1d4 Critical: x2 Special:
Can be used as a thrown or melee weapon Throwing RI: 30ft Type: Bludgeoning Weight: Small: ½ lb., Medium: 1 lb.
Ring Gate Master (RGM)
Requirements Base Reflex Save: +4 Skills: Escape
Artist: 10 ranks Feats: Expertise, Two Weapon Fighting Special: Must possess Hand of the Mage and
a set of Ring Gates
CLASS FEATURES Hit Dice: d8 BAB Advancement: Same as Fighter Save
Advancement: Same as Rogue New Weapon Proficiencies: chakram, iron ring New Armor Proficiencies: No
new proficiencies
Skill Points: 4 +INT modifier per level Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration,
Craft (any), Escape Artist, Hide, Knowledge (any), Move Silently, Perform, Profession (any), Swim, Use Magical Devices
Every level gained as a Ring Gate Master allows the character to choose a special technique unique
to this class. The master can choose any technique for which he qualifies.
(Req.: Mage Hand spell): The Ring Gate Master can use the Hand of the Mage (or Mage Hand spell if nessisary) to place either
ring wherever he wishes within 15ft of his person as a "free" action.
Ring Toss (Req.: Ringleader): As a ranged
touch attack, the master can throw the entry ring over his target. This ability is usefull for teleporting "Tiny" and smaller
targets. Small and Medium targets will have a portion of their body (usually their heads) suddenly separated from them. This
body part is vunerable to attacks until the victim removes the ring as a move equivalent action. The victim's appendage is
treated as flat-footed until the ring is removed.
Ring Trick (Req.: Expertise): While fighting defensively,
the Ring Gate Master can attempt to deflect a melee attack, projectile, or a spell fired at him by making a Reflex Save equal
to either the aggressor's attack roll or spell strength of the missile or ray. This ability has no effect on area attacks,
the magic missile spell, or surprise attacks. Only one attack can be deflected per combat round.
Rim Shot
(Req.: Ring Trick, BAB: +10): A spell, projectile, or melee attack deflected by the "Ring Trick" ability can be redirected
to any adjacent opponent. The ring wielder must be using both rings as weapons and fighting defensively. To strike someone
with this attack, the master must make an off-hand attack roll against his target. Only successfully deflected attacks can
be redirected. This ability has no effect on area attacks, magic missile spells, or surprise attacks.
Strike (Req.: Ringleader, TWF): As a standard action, the master can make a one handed melee attack on any target adjacent
to the exit ring. The master must be holding the entry ring in one hand, a weapon in the other, and must be able to see his
target. If the target is unaware of the exit ring this attack catches the victim flat-footed, but only once per combat encounter.
A common tatic is to place the ring on the floor or the ceiling before a fight to catch your opponent by surprise.
a Roll (Req.: Ring Strike, BAB: +10): By rolling the exit ring away from you and thrusting an edged weapon through the
entry ring, your character can make an attack against everyone in a 15ft path as a full round action. This feat is similar
to the "Whirlwind" feat.
Ring Tail (Req.: Ringleader, Improved TWF): If the exit ring is placed behind the master's
opponent, the Ring Gate Master can make his extra TWF attack as a "flanking attack" and gain the flanking bonus on all his
attack rolls for that round.
Ring Snatch (Req.: Ring Strike): As a standard action, the master can attempt
to grapple any target adjacent to the exit ring that he can see while holding the entry ring.
Ring-a-Ding (Req.:
Improved Disarm, Improved Trip): The master can make a disarm or trip attack on any target adjacent to the exit ring that
he can see while holding the entry ring.
Ring Jump (Req.: Weigh less than 100lbs, "Small" size or less, Escape
Artist: 15 ranks): As a move equivalent action this little master can jump through his ring gate. Only 100lbs per day can
be teleported by ring gate so once this limit is reached no further jumps are possible.
Ring Out (Req.: Evasion,
Ring Jump): A "Small" character can combined his evasion ability with ring teleportation to take no damage from "area effect"
attacks. The 100lbs per day limit on teleportation is still in effect and may prevent multiple use of Ring Out. The
exit ring must be outside the "area effect" of the attack.
Ring Grand Mastery (Req.: 10th level RGM): Once the
master reaches 10th level, he can gain the ability to reverse the flow of his rings as a free action and treats his own body
weight as zero for teleportation purposes.
The Hookah
Ascetic is addicted to the smoke that spews from an eversmoking bottle. The magical smoke form this object alters the character’s
body and mind, changing the ascetics goals and perspective of the world. Often this addiction warps the user’s personality
and alienates the character from polite society. Fighters, rogues, and monks are the most common classes to become Hookah
Hookah Ascetic (HkA)
Requirements: Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved
Unarmed Strike, Toughness Skills: Profession (Herbalist): 10 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana): 4 ranks Special:
The user is addicted to the magical smoke of a “Eversmoking Bottle” and must inhale its fumes once per six hours.
Failure to do this requires a Fort save once per six hours or the character suffers 1d2 temporary CON damage. The DC of the
save equals 10 plus 1 per hour without inhaling. All temporary CON damage is recovered when the addict recovers his bottle.
Dice: 1d8 BAB Advancement: Same as Monk Saving Throw Advancement: Same as Monk Skill Points:
4 +INT Modifier per PRC level gained Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration
(Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Listen
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use
Magic Device (Cha).
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: The Hookah Ascetic can use his “Eversmoking Bottle”
as a club and it is treated as a special monk weapon.
Class Abilities 1st level: Gain a Special Technique,
Monk Abilities 2nd level to 10th level: Gain one Special Technique
Monk Abilities: The Hookah Ascetic
rejects the powerful weapons and equipment. Instead the character relies on his body and his supernatural abilities. The
Hookah Ascetic inflicts the same unarmed damage as a monk of equivalent level. If the character possesses any monk levels
add both together to determine how much damage the ascetic can inflict. The ascetic also rejects the confinement of armor
and shields and gains the monk’s AC Bonus which is equal to the characters WIS modifier whenever the ascetic is wearing neither.
Special Techniques:
At each level gained as a Hookah Ascetic, the character learns one special technique unique to this class. Choose one from
Ball of Smoke (Sp): The ascetic can breath a small ball of smoke into his palm that can be used as a
projectile weapon. This ability is exactly the same as a magic missile spell cast as a sorcerer with a caster level
equal to the character’s experience level. The spell-like ability is available once per day plus the ascetic’s
CHA modifier.
Blackened Lungs (Ex): The lungs of the ascetic are toughened from the smoke the character habitually
breathes. The character gains a +4 save versus natural fumes or inhaled poisons, but suffers a -2 penalty to resist any magical
Bouyancy (Su): For a number of rounds equal to the character’s CON modifier plus 1 (minimum of one
round), the ascetic can hover and walk normally one foot above the floor. The supernatural ability is available once per day
plus once per 5 hookah acetic class levels gained.
Burning Eyes (Ex): The eyes of the ascetic are extremely
blood-shot and provoke a -2 penalty to Gather Information and Diplomancy checks. On the other hand, these blood-shot provide
Darkvision for 30ft or double normal range, and a +2 bonus to all Search and Spot checks.
Inner Fire (Su):
The stomach of the ascetic is filled with a magical fire that sustains and purifies the character. The ascetic no longer needs
to eat or drink to survive and is immune to ingested poisons, but can no longer use ingestible potions or alchemical elixirs.
Halo (Su): A halo of smog hovers over the ascetics head enhancing the ascetic’s wisdom attribute. This halo provide
the ascetic with a +2 wisdom bonus, but it must be shielded from strong breezes (15mph) since any wind either naturally occurring
or magical will disrupt it until the draft is stilled.
Smoke Rings (Sp): A series of smoke rings can be generated
by the ascetic will physically impede the progress of his opponents. This ability is exactly the same as a web spell
cast as a sorcerer with a caster level equal to the character’s experience level. The spell-like ability is available
once per day plus the ascetic’s CHA modifier.
Spontaneous Combustion (Su): Once per week the ascetic can
polymorph into a cloud of smoke as a full round action. In this form the character can not interact with his environment and
will be carried off by the wind. The ascetic can remain in smoke form for a number of rounds equal to his CON modifier (or
at least one round). While in smoke form only “force” energy can damage the ascetic.
Yellow Nails (Ex):
The habitual smoking of the character yellows the teeth and fingernails of the ascetic which can be used for a special venomous
unarmed attack. You must declare that you are using this ability before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll
ruins the attempt). “Yellow Nails” forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw
(DC 10 + 1/2 your experience level + your CON modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this
saving throw suffers 1d2 temporary DEX loss. You may attempt a “yellow nail” attack once per day for every four
levels you have attained, and no more than once per round. Furthermore, a “yellow nail” attack can not be combined
with a stunning attack. Constructs, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to injected poisons suffer no dexterity
The pied
piper is a musician that specializes in controlling others with his music. A pied pipers start with a set of Pipes of the
Sewers. These wooden pipes appear ordinary, but if the possessor learns the proper tune, he can attract 1d3 rat swarms
if rats are within 400 feet. For each 50-foot distance the rats have to travel, there is a 1-round delay. The piper must continue
playing until the rats appear, and when they do so, the piper must make a DC 10 Perform (wind instruments) check. Success
means that they obey the piper’s telepathic commands so long as he continues to play. Failure indicates that they turn
on the piper. If for any reason the piper ceases playing, the rats leave immediately. If they are called again within a day,
the Perform check DC is 15. If the targeted creatures are under the control of another, add the HD of the controller to
the Perform check DC. Once control is assumed, another check is required each round to maintain it if the former controller
is actively seeking to reassert its command. The pied piper refines her music to control other animals and eventually humanoids
and other creature types with her magical melodies. Most pipers must seek out a teacher but in larger cities a small school
or guild may exist that practices this sort of magical performance. Most pied pipers are bards, but monks, rangers, rogues,
and sorcerers are also common. Paladins rarely become pied pipers since most view magically controlling others as evil.
Piper (PiP)
Requirements: Feats: Animal Affinity, Dodge, Iron Will Skills: Perform (pipes)
10 ranks, Concentration 10 ranks. Special: The character must find a willing tutor to teach the melodies of a pied
piper. The character must also possess his own “Pipes of the Sewers”.
Hit Dice: 1d6 Base Attack Bonus:
Same as a Bard Saving Throws: Same as a Bard Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier every prestige level gained. Class Skills:
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha),
Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animals (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int),
Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot
(Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: No new
Class Abilities
Spellcasting: The character gains the ability of “Bard Spellcasting”
with his Pipes of the Sewers with proficiency equal to a bard of the pied piper’s class level. Any spell cast
with these pipes automatically gains a “verbal” component that consists of a melody played upon the pipes. Without
his or her magical pipes the character is unable to cast spells as a pied piper. If the character already has spellcasting
ability as a bard or sorcerer these class levels stack with the character’s pied piper levels to determine spell effect
and spell availability.
Affect New Target: The pied piper can use his pipes of the sewer on a creature other
than a rat swarm each level gained as a pied piper. Each new target is species specific and only affects 1d3 individuals up
to 400ft away. Any creature may be chosen that is capable of hearing the pied piper playing. Some examples of new targets
are a different type of swarm, humans, elves, dogs, devils, birds, or angels. Animals or vermin require a DC 10 Perform check
to attract. All other creatures require a DC 15 Perform check to attract and the piper must make this check every time the
victims are given a telepathic command. All creatures other than rat swarms may add the HD value of the creature to the Perform
check of the piper. If the affected group has different HD values, the creature with the highest HD determines the DC of the
perform check to control the entire group. The targeted creatures nearest the piper are the first to respond to the character’s
playing. Each successive time the pipes are used per day adds a +5 DC to the next perform check.
Affect More Targets:
Over time the pied piper may control more than 1d3 creatures. At level 5 the pied piper can affect 1d4 individuals. At level
10 the piper can call upon 1d6, 1d8 at level 15, and 1d10 at level 20.
Bantam Athlete
acquisition of a “Stone of Weight” is the first step in becoming a Bantam Athlete. A stone of weight or loadstone
appears to be a dark, smoothly polished stone. It reduces the possessor’s base land speed to one-half of normal. Once
picked up, the stone cannot be disposed of by any nonmagical means. If it is thrown away or smashed, it reappears somewhere
on his person. If a remove curse spell is cast upon a loadstone, the item may be discarded normally and no longer haunts the
Through training and sheer will the bantam athlete can alter this curse into a boon. Some bantam athletes
(called “Heavy Weights”) use their increased weight to inflict more damage and improve combat maneuvers. Other
bantam athletes (called “Phantom Weights”) learn to transfer some of their weight into the loadstone to increase
their agility and speed.
The most common bantam athletes are “heavy weight” barbarians and fighters, but
some rogues become phantom weights to boost their skills. A character must choose to be either a heavy weight or phantom weight
when the prestige class is first taken.
Bantam Athlete (BnAth)
Requirements: Feats:
Endurance, Iron Will, Toughness Skills: Concentration: 8 ranks or Use Magical Device: 8 ranks Special:
A Bantam Athlete must keep a “loadstone” on his person to utilize the class’s special abilities.
Dice: 1d8 BAB Advancement: Same as the Cleric Saving Throw Advancement: Same as the Cleric Skill
Points: 4 +INT Modifier per level gained Class Skills: Balance (DEX), Climb (STR), Concentration (CON), Craft
(INT), Jump (STR), Move Silently (DEX), Profession (WIS), Ride (DEX), Swim (STR), Tumbling (DEX).
New Armor and
Weapon Proficiencies: No new proficiencies
Pick one special ability every gain in
Bantam Athlete class level. The character must meet the prerequisites of ability before the character can gain its benefits.
At first level the character must determine whether he is a Heavy Weight or Phantom Weight.
Special Abilities:
Weight Preq.: Endurance, Iron Will, and Toughness Benefit: The character is much heavier than normal. The curse
of the stone is in full effect and the characters land speed is reduced by half., but the character also gains a natural armor
equal to her CON modifier.
Heavy Hitter (Su): Preq.: Heavy Weight Benefit: The character can put more
weight behind his blows and inflict increased damage. The character can add his CON modifier to all his damage rolls for his
melee attacks.
Heavy Handed (Su): Preq.: Heavy Hitter Benefit: The character unarmed attack damage
is one die size larger than normal. For example, the average medium humanoid would inflict 1d4 damage rather than 1d3 per
Grand Slam (Su): Preq.: Heavy Handed The character uses his weight to his advantage while wrestling.
The character is treated a one size larger for all his grappling attacks.
Momentous Charge (Su): Preq.: Heavy
Weight Benefit: The character can add his CON modifier to the damage he inflicts when charging.
(Su) Preq.: Momentous Charge, Improved Bull Rush Benefit: The character can add his CON modifier to his opposed
strength check
Bowl Over (Su) Preq.: Overwhelm Benefit: The character can make multiple Bull Rushes
as the character moves. The character must travel in a straight line, the previous Bull Rush must have succeeded to make another,
only one bull rush attempt can be made on each victim along the characters path, and the character can not travel farther
than his modified land speed indicates.
Lead Foot (Su): Preq.: Heavy Weight Benefit: The character
can add his CON modifier to resist trip attacks.
Immobility (Su): Preq.: Lead Foot Benefit: The character
can add his CON modifier to resist Bull Rush attacks.
Gravity Well (Su): Preq.: Heavy Weight, Concentration
15 ranks Benefit: The character creates a gravitational warp that will cause projectiles to misfire. All projectiles
that travel within a 15ft radius of the character gain a penalty to strike equal to the CON modifier of the heavy weight.
============================================================ ============================================================ ======
Weight: Preq.: Iron Will, Use Magical Device: 8 ranks Benefit: The character completely inverses the effect
of the a “loadstone”. Instead of inflicting a speed penalty, the phantom weight becomes extremely light. The character
gains a -4 penalty to resist trip attacks and bull rush attempts, but gains a +10ft to the character’s speed.
Fall (Sp): Preq.: Phantom Weight, Use Magical Device: 10 ranks Benefit: The character can cast feather fall
as a sorcerer of a caster level equal to the phantom weight’s class level at will.
Spring Step (Sp) Preq.:
Phantom Weight Benefit: The character can add her prestige class level to Jump checks.
Head Over Heels
Preq.: Spring Step, Jump 10 ranks Benefit: The character can vault over an opponent no larger than the character’s
size category as a move equivalent action. The phantom weight must make a Jump check with a DC equal to 15 plus the victim’s
HD total. If the successful the character treats his victim as flat-footed for his next attack and gains a flanking bonus
for his first attack on the victim. If the roll fails the character provokes an attack of opportunity from his victim and
falls prone at the feet of his targeted opponent.
Effortless Grace (Su): Preq.: Phantom Weight Benefit:
The character can add his prestige class level to all Tumble checks.
Light Foot (Su): Preq.: Phantom Weight Benefit:
The character can add his prestige class level to all Move Silently checks.
Perfected Poise (Su): Preq.: Phantom
Weight Benefit: The character can add his prestige class level to all Balance checks.
Piggy Back (Su):
Preq.: Phantom Weight, Improved Grapple Benefit: The character can cling to any opponent of equal or greater size
on a successful grapple attack. While the character clings to his opponent he gains 50% cover from all attacks from creatures
other that his victim.
Rice Paper Walk (Su): Preq.: Light Foot Benefit: Any trap or alchemical explosive
triggered by foot pressure can be crossed by the character without triggering it. Running will destroy this effect.
Bravado (Su): Preq.: Perfect Poise, Feather Fall Benefit: The character is extremely comfortable while balancing
high above the ground. The character gains a morale bonus equal to her CHA modifier to attack rolls and AC while standing
on narrow ledges or pilings.
A Seidenberg
berserker specializes in the use of the cursed berserker sword. This item appears to have the characteristics of a +2 greatsword.
However, whenever the sword is used in battle, its wielder goes berserk (gaining all the benefits and drawbacks of the barbarian’s
rage ability). He attacks the nearest creature and continues to fight until unconscious or dead or until no living thing remains
within 30 feet. Although many see this sword as a cursed object, others see it as a boon.
A Seidenberg berserker attempts
to gain a measure of control over this item to better utilize it in combat. Experienced characters may be able to direct their
rage toward their opponents rather than slash about, and may be able stop their magically induced rage prematurely. This form
of fighting is only taught at the Seidenberg Fighting
Academy and only the most dedicated students are invited to join
The most common classes to pursue this prestige class are fighters since most barbarians scorn artificially induced
Seidenberg Berserker (SdBr)
Requirements: BAB: +6 Feats: Combat
Reflexes, Quick Draw Skills: Concentration: 6 ranks Special: The character must possess a “Berserker
Sword” and join the Seidenberg Fighting Academy.
Hit Dice: 1d10 BAB Advancement:
Same as Barbarian Saving Throw Advancement: Same as Barbarian Skill Points: 2 +INT Modifier per level
gained Class Skills: Climb (STR), Concentration (WIS), Craft (INT), Intimidate (CHA), Jump (STR), Profession (WIS),
Ride (DEX), Swim (STR).
New Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: No new proficiencies.
Class Abilities
one special technique for which she qualifies every level gained as a Seidenberg Berserker.
Special Techniques
Sheath the Sword: Preq.: Quick Draw Benefit: This ability is the inverse of the Quick
Draw feat and allows the wielder to sheath a weapon as a free action Normal: A normal character can only drop a weapon as a free action.
It is a move action to resheath it.
Sheath Fighter: Preq.: BAB +6 Benefit: The character can fight
with a great sword sheathed at no penalty. Any wound inflicted with a sheathed weapon is considered non-lethal bludgeoning
damage. While a berserker sword is sheathed the wielder is not driven berserk when using it. Normal: A normal character
must take a -2 attack penalty when fighting with a sheathed weapon.
Anger Management: Preq.: Concentration:
6 ranks Benefit: The berserker may attempt a Concentration check to avoid attacking a friend while berserk. The
DC of the check equals 15 plus 1 for each round the wielder has fought berserk. All uses of the sword in a single day stack
for determining the DC total.
End the Madness: Preq.: Anger Management, Sheath the Sword Benefit:
At any point the character can attempt to resheath her sword as a “swift” action. The Concentration check DC is
equal to 15 plus 1 for each round the wielder has fought berserk in a single day. Each consecutive failure to “End the
Madness” adds +5 to the next attempt. Normal: A character fighting with a berserker sword can only stop when she falls unconscious or there are no creatures within
30ft of her.
Insomniac: Preq.: Anger Management Benefit: While berserk, the character is immune to
sleep effects.
Cut Arrows: Preq.: Combat Reflexes, Concentration 8 ranks Benefit: While berserk,
the character can block projectiles with his great sword. This ability has the same effect as the “Deflect Arrows”
No Mercy: Preq.: Power Attack, Cleave. Benefit: While berserk, the character gains a +2 damage
bonus on all Cleave attacks.
Slash Through: Preq.: BAB: +8, Sunder, Cleave Benefit: The berserker
can combined a Sunder attack with a Cleave attack. While using a berserker sword, if the character successfully sunders a
weapon or piece of armor, she can Cleave into the weilder of the weapon. Normal: A combatant can either Cleave or Sunder with a slashing attack
Death Grip: Preq.: Combat Reflexes,
Concentration 10 ranks Benefit: The berserker has a +10 bonus to resist being disarmed of her berserker sword.
Preq.: BAB: +16, Concentration 16 ranks Benefit: The berserker can treat her berserker sword as if it possessed
the “vorpal” magic weapon trait.
An eternal
youth is a person that seeks to preserve their youthful appearance for all of their lives. Eternal Youths (also called Timeless
Beauties, Mummified Majesties, and Preserved Princes) must be very wealthy to afford the ritual treatments and the constant
applications of “Unguent of Timelessness”. The goal of this prestige class is to maintain a youthful appearance
for all of eternity.
The most common classes to take this path are nobles and wealthy adventures afraid of growing
older. The creation of an “eternal youth” is a closely guarded secret and requires a great deal of money and influence
to obtain the support necessary to perform it, but only the most beautiful and charming people are ever granted it.
Youth (EYth)
Requirements: Feats: Endurance, Diehard, Great Fortitude Skills:
One STR based skill with 10 ranks and one CHA based skill with 10 ranks. Special: A secret embalming ceremony is
preformed on the living character at the end of which he or she is ritually killed and revived. The newly undead character
must rub a dose of “unguent of timelessness” daily to retain her supernatural powers and life-like appearance.
Each day without a dose means that the character must make a Fortitude save (DC= 20 plus each day without a dose) or permanently
lose one INT point and one CHA point. If either attribute is reduce to zero the character becomes a mindless zombie.
Dice: 1d12 BAB Advancement: Same as a Wizard Skill Advancement: Same as a Fighter Skill Points:
4 + INT modifier per level Class Skills: Bluff (CHA), Craft (INT), Climb (STR), Diplomacy (CHA), Gather Information
(CHA), Intimidation (CHA), Jump (STR), Knowledge (Arcana) (INT), Listen (WIS), Perform (CHA), Profession (WIS), Spot (WIS),
Swim (STR), Use Magical Devices (CHA).
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: No new proficiencies.
LEVELS 1st level: Pick one Special Ability, Living Dead 2nd level to 10th level: Pick one Special Ability.
Living Dead: The character becomes undead. He possesses all the abilities and hit point
he had before he died, but loses his CON attribute and any CON modifier bonus. He gains all undead creature traits and vulnerabilities.
From now on, positive energy is damaging and negative energy is healing.
Special Abilities: These special supernatural
abilities are possessed by the character as long as he or she maintains the unguent regimen. If the character misses a daily
treatment all these abilities are lost for 24 hours.
Bottomless Eyes (Su): The character can easily charm others
and gains a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. This supernatural ability can be taken more than once.
Face (Su): It is very hard to tell when the character is lying. An eternal youth with this ability gains a +2 bonus to
Bluff and Intimidation checks. This supernatural ability can be taken more than once.
Tireless Athlete (Su): The
body of the eternal youth is flawless and untiring. It provides the character a bonus of +2 to all Climb, Jump, and Swim checks.
This supernatural ability can be taken more than once.
Beauty of the Ages ( Su): The character maintains an
incredible beauty through its existence. The character gains a +2 bonus on any Perform check. This supernatural ability can
be taken more than once.
Unlocked Joints (Su): Normal restraints are infective in holding this character since it can dislocate its bones at will. The character gains
a +10 bonus on any “Escape Artist” check to escape physical restraints or “Tumbling” check to negate
falling damage.
Dead Silence (Su): The character can easily remain motionless and utterly quiet. The character
gains a supernatural +10 bonus on any “Hide” or “Move Silently” checks when the character remains
utterly still.
Social Leech (Su): The eternal youth can steal another creature’s life force to restore
its own. As a touch attack, the eternal youth can steal up to the character’s experience level in hit points as a standard
action to restore its own hit points. The victim can negate this attack by making a Fortitude save (DC=10 + the eternal youth’s
class level plus any WIS modifier).
Blue Blood (Su): The blood of
the eternal youth is harmful to living creatures. If a slashing or piercing weapon is coated with it, there is a chance that
any creature that comes into contact with the blood will contract filth fever (Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1d3
days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based).
Personality Cult (Su): The eternal youth
gains the Leadership feat and followers attracted to the character’s appearance or fame.
Skeleton Closet (Sp):
Once per day, the eternal youth can cast an animate dead spell as a sorcerer with a casting level equal to the character’s
experience level as a standard action.
The Golembane is a character that specializes in the
destruction of golems and other constructs. Some are driven by religious principles to destroy artificial life. Other golembanes
come from a military background and seek to sabotage enemy armaments on the battlefield. A few make their living by stealing
valuables protected by golem watchmen. The primary tool for all of these adventurers is a “Golembane Scarab” which
is a symbol of their dedication. This beetle-shaped pin enables its wearer to detect any golem within 60 feet, although he
must concentrate (a standard action) in order for the detection to take place. A scarab enables its possessor to combat golems
with weapons, unarmed attacks, or natural weapons as if those golems had no damage reduction.
Most Golembanes are rangers,
but rogues and fighters may also pursue this training. All must possess a golembane scarab and require tutorship to learn
the techniques of a golembane.
Golembane (GlmB)
Requirements: BAB: +4 Skills:
Knowledge (Arcana): 5 ranks, Disable Device: 5 ranks Special: The character must possess a golembane scarab and
apprentice in a golembane guild or school.
Hit Dice: 1d8 BAB Advancement: Same as Ranger Saving
Throw Advancement: Same as Ranger Skill Points: The golembane gains 6+INT modifier skill points per class level. Class
Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex),
Jump (Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
(Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex)
Weapon Proficiencies: Skilled with all simple and martial weapons, Skilled with the use of tower shields.
Every prestige class level gained as a golembane allows the character to choose one special technique.
Critical Juncture (Su): Prerequisites: Disable Device: 5 ranks The golembane can inflict
critical damage on constructs while he wears his magical scarab. This also enables the use of “sneak attacks”
and “favored enemy” damage bonus on constructs.
Increased Sensitivity (Su): Preq.: Knowledge (arcane):
5 ranks The detection range of the scarab is increased from 60ft to 120ft.
Universal Bias (Su): Preq.: Increased
Sensitivity The “golembane scarab” will detect any construct, not just golems.
Defensive Maneuvers
(Ex):: Preq.: BAB: +5, Critical Juncture From hours of study and physical training, the character gains a +2 AC dodge
bonus when attacking constructs and a +2 morale bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Escape Artist checks against
Improved Defensive Maneuvers (Ex): Preq.: BAB: +10, Defensive Maneuvers The character increases his
AC and skill bonuses to +4 rather than +2.
Advanced Defensive Maneuvers (Ex): Preq.: BAB: +15, Imp. Defensive
Maneuvers The character increases his “Defensive Maneuvers” bonuses against constructs to +6.
Against The Machine (Ex):: Preq.: Concentration: 8 ranks, Critical Juncture The character may enter a frenzied state
when within 30ft of an enemy construct as a free action. The frenzy grants the character +2 to STR and a +2 to DEX and lasts
for 1 round plus the character’s CON modifier or at least one round. For the rest of the combat encounter the character
suffers a -2 penalty to his STR and DEX scores. Only one “frenzy” can be initiated per combat encounter. A “Rage
Against The Machine” frenzy can not be used in conjunction with any other rage or frenzy ability. While in a
frenzied state the character can not cast spells, inflict a “Nexus Strike”, or use INT based skills.
Frenzy (Ex): Concentration: 12 ranks, Rage Against the Machine The character’s frenzy is twice as powerful (+4
STR and DEX bonus) and lasts twice as long. Unfortunately the fatigue penalties are doubled as well (-4 STR and DEX penalty).
Wrench (Ex): Preq.: Critical Juncture, Disable Device: 8 ranks As a full round action, the character may temporarily
damage either the construct’s STR or DEX on a successful touch attack. The attribute damage is 1d3 if the character
succeeds at a Disable Device check equal to 15 plus the HD of the construct. The attribute damage is temporary and only lasts
for 1d6 rounds plus one round per prestige class level as a golembane. This action will provoke an attack of opportunity unless
the construct is attacked by surprise.
Nexus Strike (Su): Preq.: Monkey Wrench, Disable Device: 10 ranks The
character can directly attack the magic energy nexus that animates the construct. If a golembane studies a construct for 3
rounds and then makes an attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the attack has the additional effect of
possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (golembane’s choice). While studying the victim, the golembane can
undertake other actions so long as his attention stays focused on the target and the target does not detect the golembane
or recognize the golembane as an enemy. If the victim of such an attack fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the golembane’s
class level + the golembane’s Int modifier) against the kill effect, it is destroyed. If the saving throw fails against
the paralysis effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the golembane.
If the victim’s saving throw succeeds, the attack is a normal melee attack. Once the golembane has completed the 3 rounds
of study, he must make the nexus strike within the next 3 rounds. If a nexus strike is attempted and fails (the victim
makes its save) or if the golembane does not launch the attack within 3 rounds of completing the study, 3 new rounds of study
are required before he can attempt another nexus strike.
The rope
charmer has the ability to use an animated rope as an assistant, defender, and weapon. This prestige class often works as
entertainers, thieves, and assassins. Commonly a rope charmer uses an ordinary hemp or silk rope for his abilities, but when
he employees an enchanted rope he can achieve remarkable effects.
The most common rope charmers are bards and sorcerers,
but rogues and experts often pursue this art form as well.
Requirements: Skills: Knowledge
(arcana): 8 ranks, Use Rope: 4 ranks, Perform (flute): 4 ranks Special: An animated rope is needed for many of the
rope charmer’s special techniques.
Hit Dice: 1d6 BAB Advancement: Same as a Bard Save
Advancement: Same as a Bard Skill Points: 6 +INT modifier per level gained Class Skills: Alchemy (INT),
Bluff (CHA), Climb (STR), Concentration (CON), Craft (INT), Escape Artist (DEX), Knowledge (arcana) (INT), Perform (CHA),
Spell Casting (INT), Use Rope (DEX).
New Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Proficiencies with whips, bolas, and
quarterstaffs. Proficiency with “Rope” armor and “Rope” shields.
Spellcasting: The
rope charmer is a specialist in casting the “animated rope” spell. Every level gained as a rope charmer, the character
can cast the animate rope spell once per day as a “sorcerer” would. The caster level is equal to the character’s
prestige class level plus any levels as a bard or sorcerer.
Special Techniques The rope charmer gains
a special technique every prestige level gained.
Rope Familiar (Su): Prerequisites: Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks Benefit:
The rope charmer can permanently animate a rope and turn it into his personal familiar. The character can not already possess
a familiar and any sorcerer levels stack with his rope charmer levels to determine the familiar’s bonus abilities. A
rope familiar is 30ft long and starts with these abilities. Small Construct Hit Points: One half the rope charmer’s
total. Speed: 10 ft, 10ft climb Initiative: +2 Attack Bonus: Same as the rope charmer’s BAB plus +2 (DEX).
Damage: Slap (1d2 subdual) Saving Throws: Same as the rope charmer Attributes: STR 10, DEX 14, CON -, INT -, WIS
10, CHA 1. Skills: Climb +8 Feats: Weapon Finesse Special Attack: Entangle
Entangle: Upon command,
the rope lashes forward 20 feet or upward 10 feet to entangle a victim. The creature is successfully entangled if the rope
has a higher attack roll than the Reflex save roll of the victim. An entangled creature can break free with a DC 20 Strength
check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check.
Rope Whip (Ex): Preq.: Use Rope: 4 ranks The rope charmer can use
an ordinary length of rope as a whip.
Rope Dart (Ex): Preq.: Rope Whip The rope charmer can tie a dagger
to the end of an ordinary rope and use it to make ranged attacks. The effect is the same as if the dagger was thrown, but
as a move equivalent action the rope charmer can return the dagger to his hand. The rope must extend for the full length of
the thrown. Alternatively, the damage inflicted by the dagger can be used instead of the standard whip damage (1d2 non-lethal)
when the rope is used as a whip.
Rope Bolo (Ex): Preq.: Rope Dart By tying two or three one pound weights
to a length of rope, the character can create a ranged weapon that can make ranged trip attacks. The victim must make a DEX
or STR check versus the throwers STR or DEX check (whichever is higher). The rope bolo can also make damaging range attacks.
A stone bolo can inflict 1d4 (x2) bludgeoning damage or, the thrower takes a -2 AB penalty, 2d4 (x2) damage by striking with
two stones. With daggers attached the rope bolo can inflict slashing damage equal to the dagger’s normal damage or strike
with both daggers on a “-2 to hit” strike. If the rope bolo is animated, a successful trip or strike triggers
an automatic entangle attempt (see animate rope spell in PHB). The rope bolo has a range increment of 10ft.
Coils (Ex): Use Rope: 6 ranks The character can make a small shield or suit of light armor by coiling a rope around
him. A small shield provides a +1 bonus to AC, a -1 armor check, a 5% arcane spell failure, and weighs at least 6 lbs. Rope
armor has a +2 AC bonus, a maximum +5 DEX bonus, a -1 armor check, a 5% arcane spell failure, and weighs at least 16 lbs.
If the rope is “animated” it only takes a full round action to done or remove (or 1 minute without) a suit of
rope armor or shield. The rope armor and shield have the same hardness and hit points as the rope used to create them.
Tie (Ex): Use Rope: 8 ranks, Combat Reflexes. The character can immobilize an opponent he successfully trips and then
grapples for 2 continuous rounds (30 seconds) by tying the victim’s limbs and jaws together. The character must be carrying
a rope when he attacks and the victim can attempt a STR or Escape Artist check to escape the rope. The DC of the check is
equal to the character’s Use Rope skill plus his rope charmer prestige level. “Hog Tying” does not work
on creatures without limbs such as snakes or no internal bone structure like oozes.
Trick Rope (Ex): Preq.:
Craft (Alchemy): 10 ranks, Use Rope: 10 ranks. The character can create unique ropes with special properties.
rope can be woven with metal wires to increase its hardness. The hardness value of the metal is transferred to the rope. The
cost of the rope modification depends on what metal was used to reinforce the rope and requires one pound of metal per foot.
barbed rope can have shards of metal, glass, or thorns woven into it. Anyone that tries to climb or break the rope suffers
1d6 slashing damage. If this weapon is used as a “rope whip” the wielder can inflict 1d6 slashing damage. This
rope is often used for mechanical traps and barriers. The cost of this rope modification is 5gp per foot of rope.
trap rope can have substances imbedded within it that are released when the rope is cut or burned. Poisons and alchemical
compounds are the most common additions. The cost of this modification is the cost of alchemy compound plus the cost of the
A break rope can be designed to break if used for climbing. Anyone climbing the rope is vulnerable to falling
damage. The cost of this rope is same as an ordinary rope.
Splice the Line (Ex): Use Rope: 12 ranks The character
can instantly restore a mundane or magical rope if it is severed by a piercing or slashing attack. A rope destroyed by energy
damage can not be repaired.
Rope Tower (Su): Preq.:
Perform (flute): 4 ranks, Animate rope spell. While the rope charmer plays his or her flute, a magically animated rope
will rise 10ft per round up to a maximum number of feet equal to 5ft per rank in Perform (flute).
Ascend Rope (Su):
Preq.: Rope Tower While the rope charmer plays her flute, others may climb
an unsupported animated rope or the rope can be tied to an object you wish to lift. The animated rope will support up to 20
lbs per rank in Perform (flute).
Petrified Rope (Su): Preq.: Ascend Rope The rope charmer can freeze a rope
tower in place so that he or she can climb the animated rope without needing to play her flute. This technique can also be
used to create a 10ft pole, manacles, quarterstaff, cage, grappling hook, muzzle, bridle, basket, or article of clothing.
Knots tied into this rope are harder to slip or untie and gain a +2 to Use Rope bonus and a +2 hardness bonus. The “petrified”
effect lasts for the duration that the rope is animated. Because of this the rope charmer often takes the “Craft Wondrous
Items” feat so that he or she can create ropes and rope weapons that are permanently animated.
Tongued Devil
silver tongued devil is a mortal that seeks power through a special ritual that bonds her body with alchemical silver. The
name comes from the need to ingest a “silver-sheen” elixir as part of the pursuit of supernatural powers. This
silver gilding grants the character various abilities including enhanced social skills, natural armor, spell defense, and
invulnerability to lycanthropy. The most dedicated grow a small pair of silver horns and silver plated talons. The most common
individual to pursue this prestige class is one devoted to the destruction of were-creatures.
Most silver tongued devils
are bards or rangers, but fighters and rogues may transform themselves into silver tongued devils.
The ritual to create
silver tongue devils is only known to a few and is closely guarded secret. As part of this ritual, the character must imbibe
a “silver-sheen” elixir every day for a month. At the end of the ritual, the character must make a DC 18 CON to
resist death from silver poisoning. The alchemical silver magically bonds with the character’s blood if the CON save
is successful. As the silver tongued devil increases in level, she gains more abilities at the expense of her humanity.
Tongued Devil (STD)
Requirements : Base Fortitude: +6 Feats: Toughness, Great
Fortitude Skills: Bluff: 4 ranks, Sense Motive: 4 ranks. Special: Participate in a ritual of Silver Bonding,
The character must supply the required 30 vials of “silver-sheen”.
1d8 BAB Advancement: Same as ranger Saving Throw Advancement: Same as bard Skill Points: Gains
6+INT per prestige class level. Class Skills: Bluff (CHA), Craft (INT), Climb (STR), Concentration (CON), Intimidate
(CHA), Jump (STR), Listen (WIS), Perform (CHA), Profession
(WIS), Ride (DEX), Sense Motive (WIS), Spot
New Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: No
new proficiencies.
Special Ability Every gain in prestige class level,
the silver tongue devil can acquire a new special ability.
Silver Veins (Ex): Prerequisites: Toughness, Great
Fortitude The character’s blood resembles quicksilver. Any creature vulnerable to silver that bites the character
may suffer 1d8 hp damage (Reflex DC: 12) from ingesting her blood. Additionally, the character
can never contract lycanthropy since the silver running through her veins renders her immune to this disease. This alteration
is permanent even within an anti-magic cloud.
Silver Tongue (Su): Preq.: Bluff: 4 ranks The character’s
tongue is silver coated. As a supernatural effect, the character can add one half of her prestige class level to any Bluff
or Gather Information checks.
Silver Throated (Su): Preq.: Silver Tongue The character can add one half of
her prestige class level to any Perform (sing) checks and any Disguise checks to imitate someone’s voice. This is a
supernatural bonus.
Steely Gaze (Su): Preq.: Sense Motive: 4 ranks The character’s eyes resemble polished
ball bearings. Against anyone that gazes into her eyes, the character can add one half her silver tongued devil class level
to any Sense Motive or Intimidation checks as a supernatural effect.
Unblinking Eye (Su): Preq.: Steely Gaze The
character no longer needs to blink because her eyes are no longer fragile organs. As a supernatural bonus, she can add one
half of her silver tongued devil class level to all Search and Spot checks.
Chrome Skin (Ex): Preq.: Silver
Veins The skin of the character shines like polished chrome. The character gains a +4 circumstance save bonus against
any spell with a “Light” sub-type, but opponents gain a +2 circumstance “Spot” bonus to notice the
devil. If the character is covering more than 50% with of her body with opaque cloth, she will lose both her save and spot
modifiers. This change is permanent and can not be undone by a negate magic or remove curse spell.
Silver Saliva
(Su): Preq.: Chrome Skin The silver tongued devil can coat a weapon with her saliva once per day. Her silver saliva
can be applied to a weapon as a standard action. It will give the weapon the properties of alchemical silver for 1 hour, replacing
the properties of any other special material it might have. One application will coat a single melee weapon or 20 units of
Polished Nails (Su): Preq.: Silver Saliva, Chrome Skin The silver tongued devil’s finger
and toe nails become silver talons. The character is automatically proficient with these natural weapons. A set of hand or
feet talons inflicts 1d4 (CRIT: x3) slashing damage and is treated as “light” weapon for the purposes of weapon
Ray Deflection (Su): Preq.: Chrome Skin, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes The silver tongue devil
can deflect can “ray” spell or “gaze” attack. If the silver tongue devil stands between the target
and the attacker or is targeted by a ray or gaze, on a successful “Reflex” save the attack is negated.
Surface (Su): Preq.: Ray Deflection As a delayed action, the silver tongued devil can bounce a spell attack back at
the spell caster. The silver tongue devil must be aware of the spell caster and must be prepared to reflect any spell she
is targeted with. The silver tongue devil must make an attack roll to strike the target with the reflected spell. Area effect
spells are not effected by this ability.
Horny Devil (Ex) : Preq.: Polished Nails The silver tongued devil
sprouts a pair of vestigial silver horns from her forehead. From now on, the character is a “Monstrous Humanoid”
an no longer considered a member of her birth race. The character gains dark vision with a range of 60ft and has natural armor
equal to her CON modifier.
Most thieves are highly skill with concealing objects
on their person. A bagman is obsessed with concealment and utilizes magic to increase the number of objects the character
can carry. A highly skilled bagman doesn’t just strip a house of valuables, but often steals everything in sight. It
is a point of pride on the size of the object stolen among this prestige class. Some boast of stealing away marble statues,
horse carriages, and even sailing ships right under the noses of their owners.
The prized magical tools of trade for
a bagman are a shrink item wand, a bag of tricks, a bag of holding, a handy haversack, a robe of useful objects, figurines
of power, and gloves of storing. Some bagmen also have prized personal possessions such as favored tool kits, a grappling
hook and length of rope, or a non-magical transport permanently enchanted with the “shrink item” spell for convenience
and utility.
The most common characters to take this class are sorcerers, rogues, or bards. Most are multi-class spell
casters since they can easily craft the magic items required by a bagman.
Requirements: Feats:
Quick Draw, Any Craft Magic Item feat Skills: Sleight of Hand: 8 ranks, Concentration: 8 ranks
Hit Dice: 1d6 BAB Advancement: Same as bard Saving Throw Advancement: Same as bard Skill
Points : 6 plus any INT Modifier per prestige level gained Class Skills : Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff
(Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge
(arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str),
Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).
New Weapon and Armor Proficiencies : Use all simple
Bagman Level: Special Ability gained 1st Level: “Shrink Item”
Specialist 2nd Level: Rag Picker 3rd Level: Hat Trick 4th Level: Shrink Magical Items 5th Level: Shrink to Fit 6th
Level: Cut Down to Size 7th Level: Pebble Boulders 8th Level: Lilliputian Arrow 9th Level: Mountain to a Molehill 10th
Level: The World on a String
Special Abilities
Shrink Item Specialist: The bagman
can cast “shrink item” once per day for every prestige level gained just like a sorcerer. The “shrink item”
spell has an effective casting level equal to his bagman level plus any bard and sorcerer class levels. Since the bagman is
a spontaneous arcane spell caster, he can acquire meta-magic feats and magic item creation feats.
Rag Picker: With
a successful Concentration check (DC: 20 plus any circumstance penalties), the bagman can accurately remove the object he
desires from a “bag of holding” or a multitude of magically “shrunken” objects. This is a free action
for the bagman.
Hat Trick: If the bagman has access to the proper spells, he can create a “bag of
holding” as if he possessed the “Craft Wondrous Item” feat. Additionally, the bagman can substitute any
article of clothing for the standard bag.
Shrink Magical Items: The bagman can shrink some magical objects.
If the object has an effective caster level smaller or equal to the bagman’s spell casting level, the bagman can use
the shrink item spell on it.
Shrink to Fit: The bagman can cast a permanent shrink item spell
on an object. It cost the bagman 1500 XP to make the spell permanent.
Cut Down to Size: As a touch spell
attack, the bagman can attempt to magically disarm a character that is threatening him with a melee weapon. As a standard
action, the bagman casts “shrink item” on his opponent’s weapon. The spell must be negated or released by
the bagman to return the weapon to normal size.
Pebble Boulders: The bagman prepares a group of light catapult
stones with the “shrink item” spell. The character can throw a shrunken stone and expand it once it is in the
air. A thrown pebble boulder is a simple thrown weapon. Damage: 3d6 bludgeoning. Range Increment: throw for 10ft or launched
with a sling (50ft).
Lilliputian Arrow: The bagman creates a special arrow (or crossbow bolt) with an arrowhead
that is actually a group of 12 miniaturized arrows. The arrow is fired like a normal arrow but effects a 10ft by 10ft area
with the miniaturized arrows. Everyone within the area of effect must make a Reflex Save (DC= the bagman’s attack roll)
to avoid damage from 1d3 arrows. Each Lilliputian arrow requires 12 shrink item spells and thirteen arrows to create.
to a Molehill: The bagman can affect a mass of loose earth, stone, or water with the “shrink item” spell.
The main use of this ability is resculpting the landscape to suit the bagman. Or the create bag containing an instant avalanche
or mud slide when the spell is removed.
World on a String: The bagman can store one non-living and non-magical
object in specially crafted locket no matter its size. The storage locket radiates magic, but it requires a Spell Craft or
Search check (DC: 30) for anyone other than the locket’s creator to release a stored object. This object could be anything
from a hand crossbow to a war galley. Once an object is stored away, there is no room for any additional cargo in the locket.
If the locket is destroyed the object enclosed is lost as well.
STORAGE LOCKET A storage locket is a hollow
gold pendant with a concealed clasp on a gold chain. A storage locket will store a single object no matter its size so long
as the object is non-living and has no magical properties. It requires a Spell Craft or Search check (DC=30) for anyone other
than the creator to find the hidden clasp that opens and closes the pendant. If the locket is destroyed any object it is storing
is destroyed as well. Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Shrink Item spell, Craft (jewelry):
15 ranks; Market Price: 150,000gp.
The fire
eater has altered his internal alchemy so that he can safely ingest fire without injury. In addition, his belly acts as a
furnace which supplies him with a constance supply of fire and heat. He can tolerate intense corrosives,
live off of combustibles (such as coal, wood, or oil), and breath smoke or fire at will. This prestige class is most common
sideshow performers and traveling carnivals where the art was perfected.
An apprentice fire eater must be trained by
a skilled master and suffers through many ordeals of heat and flame. His skin and throat are trained to resist burning by
alchemical baths and scarification. His belly is alchemically altered so that acid, alchemist's fire, and combustibles continually
burn within it. A trail of smoke constantly leaks from the fire eaters nostrils and mouth as he talks and breathes. With concentration,
the fire eater can emit a stream of smoke or fire to attack his enemies or entertain a crowd. A fire eater is often a performer
as well as a warrior. The most common classes to become fire eaters are bards, clerics, and sorcerers.
Fire Eater
Hit Dice: d4
Requirements Skills: Craft (alchemy): 10 ranks, Concentration:
10 ranks. Feats: Toughness, Great Fortitude Spellcasting: Ability to spontaneously cast spells (either
arcane or divine).
Class Skills: Craft (Alchemy) (INT), Concentration (CON), Intimidate (CHA), Knowledge (any)
(INT), Perform (CHA), Profession (any) (WIS), Spellcraft (INT). Skill Points at Each Fire Eater
Level: 2+ INT Modifier.
BAB Advancement: Same as Sorcerer Saving Throw Advancement: Same as Sorcerer
Class Level..Special Abilities 1st..........Spontaneous
Casting 2nd..........Pick one Special Technique 3rd..........Pick one Special Technique 4th..........Pick one Special
Technique 5th..........Pick one Special Technique 6th..........Pick one Special Technique 7th..........Pick one Special
Technique 8th..........Pick one Special Technique 9th..........Pick one Special Technique 10th.........Pick one Special
Class Features
And Armor Proficiencies: No new proficiencies
Spontaneous Casting (Su): With each new level gained in this
prestige class, the fire eater gains the ability to channel arcane energy into specific spells they haven't prepared ahead
of time. If the fire eater already has levels as a spontaneous spell caster, he can add his fire eater level his previous
spellcaster class to determine spell power and spells per day. Only his "Fire Eater" spells increase in power level. Spells
derived from his other classes do not improve in power on gaining prestige levels as a "Fire Eater".
Available spells
according to Fire Eater prestige class level. 1st level: Burning Hands 2nd level: Flaming Sphere 3rd level: Fireball 4th
level: Wall of Fire 5th level: Fire Shield 6th level: Acid Fog 7th level: Fire Storm 8th level: Incendiary Cloud 9th
level: Meteor Swarm 10th level: Elemental Swarm
Spells Per Day: A fire eater continues to be trained in
magic, thus when a fire eater level is gained, spells per day increase as if she gained a level as a spontaneous spell caster.
He does not gain access to new spells beyond those gained as a fire eater.
Fire (Su): Req: Toughness Benefit: The fire eater can ingest a pint of oil instead of eating or drinking for
that day.
Breathe Smoke (Ex): Req: Eat Fire Benefit: As a full round action, the fire eater can breathe
out a cloud of grey smoke that will provide 50% concealment to all creatures within 5ft x CON Modifier radius of the fire
eater. The fire eater can take no other action while breathing out smoke. In addition, the fire eater can breath in smokey
enviroments without difficulty.
Alchemical Bile (Ex): Req: Great Fortitude Benefit: Because of his
training, the alchemist can store a number of pints of acid or alchemist's fire in his belly equal to his "Fire Eater" level
plus his CON modifier. As a standard action, the fire eater can spew out this mixture. This is an area attack that affects
all creatures in a line 5ft x "Fire Eater" level. The energy damage inflicted to each victim on this line is equal to 1d6
x # of alchemical flasks swallowed. Each victim can make a Reflex Save to reduce this damage by half (ST= 10 + one half the
PC's character level + his CON modifier). It take a standard action to ingest a flask of alchemical solution.
Blood (Ex): Req: Alchemical Bile Benefit: The Fire Eater's blood is acidic. Any creature that bites the Fire
Eater suffers 1d6 acid damage. In addition, the "Fire Eater" can add his prestige level to any Disease saving throw.
Eyes (Ex): Req: Acidic Blood Benefit: The eyes of the Fire Eater glow with an internal light. The Fire Eater
can add her prestige level to all Intimidation checks. In addition, the glow from his eyes illuminates a 30ft cone in front
of the fire eater.
Internal Furnace (Ex): Req: Alchemical Bile Benefit: The Fire Eater is warmed by
the chemical reactions occuring in his stomache. He has a Cold Resistance equal to his CON modifier.
Fire Proof
(Ex): Req.: Eat Fire, Breathe Smoke, Internal Furnace Benefit: The Fire Eater's body is immune to fire. None
of his possessions or clothing share this immunity.
Acid Tested (Ex): Req.: Achemical Bile, Acidic Blood, Internal
Furnace Benefit: The Fire Eater's body has Acid Resistance equal to his CON modifier. None of his possessions or
clothing share this immunity.
Bombastic (Ex): Req.: Fire Proof, Acid Tested Benefit: As a full round
action, the Fire Eater can emit a burning cloud of ash. This cloud inflicts 1d6 fire damage to everyone inside it. In addition,
this cloud inflicts a -2 attack and damage penalty for 1d4 rounds unless the victim succeeds at a Fortitude Save (DC: 10 +
1/2 CL + CON Mod). The effect is centered on the Fire Eater and has a radius of 5ft per prestige level.
A nowhere
man is skilled in theft, hiding, and traping others in pockets of interdimensional space. The principle tool of a nowhere
man is a portable hole, but a sufficently skilled nowhere man can create temperary portable holes he can use as pit traps,
fox holes, and extra dimensional nets. Many nowhere men are professional thieves, but others take up the class to better capture
fugitives or criminals alive and bring them to justice. Rogue/Wizard is the most common character to take this prestige class,
but bards, monks, sorcerers, and hexblades also take up the mantle. A master willing to train a new pupil in the skills of
a nowhere man can be extremely hard to find, since most masters live within the artifical pocket dimensions created by portable
Portable Hole: Wondrous Magic Item A portable hole is a circle of cloth spun from the webs of a phase spider
interwoven with strands of ether and beams of starlight. When opened fully, a portable hole is 6 feet in diameter, but it
can be folded up to be as small as a pocket handkerchief. When spread upon any surface, it causes an extradimensional space
10 feet deep to come into being. This hole can be picked up from inside or out by simply taking hold of the edges of the cloth
and folding it up. Either way, the entrance disappears, but anything inside the hole remains. The only air in the hole
is that which enters when the hole is opened. It contains enough air to supply one Medium creature or two Small creatures
for 10 minutes. The cloth does not accumulate weight even if its hole is filled. Each portable hole opens on its own particular
nondimensional space. If a bag of holding is placed within a portable hole, a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in that place.
Both the bag and the cloth are sucked into the void and forever lost. If a portable hole is placed within a bag of holding,
it opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The hole, the bag, and any creatures within a 10-foot radius are drawn there, the portable
hole and bag of holding being destroyed in the process. Moderate conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift;
Price 20,000 gp.
NOWHERE MAN (NWM) Hit Die: d6. Requirements To qualify to become a Nowhere Man, a character
must fulfill all the following criteria. Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Quick Draw Skills: Sleight of Hand:
8 ranks, Hide: 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks, Knowledge (Planes): 8 ranks. Spells: Ability to cast 1st level arcane
spells Special: Evasion class ability
Class Skills The nowhere man’s class skills (and the key ability
for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Climb (Str), Craft {Any} (Int), Disguise (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Jump (Str) Knowledge {Any} (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis),
Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
(Levels 1 to 10) + BAB: SAME AS BARD + SAVES: SAME AS BARD +Gain one "Special Ability" for every NWM level gained.
Features All of the following are Class Features of the arcane archer prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
A nowhere man is proficient with nets, chakrams, and bolas. He gains no additional proficiencies in armor or shields.
Abilities: A nowhere man gains one special ability for each class level he or she possesses. Any ability listed below can
be chosen if he meets the requirements.
Hole In My Pocket (Ex): The nowhere man can quickly remove or store a portable
hole. If the character is adjacent to a Portable Hole, as a 'free' action the nowhere man can fold it up and store like a
handkerchief it or fan it out in front of him without provoking an attack of opportunity. Normally, its a move equivalent
action to spread a portable hole and a full round action to pick one up and fold it away; and both actions would open a unskilled
person to attacks of opportunity.
Abracadabra (Su): Requirement: Hole In My Pocket As a move equivalent action,
the nowhere man can quickly scoop up an object or pile of objects into his portable hole. This outrageous form of theft is
treated just like a "picking pockets" attempt and can effect any object or group of objects within a single 5ft cube.
Snatcher (Su): Requirement: Hole In My Pocket As a grappling attack, the nowhere man can attempt to quickly engulf a person
within his portable hole. This attack will not work on creatures greater than "medium size". Additionally, if the target is
wearing a "bag of holding" then the catastrophic destruction of both is insured. The snatcher must continue to make a successful
grapple check on his victim, or the victim will succeed in climbing back out of the hole. A medium creature or two small creatures
can breathe within the bag for 10 minutes before suffocation occurs.
Fox Hole (Su): Requirement: Hole In My Pocket As
a swift action, the Nowhere Man can provide himself with 9/10 cover. This cover has no effect against area attacks or attacks
from above.
Bolt Hole (Su): Requirement: Fox Hole, Body Snatcher The Nowhere Man can seal his portable hole with
himself inside it. A tiny iris periodically opens and closes to keep him from suffocating. While sealed the hole only has
enough air to keep a medium creature or two small creatures alive for 10 minutes. When it opens, the occupant becomes vulnerable
to invasion by fine creatures and toxic gases.
Hole Evasion (Su): Requirement: Bolt Hole, Evasion class ability This
special ability gives the nowhere man the "Improved Evasion" class ability, so long as he or she possesses an empty and functional
portable hole.
Black Bulwark (Su): Requirement: Combat Reflexes The nowhere man can use the portable hole as a dimensional
barrier against ranged weapons. The nowhere man can hold the portable hole between him and distant opponents on one side of
him to prevent any effective ranged weapon strikes. The portable hole will not stop spell effects or area attacks, and leaves
the nowhere man open to attacks from the other three sides. While holding up the portable hole with both hands, the nowhere
man can not make any attacks of his own but he can still walk. He also loses any Dodge AC bonuses he might possess and is
open to sneak attacks. The hole will only protect the nowhere man and any creature standing immediately behind him from ranged
weapons such as arrows, boulders, bullets, crossbow bolts, or any thrown weapon coming within a 90* arc in front of the nowhere
Sword Swallower (Su): Requirement: Black Bulwark The nowhere man can use his portable hole to disarm an oppontant
of a melee weapon and store it away for retreival by the Nowhere Man
Blind Grab (Ex): Requirement: Knowledge (Arcana):
10 ranks, Sleight of Hand: 10 ranks The nowhere man can attempt a Sleight of Hand check versus DC 20 to retrieve the specific
object he wants from a portable hole without looking as a 'swift' action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Normally,
retrieving a specific object from a portable hole requires unfolding the hole on the ground or against a wall and provokes
an attack of opportunity.
Suspended Charges (Su): Requirement: Body Snatcher, Sleight of Hand 10 ranks Using the
Portable Hole like a torredor's cape, the nowhere man can negate the attack at the end of a charge and attempt to entrap the
charger. If the nowhere man readies himself for a charge, then he can make a touch attack against the charging opponent to
negate any melee attack or bull rush at the end of the charge. If the touch attack is successful, the nowhere man can instantly
follow it up with a grappling check to attempt to seal his target within the portable hole. All conditions relating to "Body
Snatcher" special ability apply.
Instant Pit Trap (Su): Requirements: Craft (Trap): 10 ranks By using a portable
hole, the nowhere man can create a 10ft deep pit trap at no cost. The Spot and Disable Checks for the trap are based on the
CR of the pit trap which is equal to the PrC level of the creator. By stacking portable holes, the nowhere man can make the
trap 10ft deep per hole. Spiked Pits and Cage Pits can also be created at half the normal materials cost and one quarter the
labor time. Only the nowhere man knows how to disassemble the trap to retrieve the portable holes undamaged and intact.
Hole Generator (Su): Requirement: Knowledge (Arcana): 15 ranks, Knowledge (Planes): 15 ranks Through study and rigorous
training, the Nowhereman can create temporary portable holes. Each hole last for 1 minute per PrC level and takes a full round
action to create. Creating a portable hole provokes attacks of opportunity from all opponents within reach. The nowhere man
can not create more than his INT modifier of temporary portable holes at any one time.