Cabbages & Kings: The Steampunk Renaisance

Beast Men (Optional Player Character Race)
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Beast Men (Customizable Race)

Aberrant arcane energies have created many unique creatures and environments. Most scholars believe that Beast Men are the result of accelerated evolution triggered by temporal disruptions. Most lawful societies reinforce this belief with religious and political dogma and have declared all Beast Men as an aspect of chaos. Beast Men are often ridiculed and scorned and rarely attain positions of wealth or influence. Many Beast Men pursue the life of an adventurer to escape poverty and bigotry. All types of animals can become Beast Men.

Physical Description

All Beast Men are monstrous humanoids ranging is size from three feet to nine feet tall.
Their appearance is determined by their species of origin which can be anything from an insect to an elephant. The head of the animal remains unchanged. The limbs of the animal are reduced to four in number and end in hands with three to five fingers and animal like feet, claws, or hooves. All natural weapons are lost during the transformation. Their lifespan also changes to the human racial norm.

Social Relations

Beast Men vary in temperament and alignment as any human race. It is mostly the influence of the church as well as their alien appearance that makes Beast Men the social outcasts. Many Beast Men accept lives as servants and henchmen for others, but most are resentful of social prejudice. Many embrace the worship of the chaotic or evil deities in anger and desperation.

Beast Man Lands

In most societies, Beast Men can not own property, hold public office, or vote. Still small nomadic tribes and shanty towns exist in isolated areas. It is the dream of many Beast Men to create their own nation. In this effort, many pray to their gods to deliver them from the religous and civil persecution. Few Beast Men enjoy civilian life and most prefer to live close to nature.

Beast Man Names

Since Beast Men are not part of any humanoid race, they are not named according to normal conventions. Instead most are named after herbs, spices, vegetables, or metals that best suit their personality or appearance. Common names are Acorn, Ash, Barley, Basil, Birch, Bone, Brass, Bronze, Caraway, Chives, Clover, Copper, Dill, Flax, Ginger, Goldenrod, Hawthorn, Iron, Juniper, Kabob, Nightshade, Nutmeg, Oak, Peach, Pumpkin, Radish, Rhubarb, Saffron, Steel, Tamarin, Turnip, Velum, Wormswart, Xylem, Yew, and Zinc. As last names they often take the name of a body part of their original species, such as Claw, Fang, Snout, Tail, Tusk, Whiskers, Paws, etc.


Creature Type

All Beast Men are Monstrous Humanoids. They usually have four limbs and all can walk and run upright. The have a head, fingered hands, and a pair of legs like all humanoids. All Beast Men possess Low-Light Vision and must eat, sleep, and breathe like all living creatures. They lose any natural weapons they possessed as ordinary animals.

Hit Dice

The Hit Dice of the beast man is determined by their class level. All beast men have a +0 Level Adjustment.

Racial Attribute Score Modifiers

Beast Men display a wide range of physical and mental attributes determined by their base species. Rather that make a massive list of racial modifiers, the player can choose which penalties and bonuses best represent the creature they are modeling.
The player can choose to have no attribute bonus like humans. Otherwise, they can choose to gain a +2 bonus to any attribute other than STRENGTH in exchange for a -2 penalty to any attribute. A +2 bonus to STRENGTH cost a -2 penalty to two attributes.

Pick Size

Players can pick the size of their character to best model the original animal species. Fine to Tiny animals will become Small humanoids. Small to Large animals will be Medium humanoids. Huge or bigger animals will be Powerful Build humanoids.

Small Size: The creature is 3ft +2d4in tall and weighs 40lbs +2d4lbs. Its base land speed is 20ft per round. This creature must either take a -2 STR penalty or lose its secondary racial attribute to become a Small sized humanoid.
Medium Size: The creature is the same size as a ordinary human. Its base land speed is a standard 30ft per round. Use the Human entry for height and weight.
Powerful Build: The creature is a “medium” humanoid, but possesses the size based bull rush bonus (+4 per size larger), grappling bonus (+4), and weapon size of a large creature. Its land speed is 30 ft per round, and its face and reach are both 5ft. A Powerful Build Beast Man has a base height of 6ft +2d12 inches height modifier. The weight of the creature is 200lbs plus the height modifier times 1d12. A Powerful Build beast man must either take a -2 DEX penalty or lose its secondary racial ability because of its size.

Species of Origin
All species of commonly available Beast Men are grouped into broad categories. It is the responsibility of the player and the DM to choose size level, attribute modifiers, and primary and secondary abilities that best represent their species of
Beast Man. Each species has "one" favored character class.
For example:
Small amphibian (-2 STR)
Additional Racial Modifiers: +2 to Dexterity bonus, and a -2 penalty to Constitution.
Primary ability: Swim Speed (20ft), -2 Fort. vs. contact poisons
Secondary ability: Arboreal (or Natural Toxins for a poison arrow leaf frog)
Favored Class: Monk

Amphibian Beast Men include frogs, newts, toads, and salamanders. All amphibians have no hair, and four fingered webbed hands and feet.

Primary Ability: Swim Speed equal to land speed and the creature can breathe underwater. A +8 bonus to swim checks and the creature can always take “10” on any Swim check roll. Unfortunately the amphibian’s sensitive skin makes the creature more vulnerable to contact poisons: -2 Fortitude Save versus contact poisons.

Secondary Ability: (Pick One)
1. Natural Toxins (Ex): Any creature that bites the amphibian is exposed to an ingested poison secreted by its skin. The ingested poison will make the biter “nauseated” for 1d4 rounds. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action the victim can take is a single move action per turn plus any free actions other than casting quickened spells. The saving throw of the natural toxin is DC: 10 + 0.5 x HD + CON Modifier.
2. Sticky Tongue (Ex): The creature can make a grabbing or disarming attack at a range of up to 10 feet away.
3.Arboreal (Ex): It has a +2 racial bonus on Climb and Balance.
4. Jumping Legs (Ex): These frogs and toads have a natural +4 bonus for Jump checks.

Armored animals:
Armored animals are all creatures that are encased in bony plates, clad in heavy hides, or live inside shells. This category covers armadillos, crabs, lobsters, sea urchins, turtles, tortoises, hedgehogs, porcupines, and rhinos. Appearance is a humanoid version of the original creature.

Primary Abilities: (Pick One)
1. Exoskeleton (Ex): The bony plates covering the character provide damage resistance (DR= 1/-). But the weight and rigidity of the plates creates a -2 armor check that can not be negated. This damage bonus stacks with the barbarian DR class ability.
2. Thick Skinned (Ex): The sturdy skin of this creature grants her Light Fortification for a 25% chance to negate critical hits and natural armor bonus of +1 AC.
3. Shellback (Ex): The creature is born inside a suit of Half Plate armor. This armor can not be removed, but can be enchanted just like a suit of masterwork armor. No other suit of armor can be worn by the character.
4. Spiny (Ex): The creature is born inside a suit of spiked leather armor. Both the armor spikes and leather armor can be enchanted as if both armor spikes and leather armor were masterwork. This armor can not be removed and no other suit of armor can be worn.

Secondary Ability: (Pick One)
1. Guard Pincher (Ex): This oversized crab claw replaces the off-hand of the crustacean. Like the fiddler crab, this pincher is much larger than her other hand. The oversized crab claw can be used as a buckler shield (+1 AC shield bonus, -1 armor check, 0% arcane spell failure) and never has to be readied to be effective and can not be removed or sundered. The shield claw can be enchanted just like any masterwork buckler shield. She can use bow or crossbow without penalty with her Guard Pincher. You can also use your pincher to wield a weapon, but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting with your off hand, a two-handed melee weapon, and for fighting with two weapons. In any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you don’t get the pincher's AC bonus for the rest of the round. You can’t shield bash someone with a Guard Pincher

2. Defensive Ball (Ex): As a standard action, the armored animal can curl into a ball. While in a ball the creature has a +2 bonus to AC and Fortitude saves, but can take no other action. Uncurling from a ball is a free action. If the beast man also has the “spiny” ability. She inflicts her armor spike damage to any creature that attacks her with an unarmed or natural weapon melee attack.

3. Eye Stalks (Ex): This creature can see all around it and in two directions at once. Creatures gain no bonus when flanking the beast man.

4. Hard Headed (Ex): Add a +1 damage bonus to any unarmed charge made by this creature.

The avian category represents all birds. Common European birds are the Albatross, Chicken, Coot, Crow, Dove, Duck, Eagle, Falcon, Goose, Gull, Heron, Jay, Kite, Magpie, Merlin, Owl, Partridge, Peacock, Pelican, Pet Bird, Pheasant, Pigeon, Puffin, Raven, Rook, Snipe, Song Birds, Sparrow, Swallow, Swan, Tit, Wren, and Woodpecker. Character size will reflect the size of the original species. Big birds become husky Beast Men, while tiny birds become Small humanoids. All bird men have scaly legs with three toes, and a small beak. They are covered with feathers of the appropriate color and their wings now end in a pair of long fingered hands.

Primary Abilities: (Pick One)
1. Predatory (Ex): +8 Spot check bonus in daylight (or twilight for owls).
2. Scavenger (Ex): Halve the penalty for using weapon and armor in which she lacks proficiency and +2 to all Appraise and Search checks.
3. Coastal (Ex): Insulating feathers are water and cold resistant ( Cold Resistance= CON Modifier)
4. Trophy (Ex): The singing voice of the creature is considered as a masterwork musical instrument and the beautiful plumage of the creature grants a +4 bonus to all Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

Secondary Abilities: (Pick One)
1. Glide (Ex): 40ft (avg.). The glider drops 5ft in altitude every 20ft traveled and can’t wear medium or heavy armor while gliding or carry more than a light load. Any carried objects are held by your foot talons or beak.
2. Swim (Ex): The creature can travel at one half her land speed across water. She has a +8 bonus and can always take “10” on swim checks. She can not breathe underwater.
3. Drill (Ex): The creature can use its beak or talons to pierce wood and other soft materials. When making an unarmed attack to sunder an object, the creature can ignore a hardness score of 5 or less on any nonmetallic object. With her unarmed attacks, the avian can inflict non-lethal bludgeoning damage or lethal piercing damage.
4. Cliff Diver (Ex): The creature can ignore 10ft x her CON modifier of falling damage so long as a pool of water at least 15ft deep lies below her.

The canine group covers all breeds of domestic dogs, coyotes, foxes, jackals, and wolves. All canine Beast Men have an acute sense of smell. All are have body fur, dog snouts, five fingered hands, and dog hind legs.

Primary Ability: Scent (Ex): All canines possess the Scent ability described in the MM.

Secondary Ability: (Pick One)
1. Pack Mentality (Ex): Increase the “flanking” attack bonus to +3 for your character.
Hunting Territory (Ex): Pick one type of terrain: deserts, hills, plains, forests, marsh, mountains, tundra, or underground. While in this terrain, the canine has a +1 dodge bonus to her AC.
3. Trap Cunning (Ex): +2 to Spot traps, +2 to disable traps, +2 to craft traps.

Cloven animals are herd animals that walk on more than one toe like horses. Cattle, camels, deer, elephants, giraffes, goats, llamas, pigs, and sheep are all placed in this group even though they are not all closely related.

Primary Ability: Massed Charge (Ex): Ignoring her initiative score, a cloven character can make a charge attack against the same target charged by an adjacent ally so long as the cloven character has not yet acted in the round and ends her charge within reach of the target of the dual charge. If her charge will not end within reach of the target or the character has already preformed her action for that round, she can not use this ability.

Secondary Ability: (Pick One)
1. Grazing (Ex): The character can digest grasses and leaves when no other food is available.
2. Long Horn (Ex): The character can charge or bull-rush two adjacent targets if she is wielding two weapons or a double weapon. Two attack rolls are made for the charge at full attack bonus minus 2, one victim is targeted by the primary weapon while the other by the off-handed weapon.
3. Foul Spittle (Ex): Once per day, the character can make a ranged touch attack against an enemy within 20ft. If this attack strikes, the victim must make a Reflex Save (DC: 10 +Any CON Modifier+ 0.5 x Exp. Level of the spitter) to avoid blindness for 1d4 rounds.

The feline category includes are domestic and wild felines. House cats, wild cats, cheetahs, leopards, lions, panthers, and tigers are all included in this group. All cat men have the head of a cat, body fur in a variety of colors, and delicate retractable claws in their four fingered hands.

Primary Ability: Feline Traits (Ex): The character can either inflict non-lethal bludgeoning damage or lethal slashing damage with her unarmed attacks. In addition, the character has a +4 bonus to Balance and Move Silently skill checks and Darkvision (60ft) rather than low-light vision.

Secondary Ability: (Pick One)
1. Nine Lives (Ex): +1 luck bonus to all saving throws
2. Camouflage (Ex): +8 bonus to hide in one type of climate and terrain: warm desert (sand dunes), warm forest (jungle), temperate marsh (swamp), temperate plains (dry grass), cold desert (snow), and so on. All other areas have a -4 penalty to Hide checks.
3. Blind-fight (hearing): Same effect as the feat.

Hoofed animals are all animals that walk on one toe like a horse. This group includes all breeds of horse, mules, donkeys, and ponies. A hoofed man has a horse’s head and tail, hoofed feet, and three fingered hands.

Primary Ability: +10ft to land speed

Secondary Ability: (Pick One)
1. Racing (Ex): Increase your running multiplier by one
Draft (Ex): Increase your maximum load by 20% (Light and Medium loads are unaffected).
2. Twin Kick (Ex): As a full round action, the character can make a single melee attack against any opponent in reach with both of her feet at once. This attack inflicts double the character’s normal unarmed damage, but the character falls prone if the kick misses the target.

All reptiles are cold blooded scaly animals that lay eggs. A reptile man can be a crocodile, lizard, snake, sea turtle, tortoise, iguana, or slow worm. All reptile men are covered with fine scales, have four fingered hands, and long tails.

Primary Ability: Cold Blooded (Ex): Possesses Fire Resistance= CON Modifier.

Secondary Ability: (Pick One)
1. Venom Gland (Ex): Once per day, the reptile can coat one of her melee weapons or arrows with venom. The venom lasts until the weapon is used or 24 hours have passed. Venom: Initial: -1d6 STR/ Secondary: No damage, Saving Throw: 10 + half her hit dice total + her CON modifier. If the character misapplies the venom she risks poisoning herself.
2. Tackle (Ex): Make a free grapple attempt on a successful bull rush.
3. Scaly Hide (Ex): +1 Natural Armor and +1 at experience levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.
4. Chameleon (Ex): A chameleon can change his skin color to match her surroundings. With a successful Concentration check (Monochromatic Environment: DC: 15, Multi-Color Environment: DC: 20, Artificial Color Patterns: DC: 30+), the reptile can add her CON modifier to her Hide skill check. The concentration check is a free action but can only be attempted once per round.
5. Whip Tail (Ex): This reptile has a long tail that can be used for trip attacks. When using her tail to trip others, the reptile can add a +2 bonus any trip attempt.

There is a huge variety of rodents around the world. All rodents are mammals with oversized incisors and a high birth rate. Instead of creating a huge table of rodent characteristics, the rodent man’s abilities are determined by its native environment and survival traits. Examples of rodents are the beaver, coypu, dormouse, hamster, hare, kangaroo mouse, guinea-pig, lemming, mole, rabbit, rat, squirrel, and water vole.

Primary Abilities: (Pick One)
Desert (Ex): Can go one week without water
Forest (Ex): +2 to appraise wood, +2 on Craft (any wooden item).
Marsh (Ex): Swim Speed equals one half land speed (+8 swim, take “10”)
Mountain (Ex): Climb Speed equals land speed (+8 bonus, always take “10”)
Plains (Ex): Seasonal Camouflage: +4 to hide in winter (white fur), +4 to hide in summer (brown fur).
Underground (Ex): Burrow Speed: 10ft , but can’t wear armor while burrowing.
Urban (Ex): +1 Attack Bonus when your back is against a wall (or any man-made barrier).

Secondary Abilities: (Pick One)
1. Nocturnal (Ex): +1 racial bonus to all saves at night
2. Swarm Tactics (Ex): +1 racial damage bonus to all attacks when your party outnumbers your opponents two-to-one.
3. Sharp Eared (Ex): +2 racial bonus to Listen and Gather Information checks.
4. Born Thief (Ex): +2 racial bonus to Pick Locks and Sleight of Hand checks.
5. Glider (Ex): 40ft (avg.). The glider drops 5ft in altitude every 20ft traveled and can’t wear medium or heavy armor while gliding or carry more than a light load. Any carried objects are held by your mouth.

Sea Mammal:
The sea mammal category covers all aquatic mammals. This includes dolphins, hippos, manatees, otters, seals, walruses, and whales. They are all air breathing humanoids with large webbed hands and feet.

Primary Ability: Swim Speed equals land speed. They have a +8 bonus and can always take “10” on all swim checks. They can not breathe underwater.

Secondary Abilities: (Pick One)
1. Hold Breath (Ex): The beast man can hold her breath for 8 x her CON modifier minutes.
2. Sonar (Ex): 60ft. This ability is the same as Blind Sight but only functions in water.
3. Blubber (Ex): The sea mammal takes half damage from non-lethal attacks.

Simians include all monkeys and apes as well as tree anteaters, baboons, kola bears, lemurs, kinkajous, sloths, and wallabies. All primates are humanoid with feet just as agile as their hands. All monkeys have tails but only South American monkeys have prehensile tails.

Primary Ability: Prehensile Feet (Ex): Primates have a Climb speed equal to their land speed. They have a +8 bonus and can always take “10” on climb checks. Their feet are equally as strong as their hands.

Secondary Abilities: (Pick One)
1. Primal Scream (Sp): Once per day the primate can cast “cause fear” as a sorcerer with a casting level equal to one half the primate’s experience level (round down).
2. Prehensile Tail (Ex): The strong powerful tail of this monkey can support her entire body weight by itself. If the tail is holding a weapon, the character can make an extra attack against any target standing behind her as part of a full round action. The extra attack is made at her highest attack bonus, but all her attacks suffer a -2 penalty for that round in addition to any other penalties. A tail weapon is always considered an off-handed attack (1/2 STR Modifier damage bonus).
3. Knuckle Dragger (Ex): This creature has long arms that increase his reach by 5ft, but your long arms make you clumsy and you take a -2 on all Reflex saves.
4. Monkey King (Ex): You are a natural animal trainer. All animals you train learn two extra tricks than normal. Also Handle Animals is always a class skill for you.

Ocean Dwellers:
The Ocean Dweller group includes all fish and many other ocean dwellers. Examples of such creatures are sharks, eels, starfish, sea sponges, squids, and octopi. All oceanic Beast Men can breathe both air and water, and survive outside water for extended periods. Their appearance varies wildly according to their origin species.

Primary Ability: Swim Speed equals land speed. They have a +8 bonus and can always take “10” on all swim checks. They can breathe underwater. Unfortunately, all ocean dwellers have a poor tolerance for heat. All characters suffer a save penalty against heat/fire based attacks of -2 for both Fortitude and Reflex saves.

Secondary Abilities: (Pick One)
1. Suction Cups (Ex): +4 to resist disarm attempts.
2. Scent Blood (Ex): Same as Scent ability but only smells spilt blood.
3. Electric Shock (Ex): Once per day, the fish man can make a touch attack that inflicts 1d8 (+1 per 2 experience levels) of electrical damage as a standard action.
4. Fast Healer (Ex): She recovers 2 Hit Points per experience level with a full night’s rest (8 hours). Additionally, your fish man can slowly regenerate lost body organs over the course of a 4d10 days.

Tunnel Raider
The tunnel raider group includes weasels, badgers, and wolverines, as well as shrews, ferrets, martins, minks, mongooses, and opossums.

Primary Ability: Increased Metabolic Rate (Ex): +2 Initiative, +2 Fortitude Saves, and +2 Reflex Saves. In exchange, the character must eat and drink three times as much food as normal or begin to starve.

Secondary Abilities: (Pick One)
1. Flexible Bones (Ex): +4 bonus to Escape Artist checks
Mighty Mite (Ex): +1 AC dodge bonus against creatures one size level larger than the character.
2. Play Dead (Ex): When used, the character will fall down stiffly, the mouth will gape open, and a green foul smelling drool will drip from her lips. Heart rate and respiration will be almost impossible to detect (Spot DC: 35). This condition can be maintained for two hours. The character will remain conscious for the entire duration and can break the trance as a free action.
3. Superior Endurance (Ex): Add the character's experience level (ECL) to the maximum duration she can physically exert herself (sprinting, lifting, etc.).


An insectoid beast man covers all types of insects and arachnids. Bugs are insects that bite or sting. Most insects lack colorvision, but have alternate senses. Flying insects fall under the "Avian" category even though they are not birds. Beetles fall under the "Armored Animal" category due to their heavy exoskeletons.

All insects have "Monsterous Humanoids" and have the abilities common to that creature type.

*Creature Type: Monsterous Humanoid (Vermin)
*Darkvision out to 60 feet.
*Insectoids are proficient with the armor and weapons indicated by their choosen character class
*Insectoids must eat, sleep, and breathe.
*Insectoids are not vulnerable to spells or abilities that specifically target humanoids such as "Hold Person" or "Charm Person" spell-like effects, but are effected by any spell or ability that affects VERMIN.

Primary Ability:
Quadraped: The insectoid has two pair of legs. This grains the character a +4 bonus to resist trip attacks. Additionally, Quadrupeds can carry heavier loads than other characters can. Instead of the normal "Carrying Capacity" multipliers, multiply the value corresponding to the creature’s Strength score from Table: Carrying Capacity by the appropriate modifier, as follows: Fine ×¼, Diminutive ×½, Tiny ×¾, Small ×1, Medium ×1½, Large ×3, Huge ×6, Gargantuan ×12, Colossal ×24.

Secondary Abilty:
Compound Eyes: Grants the insectoid a +3 bonus to Spot checks.

Antennae: Grants the insectoid a +3 bonus to any Survival check.

Silk Spinner: The insectoid can create a silk rope that is 5ft long per hit die of the insectoid once per day that last for a number of hours equal to the CON modifier of the insectoid.

Wall Crawler: The insectoid gains a climb speed equal to one-half the walking speed of the insectoid.

Water Skimmer: The insect can move across the top of a smooth body of water at his normal walking speed. Heavy waves (as on an ocean or very large lake) or heavy rain negate this ability.

Blood-Sucker: Once per day, on a successful "sneak attack" with its mouth the insectoid can attempt to bleed its target of 1d3 CON points instead of inflicting normal HP damage (Fortitude DC: 10 + Any STR modifier + 50% of the insectoid's HD total). Any blood taken this way can be used to feed the insectoid.

Wood Eater: This insectoid can digest wood. The stomach enzymes and bacteria in this insectoids gut allow it to eat one pound of wood or leaf matter instead of a normal ration. In addition, this insectoid gains a +1 racial bonus to all Fortitude checks.

Stink Bug: This insectoid emits a fluid that has a foul odor and taste when bitten. Any creature that successfully "bites" this insectoid must make a Reflex save (DC: 10 + Any DEX modifier + 50% of the insectoid's HD total) or be sprayed by the fluid. Any creature hit by this foul fluid is "nausated" for one round if the creature has a sense of smell or taste (no effect on constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, or undead).

Night Glow: The insectoid can emit a natural luminecence. This glow has the same effect as a wax candle, but can be maintained indefinately.

Stinger: Once per day, on a successful natural weapon melee attack, the insectoid can use its stinger as a natural weapon. The stinger injects poison into the target. Stinger Poison (Injury, Initial: 1d2 Dex, Secondary: 1d2 Dex, Fortitude Save DC: 10 + CON modifier of the insectoid + 50% of the insectoid's HD total)

Venom Glands: The insect has venom glands that will inject venom into a target with a successful "natural weapon" melee attack. This venom attack does not inflict hit point damage, but may inflict STRENGTH ability damage. The venom glands are depleted by a successful strike on the target and require 24 hours to reload. Most venom glands are part of the mouth, but in so insects they are part of in other organs such as a tail, head, or abdomen. Insectoid Venom (Injury, Initial: 1d2 Str, Secondary: 1d2 Str, Fortitude Save: 10 + CON modifier of the insectoid + 50% of the insectoid's HD total)

A chrysalis is a stage in the life of some insects, especially of a moth, beetle, or butterfly, in which a pupa encloses itself in a firm case or cocoon and transforms into its reproductive form. This insectoid is capable of gaining additional "beast man" traints latter in life. This insect starts as a standard insectoid. After it gains its 5th level of experience, the pupa can form a cocoon and gestate for a few weeks as it transforms. This creature can add any single primary trait from any of the beast man categories ("Avian" and "Armored Animal" are most common) to the primary ability of an insect (Quadraped) depending whether this creature is a caterpillar (butterfly/moth pupa), weavel (beetle pupa), or some other type of insect pupa.

Beast Man Favored Class

Beast Men favor one specific class, but the unique features of their species of origin such as their size and physical abilities will make them more successful at certain classes than others. When the race is first created the player must choose either rogue, barbarian, or druid as the creature's favored class.

Beast Man Bestial Nature (Penalty)

The animal instincts of a Beast Man never go away. Often these instincts are counter to civilized behavior and socialization. In addition, the facial expressions and speaking voice of Beast Men is stiff, rough, and crude compared to most humanoid races. Because of this, all Beast Men suffer a -2 penalty to the skill checks for Bluff, Gather Information, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive. Also all NPC’s are initially more hostile to the Beast Man and anyone who accompanies her. Drop the attitude of all NPC encounters by one step for the Beast Man.



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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.: Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.