Custom Weapons
Creating custom designed
weapons is a simple process. You take the base weapon determined by size of the
wielder and modify it with the bonus steps determined by if it is simple, martial, ranged, or exotic. In addition, with martial and exotic weapons you can reduce the die damage of the weapon by one step to
improve the critical multiplier, critical threat range, or both. Ranged Weapons
also have access to ranged weapon features. Only exotic weapons can take exotic
weapon features. These guidelines can be applied to any d20 System campaign.
Table I
“One Handed” Weapons |
Small Creature |
D4 |
20 |
X2 |
Medium Creature |
D6 |
20 |
X2 |
Large Creature |
D8 |
20 |
X2 |
Table II
Weapon Die Steps |
Initial Weapon Damage |
Max for Simple Weapons |
Max for Martial Weapons |
Creature |
NA |
1 |
D2 |
D3 |
D4 |
D6 |
D8 |
D10 |
Creature |
1 |
D2 |
D3 |
D4 |
D6 |
D8 |
D10 |
D12 |
Creature |
D2 |
D3 |
D4 |
D5 |
D8 |
D10 |
D12 |
2D8 |
Simple Melee Weapons
Simple Melee Weapons are
easy to create and simple in function. They usually inflict less damage than martial weapons and lack any special abilities.
Simple weapons have one free weapon step that can be applied to increase its damage, critical threat, or critical multiplier. In addition, the base weapon can be altered to become a thrown weapon, a light weapon,
or a two handed weapon. Simple weapons inflict bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
Free Weapon
Step: Choose one of the features below
- Increase Die Damage by one step (i.e.: 1d6 to 1d8).
- Increase Critical Threat by one (19 to 20 max for simple weapons).
- Increase Critical Multiplier by one (x3 max for simple weapons).
Simple Thrown
Weapon: A simple thrown weapon can be created by lowering the Die Damage
of the weapon by one step. In exchange, the weapon gains a range increment. Bludgeoning and Slashing weapons have a RI of 10.
Piercing weapons have a RI of 20.
Light Simple
Weapon: A simple weapon is converted into a “light” weapon by dropping by one size step. The smaller weapon inflicts one step less damage.
Simple Two-Handed
Weapon: A simple weapon can be enlarged one step. This increase provides the 2H weapon with one bonus Die Damage step.
The total die damage can not exceed the maximum given above (see table II).
Martial Melee Weapons:
Martial Weapons inflict more
damage than simple weapons and often have special properties. Martial Weapons
require labor and special materials to manufacture and are more difficult to use than simple weapons. Unlike simple weapons, martial weapons provide two free weapon steps.
Two Free Weapon
Steps: Choose two features from below, but not the same one twice.
- Increase Die Damage by one die size (i.e. 1d6 to 1d8)
- Increase Critical Threat by one (18 to 20 max for martial weapons).
- Increase Critical Multiplier by one (x5 max for martial weapons).
- Two Special Functions: The weapon has TWO of the
special functions listed below:
- Disarm: This weapon provides a +2 bonus to disarm attempts.
- Finesse: Regardless of size, this weapon can be used with the Weapon Finesse feat.
- Hand Guard: This weapon provides a
+2 bonus to resist disarming attempts.
- Mounted: This weapon inflicts double damage when use to attack from the back of
a charging mount. A 2H weapon can be used one handed while mounted.
- Multifunctional: This weapon inflicts two different types of damage (i.e. Morningstar,
Axe-Pick, or Torch) rather than the standard single type.
- Reach: If this weapon is Two-Handed,
it extends the reach of the user by 5ft. (This weapon normally can not be used
against opponents within the weapons reach).
- Set for Charge: If this weapon is use as part of a “readied” action
against a charging opponent, the weapon inflicts double damage.
- Tripping: This weapon can be used to make
trip attacks.
Die Damage: You can sacrifice one die step to gain one additional point for
Critical Threat or Critical Multiplier. This can only be done once.
Martial Thrown
Weapon: A martial thrown weapon can be created by lowering the Die
Damage of the weapon by one step. In exchange, the weapon gains a range increment. Bludgeoning and Slashing weapons have a RI of 10.
Piercing weapons have a RI of 20. Lowering the Die Damage by an additional
step increases the RI by 10.
Light Martial
Weapon: A martial weapon is converted into a “light” weapon by dropping by one size step. The smaller weapon inflicts one weapon die step less damage.
Martial Two-Handed Weapon:
A martial weapon can be enlarged one step. This increase provides the
2H weapon with two bonus Die Damage steps or increases the Critical Multiplier of the weapon by one. The total die damage can not exceed the maximum given above (see table II).
Exotic Melee Weapons
Exotic melee weapons are
created just like martial weapons. In addition to all the features of a martial
weapon, an exotic weapon also has an exotic weapon feature.
Exotic Weapon
Features: Choose one from below
- Double Weapon: A double weapon is
created by linking two one handed martial weapons together. A double weapon can
be used as if the character is holding a one handed weapon and a light weapon.
- Hand-And-A-Half Weapon: If the weapon
is a two handed martial weapon, reduce the Weapon Die by one step and allow the weapon to be used by any creature with the
proper exotic weapon proficiency as a One Handed Weapon.
- Monastic Weapon: A “light” weapon can be used as a special “monk”
weapon with the proper exotic weapon proficiency. This weapon can be used by
a monk in concert with her “flurry of blows” class ability.
- Payload Weapon: This weapon delivers
a liquid payload with a successful blow. This fluid can be a flask of oil, holy
water, acid, or an alchemical grenade. The weapon must be refilled after a successful
attack. The target suffers a direct hit by the liquid held in the weapon.
- Weighted Weapon: This weapon is intentionally
unbalanced so that it can hit harder than normal. Increase the Weapon Die by
one step. Examples of weighted weapons include a leaden glove, a sledgehammer,
a mercury filled sword, or a petrified tree war club.
Ranged Weapon
A ranged weapon is any weapon
meant to be thrown or fired. Using a thrown weapon as a melee weapon, results
in a -4 attack roll penalty. Ranged weapons can be simple, martial, or exotic. Create weapon as a one handed melee weapon.
Then add any range weapon modifiers. The range increment of the weapon is determined by the weapon’s relative
size. A weapon of equal or less size to the wielder usually can be used one handed. A ranged weapon more than one size level larger than the wielder can not be used as
a hand weapon. The smaller a projectile weapon is the less damage it inflicts,
but the easier it is to conceal.
Relative Ranged Weapon
Size |
Range Increment |
Palm Sized (Fine) |
10ft or less |
Hand Sized (Tiny) |
30ft or less |
Undersized (Small) |
60ft or less |
Equal Sized (Medium) |
80ft or less |
Oversized (Large) |
100ft or less |
Ranged Weapon Modifications:
Palmed Weapon: These miniature weapons are designed to be easily concealable and easy to draw. Reduce the Weapon Die by four steps, but you can draw the weapon as a free action.
Hand Sized:
These weapons are designed to use with one hand without penalty. Reduce damage
die by two steps. There is no penalty in firing this weapon with one hand.
These weapons can often be fired with one hand at a slight penalty (-1 AB). Reduce damage die by two steps.
Equal Sized:
These weapons can be fired with one hand at a heavy penalty (-2 AB). There is no penalty due to the size of the weapon.
Oversized: This is the maximum size of hand held ranged weapon.
It always requires two hands to aim and fire. An oversized weapon increases
the Weapon Die by one step. The weapon die can not exceed the maximum given on
table II.
Special Projectile
Features: A projectile weapon can choose on of the below features. These features increase the cost of the weapon dramatically.
- Mechanical Advantage: This weapon ignores the STR of the user. A low or high STR
score has no effect on the weapons damage. By slowing the reloading speed of
the weapon, the weapon gains a bonus to its Weapon Die. In addition, the RI of the mechanical weapon is increased by 50%.
- Free Action to Reload: No bonus
- Move Action to Reload: Increase DIE DAMAGE by one step
- Full Action to Reload: Increase DIE DAMAGE by two steps
- Composite: This projectile weapon requires a certain STR to use. The required STR modifier of the weapon can be added as a damage bonus.
In addition, the RI of composite weapon is increased by 10%.
Other Factors:
Cost: The cost of a non-magical weapon only has relevance to low level characters. A weapon will either be too expensive for a character to purchase or not. The cost of a “Simple” weapon ranges from free to up to 50gp.
The cost of a “Martial” weapon is usually less than 100gp. The
cost of an “Exotic” weapon can very dramatically. Double weapons
cost at least twice the cost of the two martial weapons they combined. Exotic
Weapons rarely cost more than 400gp.
Weight: Weight is relative to the size and material composition of the weapon. Use a weapon of similar size and structure a basis of comparison.
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