Based on the Videogame Fallout 2
Fallout d20
Basics The Fallout Campaign is based on a nearly unmodified "D20 Modern" and "Urban Arcana"
rule set. Player Characters starts as one of the 6 Hero types listed in this book. All mundane advanced classes are available.
The only magic using classes are the Acolyte, Glamerist, Mystic, and Wild Lord plus a few unique to the world of Fallout.
The World as We Know It Fallout is a game based on a post nuclear war society at the end of the 22nd century.
Most of the human survivors come for fallout shelters known as Vaults. A great number of these were created as the
threat of war loomed. Each is numbered and it is believed dozens were built within North America. Humans born inside these
fallout shelters are called Vault Dwellers. Vault Dwellers have lived for decades in hermetically sealed isolation
and possess the closest to mutation free genes that currently exists. The key to their survival is their technology. Food
is grown in large algae vats. Water is detoxified and irradiated by the Water Chip. Most of these humans have become
agorophobes and isolationists due to this prolonged seclusion. All Vault Dwellers are technophiles and can't see existing
without technology.
During the long nuclear winter, many Vaults failed and their population was forced to abandon
it. This periodic release of undamaged humans is likely the only reason humans exist on the surface at all and have contributed
to the societies that now exist in the wastelands. English the universal spoken language of North America, but small pockets
of regional languages do exist.
Outside the Vaults, humans survive as best they can. These human proudly call themselves
Wastelanders. These humans are more independent and pragmatic than Vault Dwellers. Unfortunately, they also suffer
from diseases and heath problems long since cured by 22nd century medicine.
Not all surface people are quite human.
Due to their prolonged exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals several new racial mutations now exist. These new races are
known as Chosen, Tribals, Ghouls, and Super Mutants. Following is a describtion of each available player character race.
Vault Dwellers Vault dwellers are the decendents of the original halocaust refugees. Each Vault is
ruled by an Overseer that works directly with the Vault A.I. to insure the survival of the Vault and protect the common good.
Most vault dwellers have access to advanced medicine, computers, and advanced education. The available starting occupations
for Vault Dwellers are the Academic, Creative, Dilletante, Doctor, Law Enforcement, Student, Technician, and other White Collar
jobs. There are also two occupations unique to Vault Dwellers; the Vault Guardian and the Vault Offical.
Vault Guardian You are trained to protect the Vault from the hostile outside world and are both
feared and respected for your daring. You may draw upon all of the Vault's reasources, but you are often sent on what are
considered suicide missions by the Vault's leadership. These missions are often bloody and ruthless. The time you spend away
from the Vault puts a distance between you and the rest of your community and your experiences make you alien in their eyes. Prerequisites:
Age: 18+, Strong devotion to your Vault. Skills: Choose three skills of the following skills as permanent class
skills. If a skill you have selected you selected already exists as a class skill, you recieve a +1 competence bonus with
that skill. Computer Use, Demolitions, Disable Device, Move Silently, Navigate, Repair, Sleight of Hand, and Survival. Bonus
Feat: Choose one of the following Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Combat Martial Arts, or Personal Firearms Proficiency. Reputation
Bonus: +1 Weath Bonus: +0
Vault Offical As a first level
character you start as an aprentice overseer and seek to learn about Vault administration and politics so that one day you
can assume the highest post in the Vault. Being a Vault Offical can be a violent job since the tight living quarters tends
the intensify stress and discontent. The first interuption of the food or water supply can erupt into riots and revolutions
as people seek to insure their own survival. More than one Overseer has been removed by assassination to clear the way for
a change in government. Prerequisites: Age: 21+ Skills: Choose three skills of the following skills as
permanent class skills. If a skill you have selected you selected already exists as a class skill, you recieve a +1 competence
bonus with that skill. Bluff, Computer Use, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (any). Weath Bonus: +2
Wastelanders Wastelanders are the humans that had to survive outside the vaults, their lives are
often harsh and short since they often lack treatment for radiation poisoning or gene therapy. Technology in the wastelands
is spotty and hoarded. Most wastelanders have no access to modern medicine, computers, or advanced education. A few groups
know as Tribals have regressed to the Stone Age in terms of knowledge and technology. The available starting occupations
for Wastelanders are the Adventure, Athlete, Celebrity, Creative, Criminal, Emergency Services, Investigative, Military, Rural,
and other Blue Collar jobs. The one exception is the Children of the Cathedral since most pursue as religious callings.
Two occupations unique to wastelanders are the Caravan Guard and the Wasteland Merchant.
Guard Caravan Guards protect the migratory merchants that allow wastelanders to survive. They frequently
guard cargos of brahmin cattle and water as well as scarce technology and ore. Motorized transport is nearly unheared of in
the wastelands so most guards are also skilled wagon drivers. Prerequisites: Age: 18+ Skills: Choose two
skills of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you have selected you selected already exists as a class
skill, you recieve a +1 competence bonus with that skill. Drive (wagon), Handle Animals, Intimidate, Knowledge (tactics),
Listen, Navigate, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival. Bonus Feat: Choose one of the following Brawl, Light Armor
Proficiency, or Personal Firearms Proficiency. Wealth Bonus: +1
Wasteland Merchant Wasteland
Merchants maintain the delicate ties that preserve life in the wasteland. They deliver water to where its needed, drive brahmin
(two headed cattle) to market, and spread knowledge and technology through out the countryside. Some merchants are opportunists
and ruthless profiteers, but most see the logic in repeat costumers and friendly trading posts. Prerequisites: Age:
21+ Skills: Choose three skills of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill you have selected
you selected already exists as a class skill, you recieve a +1 competence bonus with that skill. Bluff, Diplomancy, Gamble,
Gather Information, Knowledge (business, current events, history, or streetwise), Survival. Weath Bonus:: +2
Four New Non-Human Races
All non-human races start with 4 fewer skill points and gain one less skill
point for each class level gained.
Chosen Chosen are a race of psionic humanoids that
exist in the wastelands. They are extremely arrogant and often start fights with others to prove their superiority. They look
almost the same as humans, but their eyes are solid black and their bodies are naturally lean. Most Chosen dye their hair
neon colors to further distinguish themselves. In the world of Fallout, Chosen are the only race that posses psionic powers
and can gain acess to the Telepath and Battle Mind advanced classes. Species Traits Size: Medium Humanoids Lifespan:
60 years barring injury or illness. Attribute Modifiers: -2 STR, +2 WIS Base Speed: 30ft Racial
Bonuses: +1 luck bonus on all saves. Racial Bonus Feat: All chosen possess the Wild Talent feat. Available
Occupations: Same as Wastelander. Most Chosen are Criminals or Military.
Tribals Tribals
are neo-neanderthals that have fallen back into the Stone Age. Most have no knowledge of technology, history, or even written
language. In addition, tribals are hardier and more toxin resistant than normal humans. As a non-human race, Tribals do not
gain as many skill points as a human of the same class. A tribal starts with 4 fewer skill points and gain one less skill
point per experience level. Some tribals have delved into the mystic arts and they are the only race that can take magic using
classes. The Mystic is the most common, but the Acolyte, Glamourist, and Wild Lord are also available. Additionally, some
brave souls attempt to master "arcane" magic by the Hoo-Jum advance class. Tribals are generally bald or mostly bald, but
otherwise closely resemble humans. Species Traits Size: Medium sized humanoids Lifespan: Same
as a human barring injury Attribute Modifiers: CON +2, INT -2. Base Speed: 30ft Illiteracy:
It costs two skill points for a tribal to gain literacy in any language they speak. Racial Skill Bonus: +2 to Survival,
Look, and Spot skill checks. Racial Bonus Feat: All tribals possess Archaic Weapon Proficiency. Free Language
Skill: Speak Tribal Available Occupations: Adventurer, Apothecary, Creative, Criminal, Hedge Wizard, Noviate,
and Rural.
Ghoul Ghouls are a mutation that affects around 5% of all wastlander births.
Unlike normal children, these children die soon after puberty, and are reborn as sentient undead. Ghouls are rarely tolerated
within most communities, but some ghouls have started their own towns. Gecko and Necropolis are two famous examples of this.
Few living people can stand to be around ghouls because even though they are still alive their bodies are slowly decaying.
The skin of the creature goes first and then bits of muscle tissue so the bones show through. As undead creatures, ghouls
are unable to sexually reproduce. Species Traits Size: Medium Undead Humanoids Lifespan: The
brain starts to rot after 80 years, and loses 1 INT point every ten year until the creature is a mindless undead. Attribute
Modifiers: No Constitution Score, -4 CHA (1 point minimum). Base Speed: 20ft, all ghoul are "slow". Special
Qualities: A ghoul possesses all undead traits, ghouls are immune to radiation. Available Occupations: Same
as the wastelander, but most can only work for other ghouls.
Super Mutants Super Mutants
are the survivors of the of the super trooper experiments of the late 22nd century. They are larger than ordinary humans (7
to 8ft tall and weight at least 400lbs), live longer, are resistant to toxins and radiation, and have light green skin. Fortunately,
they are unable to reproduce and can only be created by test tube otherwise they would completely dominate the surface world.
Most of the super mutants that exist were created before the war. But a few groups have tried to create their own super mutant
armies since then. Species Traits Size: Medium Monsterous Humanoid. Maximum Lifespan: 200+4d20
yrs barring injury or disease Attribute Modifiers: +2 STR, -2 DEX, +2 CON, -2 INT, -2 CHA. Base Speed:
20ft Natural Armor Bonus: The tough mutant hide of the character provides a +1 natural armor. Bonus Feat:
All super mutants have the Simple Weapon Proficiency feat. Racial Abilities: Ageless Bodies (EX): Super mutants
experience no penalties or benefits from old age. Level Adjustment: +0
Available Occupations: Military,
super mutants were always trained as soldiers.
New Advanced Class
Hoo-jum Advance Class A hoo-jum scorns the use of spellbooks and arcane formulas. Instead a Hoo-jum
seeks to channel the divine energies that flow through the world for his own use. Most hoo-jum are illiterate, but they have
developed personalized songs and chants that allow them to cast their divine spells. The dress in a manner to impress other
tribals; and therefore, cover themselves with "tattoos of power" and will apply new permanent non-magical tattoos for important
Requirements To qualify to become a Hoo-Jum, a character must fullfill the
following criteria. Race: Tribal Skills: Perform (sing): 6 ranks, Knowledge (theology/philosophy): 6 ranks,
Concentration: 6 ranks, Craft (tattoo): 6 ranks.
Class Information Hit Die: +1d6
per level. Action Points: The Hoo-Jum gains a number of action points equal to 6 plus one-half their experience
level (round down) for each gain in this class Skill Points: +6+Intelligence Modifier per class level. Class
Skills: Bluff, Craft (tattoo), Concentration, Disguise, Diplomancy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana,
behavioral sciences, earth sciences, history, popular cultural, or theology/philosophy), Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft.
Class Features Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Defense Reputation
1st . . +0 . +0 . +0 . +1
. Spell Skills, Divine Spells +1 +0 2nd . .+1 . +0 . +0 . +2 . Unnerving Calm +1 +0 3rd . .+1 . +1 . +1 . +2 . Bonus
Feat, Scribe Tattoo +2 +1 4th . .+2 . +1 . +1 . +2 . Spirit Guide +2 +1 5th . .+2 . +1 . +1 . +3 . Arcane spontaneous
casting +3 +1 6th . .+3 . +2 . +2 . +3 . Bonus Feat +3 +2 7th . .+3 . +2 . +2 . +4 . Spell Focus +4 +2 8th . .+4
. +2 . +2 . +4 . Dreamwalking +4 +2 9th . .+4 . +3 . +3 . +4 . Bonus Feat +5 +3 10th. .+5 . +3 . +3 . +5 . Lingering
Dream +5 +3
Spellcasting Skills The character can now gain ranks in spellcraft and knowledge (arcana).
Spells The Hoo-Jum can cast spell according to the table below modified by their CHARISMA modifier. The Acolyte's spell
list is available to the Hoo-jum.
Hoo-Jum —Spells per Day by Spell Level— Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 1st .
3 1 — — — — 2nd . 4 2 — — — — 3th . 4 2 1 — — — 4th
. 4 3 2 — — — 5th . 4 3 2 1 — — 6th . 4 3 3 2 — — 7th . 4 4 3 2 1 — 8th
. 4 4 3 3 2 — 9th . 4 4 4 3 2 1 10th. 4 4 4 3 3 2
Unnerving Calm: The tranquility of the Hoo-jum
in dire circumstances and despite grevous injury is frightening to the superstitious. The Hoo-jum adds his Constitution modifier
to all "Intimidation" and "Bluff" checks.
Bonus Feat: The Hoo-jum can take any feat related to magic or spellcasting
as a bonus class feat.
Scribe Tatoo: Same as the FX feat discribed in the d20 Modern book. The Hoo-jum makes
extensive use of tattoo's on their own body and well as the skin of people they favor.
Spirit Guide: The Hoo-jum
gains an animal companion with a hit dice total equal to his Hoo-jum class level. The hoo-jum believes that this animal was
sent to them from the spirit world to guard them from ill fortune and gives the hoo-jum prophetic dreams as they sleep. The
animal is easy to train and can learn a number of tricks equal to double the hoo-jum's class level.
Arcane Spontaneous
Casting: The Hoo-jum can choose a number of mage spells equal to his WIS modifier from levels 0 to 3. These spells the
hoo-jum casts as divine spells.
Dreamwalking: The Hoo-jum can speak with others in their dreams. This ability
only functions on people they have personally met and touched. The effect only allows for a single hour of communication and
requires a Concentration check to initiate. Using this skill prevents the hoo-jum from using his or her most powerful spells
(the highest level spells the hoo-jum can cast) for 24 hours since it drains his magical reaserves.
Concentration Check
to initiate contact. Met Once: 30 DC Met Several Times: 25 DC Member of their Tribe: 20 DC Blood Relative: 15
DC Son or Daughter: 10 DC
Lingering Dream: The hoo-jum has developed such strong ties to the dream world
he gains the "Outsider" type. The hoo-jum is no longer aftected by spells that specifically target humanoids.
The technology of the world of Fallout is a mixture of the latest
22nd century innovations and the crude weapons that can be constructed with the tools available in the wastelands. Ballistic
weapons of all types are common as well as archaic weapons for those with out the knowledge or reasorces to build guns. Energy
weapons and computers of all types are much rarer and are frequently hoarded by the powerful or the greedy.
Thrown Weapons
Thrown Weapons, Explosives, and Splash Weapon Table |
Weapon |
Damage |
Crit |
Type |
Radius |
Save |
RI |
Size |
(lbs) |
DC |
Seed Spike |
1d2 |
20 |
Prc. |
NA |
NA |
10ft |
Tiny |
0.1 |
2 |
Pop Rock |
1d6/1 |
- |
Sonic |
Splash |
None |
10ft |
Tiny |
1 |
10 |
Thorne Knife |
1d6 |
20 |
Prc. |
NA |
NA |
10ft |
Tiny |
1 |
12 |
Frag Grenade |
4d6 |
- |
Sla. |
20ft |
15 |
10ft |
Tiny |
1 |
18 |
Plasma Grenade |
5d6 |
- |
Fire |
10ft |
15 |
10ft |
Sm. |
2 |
18 |
Pulse Grenade |
No Damage |
- |
Elec. |
20ft |
15 |
10ft |
Sm. |
2 |
16 |
Seed Spike A seed spike comes from the Spore Plant. This mutant botanical monster fires seed spike into its target
to propogate its kind. No one wants a Spore Plant growing in their garden, but the seed spikes can be used as throwing weapons.
A seed spike inflicts 1d2/x2 piercing damage and only weighs a tenth of a pound. It is an archaic weapon.
Pop Rock A
pop rock is a naturally occuring mineral that explodes on impact. They are both a weapon and a hazard since stepping on one
will detonate it. A pop rock inflicts 1d6 sonic damage to the target and 1pt of damage to all adjacent victims.
Knife This knife was created before the war. It is made of titanium, laser sharpened, and balaced for throwing. If
used as a melee weapon it inflicts a -4 on any attack roll. It is an archaic weapon.
Grenade, Frag A frag
grenade inflicts 4d6 slashing damage to all in a 20-foot radius burst.
Grenade, Plasma A plasma grenade contains
a tiny fusion reactor that overloads thirty seconds after the grenade is triggered. When a plasma grenade detonates, it
produces geysers of flame that fill a 10-foot burst radius. All creatures and objects within the burst radius take 5d6 points
of fire damage. The blast also ignites clothing and other flammable items.
Grenade, Pulse A pulse grenade
releases an electromagnetic pulse that instantly shorts out all electronic devices (including computers) within a 20-foot
burst radius. Affected devices remain nonfunctional until repaired (see the Repair skill description for details). The
EMP grenade deals no damage to living creatures. However, a creature with cybernetic attachments takes 1d6 points of electricity
damage per cybernetic attachment (maximum 5d6) and must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
If the cybernetically enhanced creature rolls a natural 1 on its Fortitude save, each of its cybernetic attachments takes
1d6 points of electricity damage as well. An EMP grenade deals 5d6 points of electricity damage to a power armor suit or
Molotov Cocktail A Molotov Cocktail is also a common grenade weapon but it is generally filled with
alcohol rather than gasoline. It has the same weapon stats as a Pop Rock but inflicts fire damage.
In addition to all the ballistic weapons described in the d20 Modern Core Rulebook.
A number of specialized weapons exist each is treated is treated as an exotic weapon.
Exotic Firearms Table |
Weapon |
Damage |
Crit |
Type |
RI |
Mag. |
Size |
(lbs) |
DC |
Big Bazooka |
5d20 |
20 |
Bal. |
200ft |
1 |
1 |
Lrg |
15 |
18 |
14mm Bozar |
2d12 |
20 |
Bal. |
120ft |
S |
30 |
Huge |
30 |
22 |
Flamer |
4d6 |
- |
Fire |
Cone |
1 |
5 |
Lrg |
18 |
24 |
10mm Minigun |
2d10 |
20 |
Bal. |
100ft |
A |
120 |
Huge |
22lbs |
24 | BigBazooka: The Rockwell BigBazooka
was the most common rocket lancher of U.S. army for taking out armored positions and large infantry groups. Only a character
with a STR of 13 or higher can use this weapon without a -2 AB penalty.
14mm Bozar: This weapon is an oversized
sniper rifle that must be braced against a motionless surface for most troops to fire accurately.
Flamer: The
flamer is an advanced flamethrower made of ceramic alloys. It fires a cone of flame 30ft long and 30ft wide. Anyone caught
in the path must make a Reflex Save vs. the User's Attack Roll to avoid damage. The main problem facing users of this
weapon is finding its scarce fuel. Unloaded the weapon weighs 18lbs, but loaded it weighs thirty pounds. Only a character
with a STR of 13+ can use a flamer without a -2 AB penalty.
10mm Minigun: The minigun rests against the user's
hip and possess six rotating barrels. With this weapon, the wielder can shoot at a rate of 600 rounds a minute. Only a character
with a STR of 15+ can shoot this weapon with out a -2 AB penalty.
Special Ammunition Hollow Point (JHP):
This bullet adds +2 damage to unarmored target, but substracts 2 from damage inflicted on armored creatures. Cost DC: +2 the
normal cost of the bullet. Full Metal Jacketed (FMJ): This bullet ignores 2 points of armor or natural armor when you roll
to hit. Cost DC: +5. 14mm (50): Cost DC: 6 Rockets: *AP Rocket(4 lbs): Ignores 10 points of armor or hardness
(2ft rad.), Cost DC:16 *HE Rocket(3 lbs): Inflicts damage to all within a 20ft blast radius, Cost DC:16
Energy Weapons
All energy weapons are powered by micro-fusion cells. Laser weapons
have a longer range but inflict less damage. Plasma weapons have a shorter range but inflict more damage per shot. Both plasma
and laser weapons require the Energy Weapon Proficiency feat to use without penalty (-4 AB).
(Handguns): Laser
pistol: 2d8/20, Type: Fire, RI: 40 feet, ROF: S, Magazine: 12 shot cell, Size: Medium, Weight: 3 lb., Purchase DC: 17 Plasma
pistol: 2d10/20, Type: Fire, RI: 30 feet, ROF: S, Magazine: 16 shot cell, Size: Medium, Weight: 3 lb., Purchase DC: 17 (Longarms) Laser
sniper rifle: 3d8/20, Type: Fire, RI: 120 feet, ROF: S, Magazine: 24 shot cell, Size: Large, Weight: 14 lb. Purchase DC:
21 Plasma rifle: 3d10/20, Type: Fire, RI: 80 feet, ROF: S, Magazine: 32 shot cell, Size: Large, Weight: 8 lb., Purchase
DC: 19 (Heavy) Laser Gattling Gun: 3d8/20, Type: Fire, RI: 100ft, ROF: A, Magazine: 120 shot cell, Size: Huge,
Weight: 25 lbs, Purchase DC: 28. The wielder must have STR: 15+ to fire it without a -2 AB penalty.
Energy Ammunition:
Micro-Fusion Cell (20): 12 *each 20 shots weighs 2 lbs.
Special Melee Weapons The
required proficiency feat is indicated in the parentheses ().
Cattle Prod(Simple): 1d8 on a touch attack, Type:
electrical, Magazine: 20 shot fusion cell, Size: Medium, Weight: 5 lbs, Purchase DC: 9. Power Fist(Simple): +4d6
to unarmed damage, Type: electrical, Magazine: 25 shot fusion cell, Size: Medium, Weight: 7 lbs, Purchase DC: 20. Ripper
Knife(Archaic): 2d6/19-20, Type:Slashing, Magazine: 15 shot fusion cell, Size: Small, Weight: 2lbs, Purchase DC: 12. Spiked
Knuckles(Simple): +2 to unarmed damage, Type:Piercing, Size: Tiny, Weight: 2 lbs, Purchase DC: 6. Power Sledge
(Archaic): 2d10/x3, Type:Bludgeoning, Magazine: 30 shot fusion cell, Size: Large, Size: Medium, Weight: 12 lbs, Purchase DC:
15. |
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff
Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison,
Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.: Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.