Similar to Clock Wizards, Mirror Magic Wizards are specialist in magic based on mirrors. Mirror mages can cast any mirror
magic spell and any standard spell other than Evocation Spells. Abjurations designed to block or negate magic
will affect mirror magic. These wizards are also called Reflectionists, Looking Glass Adepts, and Vanity Mages. Sorcerers
can learn Clock or Mirror Magic spells if they wish. No wizard other than a mirror wizard can learn mesmirrorism spells. The
same is true for clock mages and clock magic.
False Reflection (Illus): A mirror will display any image the caster chooses.
Memorandum (Illus): A ten word sentence will be displayed by a mirror when triggered by the target's reflection.
Mirror Shard (Conj): A sliver of glass deals 1d3 piercing damage.
No Reflection (Trans): The mage does not reflect in mirrors for a number of hours.
Deflect Probes (Abjur): The spell caster gains a +4 save bonus on any divination spell cast on her or her possessions.
Detect Mirrors (Div): The spell caster can locate any mirrors within detection range
Manipulate Reflection (Illus): The target's reflection will be any image chosen by the caster.
Vanity Fair (Illus): An enchanted mirror will improve the attitude of anyone to “helpful”.
Chrome Skin (Trans): Target gains +2 natural armor bonus and a +10 Escape Artist bonus.
Mirror Image (Illus)
Shatter (Trans)
Solar Lenses (Abjur): Protects against blindness from intense light.
Dark Reflection (Illus): Confusion is caused in intelligent creatures by reflecting their negative self image.
Magic Mirror (Div): Meticulously examine any object or creature placed before the mirror.
Mirrored Gaze (Trans): The spell grants a re-roll versus any gaze attacks
Mirror Jump (Conj): Step in one mirror and out another similar to 'dimensional door'.
Dead Likeness
(Necro): The victim is drained when he sees his own reflection as a corpse.
Deflect Spell (Abjur): The spell
caster can use a mirror to deflect a spell targeted directly at her.
Freeze Frame (Trans): Permanently copy a reflected
image on the surface of the mirror.
Mirror Wall (Conj): Creates a one-way mirror wall or hemisphere that blocks
all light and gaze based attacks and provides a full concealment screen.
Magic Jar (Necro): Uses
mirror as the focus of the possession spell
Man in the Mirror (Trans): Hide within a mirror as if it was a dimensional pocket.
Mirror Dance (Div): Gain
insight into your opponents movements
Shard Burst (Conj): 1d6 piercing damage /level and 1d6 bleeding damage per
round /level to all within a 20ft radius burst
Madness Mirror (Necro): Anyone reflected in this mirror is afflicted by the equivalent of the "eyebite"
Shard Servant (Conj): A temporary construct is created out of animated shards of broken glass.
Similacrum (Necro)
Spell Turning (Abjur)
Animate Mirror (Trans): A mirror is
bestowed with intelligence and the ability to communicate by showing any image it has reflected in the past.
Maze (Conj):
Creates a maze of mirrors.
Mirror Conduit (Conj): This spell creates a permanent passage form
one mirror to another.
Prism of Oblivion (Conj): The body and soul of the victim are placed within this black mirror
in timeless captivity.
False Reflection
Illusion (Glamer)
Level 0
V, M (scrap of wool)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: Mage Concentration
Effect: Minor
visual glamer
Saving Throw: None
SR: No
This spell will create any image that the caster wishes on any mirror
that she holds in her hands. The spell will last as long as the spell caster concentrates on the spell.
Level 0
Components: V, S, M (fresh blood)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Permanent until triggered, Lasts 1 round per level (5 max)
Effect: Displays a written message or drawing.
Saving Throw:
SR: No
This spell requires the caster to draw or scribe a message in fresh blood on a mirror. The image becomes
visible when triggered by the reflection of the target in the mirror. The target of the spell can be a specific person, race,
or anyone passing in front of the mirror.
Mirror Shard
Level 0
Components: V, S
Time: One standard action
Range: Close 25ft +5ft/lvl
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: 1d3 piercing damage ranged touch
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
A sliver of mirror is conjured and hurled at the victim of this
No Reflection
Necromancy (Death)
Level 0
Components: V, S, M (grave dust)
Casting Time: One
standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round per level
Effect: Casts no reflection
Saving Throw: None
Resistance: No
Like a vampire, the spell caster casts no reflection in mirrors. This spell is very useful in defeating
many mirror spell that require the target to be reflected in a mirror.
Deflect Probes
Components: V, S, M (small mirror stuck to forehead)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Personal
One round per level
Effect: +4 save vs. divination spells
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The Deflect
Probes spell increases the mage’s saving throws versus divination spells by +4. This spell affects both the caster and
all the objects she is carrying.
Detect Mirrors
Level 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time:
One standard action
Range: Long (400 +40ft /lvl)
Duration: 1 min per level
Effect: Number and location of all mirrors
in range.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell revels the number and location of all mirrors in range.
Illusion (Glamer)
Level 1
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: One round
per level
Effect: Change victim’s mirror reflection.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance:
Yes (harmless)
The illusion is tied to a person and changes the all mirror reflection of the target to look like anything
the caster desires. This spell is used to embarrass or fool others and remove curse will negate the spell.
Illusion (Pattern)
Level 1
Components: V, M (small mirror)
Casting Time: One standard action
Close (25ft +5ft/ 2 lvls)
Duration: 1 round per level
Effect: Any humanoid that gazes into the mirror becomes “helpful”
in attitude. The victim must make a Will save to intentionally look away from the mirror. If the target or the mirror is attacked
the spell is negated. If the target is not gazing into the mirror her attitude returns to normal.
Saving Throw: Will negates
Resistance: Yes
The spell caster points the enchanted mirror at a humanoid target. For the duration of the spell, the
target is helpful to the spell caster; but after the spell wears off, a hostile humanoid is likely to seek revenge for being
Chrome Skin
Level 2
Components: V, M (drop of quicksilver)
Casting Time:
One standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 min per level
Effect: The body of the caster resembles chromed steel
Throw: Fort Negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This transmutation coats the target in a slick,
shiny, metal skin. Target of the spell gains a +10 bonus to escape artist and a +2 natural armor bonus.
Mirror Image
(Illusion): Same as the standard spell
Shatter (Transmutation): Same as the standard spell but now a transmutation spell.
Solar Lenses
Level 2
Components: V, M (polished brass disc)
Casting Time: One standard action
Duration: 1 minute/level
Effect: +4 versus blindness from intense light
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance:
The “solar lenses” spell filters light to reduce the chance of blindness from intense glare both magical
and mundane.
Dark Reflection
Level 3
Components: V, S, M (a sprig of hemlock)
Time: One standard action
Range: Close (25ft +5ft/ 2 levels), 15 ft radius.
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Effect: Any creature
within the radius of effect is confused
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The victims of this enchantment are plagued by self doubt. As a result any creature who fails their saving throw is confused.
Roll 1d10 for each round of the spell’s duration: 1: wander away for 1 minute, 2 to 6: do nothing for one round, 7 to
9: attack the creature nearest them for 1 round, 10: act normally for one round.
Magic Mirror
Components: V, S, M (Gold backed mirror worth 200gp)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: 60 ft
10 min per level
Effect: Provides information about any object or creature in the mirror’s range.
Saving Throw:
Opposed Will versus spell craft check to reveal specific information.
Spell Resistance: No
While an object or creature
is in front of the enchanted mirror, the spell caster can attempt spell craft check versus the targets will save (if any)
plus a 1d20 roll to answer a specific question about it. If the caster succeeds then their question is answered truthfully.
Each spell craft check requires one minute of examination.
Mirrored Gaze
Level 3
V, S, M (eye drops)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour per level
Effect: Re-roll
any saving throw versus gaze attacks.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The caster’s eyes resemble
small mirrors and grant a re-roll on any failed saves versus gaze attacks for the duration of the spell.
Level 3
Components: V, M (Two mirrored surfaces)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Long (400ft +40ft pel)
Effect: Travel between two mirrored surfaces
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance:
Yes (object)
Similar to Dimensional Door the mage can travel between any to mirrored surfaces within range of
each other. She brings any willing companions she touches with her.
Dead Likeness
Necromancy (Death)
Components: V, S, M (tiny glass coffin)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Medium (100ft +10ft pel)
Effect: Lose 1d6 hp per caster level (15d6 max)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
victim faces a replica of himself as a copse and is drained of 1d6 hp per caster level from the experience.
Deflect Spells
Level 4
Components: V, S, M (small steel mirror)
Casting Time: One standard action
Duration: 1 round per level
Effect: Turn 3rd level evocations
Saving Throw: as turned spell
Spell Resistance:
as turned spell
By enchanting a small steel mirror, the caster can attempt to strike her opponent with his own evocations.
This spell only affects 3rd level evocations and requires the caster to make an attack roll as if she cast the evocation.
This spell has no effect on area effect spells.
Mirror Wall
Evocation (Force)
Level 4
Components: V, S, M (silver leaf paper)
Casting Time: One standard
Range: 30ft radius centered on the caster
Duration: 10 min per level
Effect: Creates a one way reflective
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The caster creates a one way reflective screen that blocks all
light and gaze attacks and provides full concealment against any one outside the radius of effect. The mirror wall has no
physical substance and the caster can use her own spells unimpaired.
Magic Jar (Necromancy): Uses a mirror as the focus of the spell
Man in the Mirror
Level 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Medium (100 +10ft/ level)
Duration: 10 min/ level
Effect: Provides 100% cover and undetectable to divination spells
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
With this spell, the target can hide inside any mirror and watch what happen in front of it. When the character is inside
the mirror no one can see him and he is undetectable to any spell. Unfortunately, if his mirror is shattered then the character
loses half his current hit points and he is ejected. Additionally, while inside a mirror the target can’t speak or hear
and exists as a two dimensional being.
Mirror Dance
Level 5
Components: V, S, M (scrap of silk)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: 60ft radius
Duration: 1 min per level
Effect: Gain a +1 morale bonus per 2 levels on all rolls versus any one opponent.
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster can target a single opponent with this spell. As long as she remains with in 60 feet of the target the caster
gains a morale bonus equal to half his caster level (+15 max) on all rolls against that opponent.
Shard Burst
Level 5
Components: V, S, M (sliver of glass)
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Medium (100ft +10ft /level), 20ft radius
Duration: Bleeds for 1 round /level (15 rounds max)
Effect: 1d6 piercing /level (15d6 max) and 1d6 bleeding per round
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
A shard burst affects all targets within a 20ft radius. Each victim must make a reflex save or suffer 1d6 piercing damage
per caster level and 1d6 bleeding damage every round for a number of rounds equal to the spell casters level. Bleeding damage
can be halted with a cure wounds spell or a successful Heal skill check (DC: Spell Level + 10). A successful Reflex
save will prevent any damage at all.
Madness Mirror
Necromancy (Evil)
Level 6
Components: V, S, M (400gp of diamond dust)
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 round per three levels; see text
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell turns a mirror into a magical trap. The first living creature to be reflected in the enchanted mirror is afflicted
with “eyebite”.